

For one long hour, my stare has been fixated at the ceiling. And it took me that long to realize that i am still shivering.

"It was just a nightmare" I tried to convince myself.

I would have believed in my statement if I knew that my dreams wouldnt eventually be held true and that I dont posses the gift of dreaming about things that would happen in the future.

But unfortunately I do.

I was desperate enough to forget about my dream so with all my courage, I got up and stroll down to the garden for a walk. I love breathing-in the scent of the flowers and midnight mist. Its a fume that usually calms and rejuvenates me. And as the wind blows through my hair, I felt an unusual coldness that sent goosebumps to my skin. Then, I realized that I am only wearing my night gown and that I forgot to put my robe on. I hurried myself to the mansion and stumbled upon Gregory our house-keepers cat. It was a sight to see. I must have surprised him.

I took Gregory to the kitchen and fed him. Just by the time when I was about to put the Whiskas back in its place, I heard a screech. I tried to look through the window but Ive seen no one in sight. I wondered what it was. But instead of going out, I decided to spare myself from further humiliation and concluded that im just having a bit of paranoia.


"Goodmorning Cedes! Isn't it too late for you to be sleeping?", a faint voice called, I reckon it was my Grandmas.

I knew she was waiting for a response, but Im too tired to move or even talk. It was obvious that she took off the curtains as i caught sight of rays of sun extracted from the window and all through my bedroom.

"Why do you have to do that Grandma?" I asked.

"Im sorry to kill your time with your bed dear, but I would like to remind you that you have a scheduled meeting for today with your tutees." she paused "And you are running late".

Quickly,I located my watch beside the lamp and checked on the time. It's 8:45 in the morning. And I shouldn't waste some more time. I grabbed my towel and made my way to get a nice bath.


I never really liked the idea of my parents calling and treating me as someone special or different. Before my parents have confirmed that I posses some kind of a gift and that I am not just like any normal child. I wouldnt forget that back then, I was as normal as any other kid that you see in school. I had friends and Im not bad with my academics either. My teacher always gave me a star for being good at school. I've always been satisfied with myself.

Until now.

It all started when one night I dreamt about our house in Vermont. It was a vivid dream of me and my mom playing at the lake. It was one fine afternoon when there happened to be a strong quake. Then I have seen dead people. I've seen my mom carrying my sister who was covered in blood but still breathing. And when i looked back, I saw our lakehouse in ruins. I was crying the whole night, so I went to my parents room and told them about my dream.They told me that it was just a nightmare and that they're not real. But it seemed so real.

A few months later.

Its the spring season and the family decided to spend our vacation at the lakehouse in Vermont. I was reluctant with their decision because I knew, I just knew that something bad would happen. On the second day of our stay. It happened, everything that was in my dream, happened.

All of my nightmares came true and my family's been pretty worried. They were too anxious of my condition and decided to hid me. Since then they started to get me good tutors, they wouldnt let me out of the house alone, they took me away from my friends and most especially away from being normal.

Don't get me wrong here, I do know that they love me. But to be honest, Its different when you feel like a prisoner in your own house. I've been homeschooled for several years already and this would be my last as a senior. And today Im expecting a new teacher.

This couldnt be that bad, could it?

I was sipping my tea when the door bell rang, I took a glance at my watch to see that my tutor was just right on time. I couldnt see who it was, so i waited for the tutor to approach me.

"Good Morning Ms.Renaldi!" he greeted.

This is weird. Its that voice.

Next chapter