
- - 01 ll The Beginning of an Era - -

01 ll The Beginning of an Era

"Lumè! Wake-up! Its getting late!" I was awoken by the banging in my door. I sighed, "It's brother again..." I whispered closed eyes.

"Lumè! Open the door or I'll break it!" He shouted from behind. I rolled my eyes in annoyance and looked out on the window. The sun is already up maybe it's already around 8 am in the morning.

Why does he always bothers me around this time? Its too early! Can't I get a proper sleep? I know the Gods in the Realms hears me, but can't I just get a sleep?!

"Lume!" He shouted again.

I stood up from my bed, annoyed. "What do you want?!" I said in annoyance as I opened the door.

I saw a smirk from his annoying face, "breakfast is ready, let's eat. You'll have your training today." He replied.

Training? For real? My heart bounced and flew, I have dream of fighting in battles during wars. But Mother, never agreed. Father too, since he cannot do anything against mom.

"How about Mom?" I asked him. He smiled, "She partly agreed... so stop worrying little sister." He said and pat my head.

Nox, my brother, looked a lot like Granger with Vale's skin, his hair black as ebony was paired up with his very tanned skin. Which was totally an opposite of me, My hair was purely blonde like the hair of the dolls I used to play when I was a kid and my skin, it was white as light.

Breakfast passed by like a quick lightning, and we're off to the training grounds.

I saw a lot of Moniyan warriors on the ground, they're practicing. They always do. Since, there's always a lot of threats in the Land. There must be someone guarding it.

I saw Rafaela smiled at me, "Hey, Lumè! Why are you here?" She said cheerfully... I consider everyone as my older brother and sister.

"I will be practicing, Raf!" Excitement filled my voice, and my face gleamed in joy.

She smiled, "So our little goddess will show us her capabilities now huh?" She teased me, and pinched my cheeks.

"I'm not a goddess!" I told her, but she just laughed, "You eventually turned to be one, just how beautiful you are, you'll surely break a lot of hearts!" She said.

Then Nox called for me, "Lumé! Here!" He said and point at our place.

"So before we start, center your powers first. Put all you inhibitions and fears aside. Let the light take your body." He said and he showed me, he closed is eyes and focused... when he opened his eyes was pure light.

"Okay let me try..." I said.

I closed my eyes and focused, Then I felt the surge of energy flows into every vein I have. Then I open my eyes, without knowing of the unknown... i suddenly said "Starlight!"

I unleashed a force shaped into stars in the force field in front of me. That surprised me.

"Oh! Chill, Sister! I said center the energy, not cast on a skill!" He said and laughed.

"Sorry.." I said, disappointed.

I think I did something really bad. Maybe I wasn't mean't for this. Maybe Mother is right. I was just meant to stay in Moniyan. Because I cannot do something right.

"Hey! Don't be down! It's okay Lumè, you did great!" Nox said that turned me happy.


"Yes! For a beginner, you did something inadvance." He explained.

It lifts of a heavy feeling in my chest. What a relief!

He taught me a lot of things, Self Defense and a lot of trick. I guess? Light magic is really complicated but deadly. What more is the abyss?

"Lumè, now I will teach you 'brilliance' a superior light magic" he whispered, like it was not supposed to be taught for me.

"Brilliance?" I asked in confusion. It was my first time hearing that spell or magic?

"Yes, when you centered all your light element, and fears come kicking, you can ask for the apower of Order to save you. This will grant you immunity from all the harms the world could cast." He explained. "So when the time comes and I cannot protect you anymore... you may protect yourself." He said with a mark of sadness in his voice.

This felt like a goodbye. Why is he being like this? Is he going somewhere? Is he leaving me now?

"Why? Are you leaving again? Brother?" I asked him, my eyes pleaded him not to go.

"Let's learn this first, then I'll tell you." He said.

So I did. I mastered the Power of Order 'Brilliance' for my brother Nox.

"Again, Lumè. Try it again." He requested.

I channeled all my light magic and centered it, "Power of Order, grant me...'Brilliance!'" I muttered beneath my breath and I felt that I was cloth with light that immunes me from all harm.

"That was amazing!" Nox complimented.

"Now, tell me." I said in a serious tone.

"Yes. I am leaving sister. The First War of our Era has begun. I swore to protect this land, so I have to go." He said, tears begun falling from my eyes "here, its a stardust." He gave me a little glass that contains a sparkling sand.

"A stardust.." I whispered.

A stardust is a dust used in our time, it may me a part of the body but mostly hair, that is cut, it's pearlish white. It means the owner of the stardust is still alive. But when it turns gray the person is endangered. And when it turns black, the person is dead. It is given by people who go through journey or war to send assurance and send notice to their love one of their conditions.

"Brother why?" I asked him

"It death is for me, then I will die with honor Lumè, because I have protected the land I have loved." He explained and hugged me "Stop crying... I'm still alive." He said.

"Please comeback alive too..." I replied and hugged him back.

The war have started. This won't be the first, I know.

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