
- - 03 ll The Attack - -

03 ll The Attack

No one knew what happened that night. They never knew I was with a stranger. But a week from that night the Northern part of Moniyan was shaken. I saw Hylos heavyly bangging the doors of Moniyan, asking for help.

The First attack of the Abyss started in their kingdom.

"Alice attacked us, getting younglings some were killed and the others were taken to be a hostage." He said with a broken voice. It broke my heart, how could they do that?! That's just so merciless.

"We will be sending mens to accompany you and help you with the attack. I will also alert all the kingdom of Moniyan to get ready for unwanted attacks." Tigreal said, and he commanded troops to go to the North.

"The Abyss also will surely lurk to obtain the Orbs especially the Twilight Orb, He destroyed our temples and building also leaving half of our place in pure wrath." Hylos added, sadness masked his face.

"It would be hard to help in the war. Some of our mens were injured defending our main kingdom." He concluded and heavily breath.

"Sir Tigreal, why did Alice targeted the younglings this time?" I asked him. Since the Abyss always tend to fight their opponents not someone who cannot give them a good fight.

I saw Hylos threw a sharp look in us and walk towards our direction, "She attacked the younglings this time...." he stopped and looked at me in my eyes. "Because she's looking for the Hybrids."

His word sent fear into my system.

"This war was not anymore about the territory, Tig. Its all about them now." He said and pointed me.


My knees fell in the floor as I heard all of those. How? This war was because of our mistakes. It is our fault.

"Lumè" Tigreal called for me, but I just completely stared at the ground. Shocked and broken.

Hybrids are children of both a person of The Abyss and The Moniyan. Others are purely moniyans and abyss but half breeds of their powers and skills. Hybrids have superior hidden powers, that makes them dangerous. That makes us a threat.

They say we can control two sides. But none have prove that.

"What's happening Lumé?!" Tigreal shouted in fear, then I saw the reflection of 'Me' in his sword. I was glowing, not looking great... I look scary.

This is not me.

I looked at Tigreal at his eyes and grabbed his sword, "Lumè! What are you doing?!" He said in shock as I point his sword in my chest.

I know tears starts to fall in my eyes even though I'm not in my normal state, "Kill me." I begged him.

I saw Hylos flinched with my voice, "What are you saying Lumè?!" Hylos said.

"My conscience will not bear it." I said crying.

Knowing that this war will kill thousands of life just to protect us. Just to protect a mistake. It will not be worth all the sacrifices. We will never be worth all of this.

"Kill me! Please Tigreal! This war won't be worth it! We knew that this will come." I shouted as I begged him and cried harder.

"Protecting a mistake like us, is not worth all the war." I cried, because its true. Thousand of lives will be killed just to protect some of us?! No way!

I pushed the sword harder toward my chest, starting to feel its blade bury into my skin; creating a cut in my chest. I felt some blood starting to flow out.

"Lumè! What is this?!" I heard my Father from the door. I saw him from behind running towards us.

It broke me even more. That our existence will destroy them. That our mere existence already marked them to die because we are a mistake.

"No! You will never be a mistake! Hybrids are not mistakes!" He refused to accept my plea.

"Moniyan will not keep you and protect it you are a mistake, Lumè!" He remarked and with full force withdraw his sword from me.

Hylos help me to stand up, he wiped my tears. "This war will always be about the hybrids." He explained and looked at my eyes.

"But this war doesn't mean, its just your war. It will also be our war, because we swore to protect you guys. So don't blame yourself, Lumè" He continued and calmed me.

"Lumè," Father approached me, and looked at me with fear.

"What happened my gem?" He asked that made me burst into tears to him.



"Sorry for existing... you are forced to hide because of us. Sorry for destroying you." I cried.

"Oh, baby. You are not a mistake, you are the greatest gift of this world my love. You will always be." He caressed my hand and tucked my loose hair behind my ears.

He looked at me in my eyes, making me see his wonderful purple eyes.

"Someday, you, hybrids. Will be the reason of peace." He continued and hugged me.

I just continue to cry.

"Because one day you will unite our two worlds, so be strong for us. For your brother Nox, Lumé." I felt him smile from my back as he brush my hair.

I hope so.

"I will be willing to sacrifice everything for this world I love. Even myself, Father."

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