
chap 29 the departure

I drag him across the whole camp before making our way up the stairs as I push the door open with my foot and walking inside before laying percy on a bed and walks out to find Annabeth silena and chirion waiting at the bottom of the steps. " Zach are you still going to treat him as a friend now?" silena asks as she places a hand on my shoulder as I walk down " Yes personally I believe he is fated for greatness." I reply as chirion strokes his bread " That may be young Zachary but now there are two child of the big three, It has me concerned that someone is tampering with the strings of fate." I look up at him with a nod " I argee sir but I have no interest in being a world hero." He just sighs" You know all the heros of legend never wanted to do what they did." I nod before I turn i decided to ask something " Chirion you know how demigod dreams are actually visions right?" I ask as he nods " Well a few days ago I had a nightmare really but I felt all the pain, smelled the smoke, in the nightmare I was wounds with several people laying dead beside me and a man i never met shot me with a pistol but before the bullet hit i shot awake." Everyone looks at me confused as chirion scratches his chin before shaking his head. " I don't know what to tell you my boy." I nod and wake towards my cabin I here silena beside me." You ok? You look shaken up." I shake my head " I don't know silena but best thing to do is make sure percy is trained up he still has to find my father's lightning bolt." I say as we stop in front of my cabin " That maybe zach but you look like you are preparing for a war." she says softly.

" Yes something feels wrong think about it silena first the master bolt gets stolen then a month before the solstice percy gets claimed it's like someone is pulling on the strings of fate. Someone wants there to be a war." I say as she nods then asks" Then who would gain the most?" I shake my head and rub my temples as she wraps her arms around my neck and hugs me" Zach your a kind and loving person but you can't do everything you need to relax, You can't control anyone's fate but your own." I nod and hug her back" I know that but that doesn't mean I can't change a few things for the better." she pulls back and looks me in to eyes " Zach out of all the demigods here you push yourself the hardest everyone looks up to you even if they don't admit it we need you to be strong and not break down." I nod and keep listening " With that said you need to relax some if not you are going to kill yourself but I'm not going to force you to." she says with a bright smile and I fell my heart skip a beat.

" Ok silena I'll take the next few days to relax assuming that nothing happens." I say as she raises a eyebrow " Yeah your right we are demigods long peace doesn't come naturally." she nods as she rest her hands on my chest " What are you going to do tomorrow zach?" I tilt my head to the right. " I don't know yet." we look at each other before she leans in a kisses me softly on the lips the moment our lips touch i feel a jolt of electricity shot through me as she pulls back blushing before starts giggling " You look so funny right now." she says as she slips out of my arms and walks back towards her cabin as I watch her walk away I start hear a where voice in my head that sounded like singing ' Don't be fallin' in love as she is walkin' away, when your hear won't tell your mind what to say' I shake my head as i control the winds to push me forward as I shoot towards her " Hey silena wait up!" I holler as she turns around with a mixture of a happy and confused look.

"Yes?" she says as I stop right infront of her I feel lost but I feel a loss of words" I-I will y-." She tilts her head raises a eyebrow with a smile as I sigh " Damn the words!" I say as I grabs her hands i pull her in and plant a kiss on her lips and I feel her go ram rod straight but I close my eyes a brace for a slap but I don't feel anything but her hands slips out of my and around my neck as we stay there for a bit before we pull back with the both of us blushing. " Rather straight forward aren't you zach." she says as she looks in my eyes " You know me silena why be mysterious when I can just show you." I reply as we separate " Yea but we need to get back to our cabins curfew is in a bit." I nod as we turn and walks towards our cabins for the night.

The next morning

I walk out to find it raining which is enough to concern me as I make my way to the big house to find percy and Grover heading there to " Morning you two." I groan as they nod we walk in to find chirion and Mr D end a argument as he looks at percy and me " Did you do this?" I sit down " Its to early in the morning for this Mr D." I say as percy shakes his head as chirion looks at him and starts to explain what happened as tune it out before percy walks out the room headed to the addict " Finally send him to find it?" I ask as chirion nods " Yes but he isn't ready." I nod" Yes you are right but no one is ever completely ready." Everyone nods and we wait in silence for a few minutes before percy walks in saying " I got the Prophecy I'm to head west." we nod " Well my boy what is it?" Chirion askes " You shall go west to face the god who has turned, You shall find what was stolen and see it safely returned, You shall be betrayed by the one you call friend, And fail to save what matters most in the end." Percy repeats what he heard and we all nod " Will then cousin if I may make a suggestion take Annabeth and Grover with you." I say as he nods " Well then you will leave as soon as you can time is tight." we all nod and we hurry out the big house as percy and Grover run to pack I sprint to my cabin and grab the package from a table and the sprint towards the athena cabin and knocks on the door to with Annabeth opens.

" Just the person I was looking for, Get packed Annabeth you are going on a quest with Jackson." She grins and turns and comes back with a bag" i always have a bag packed." I shrug as we make out way to the top of the hill to find them chirion, percy and Grover talking " I take it you are all ready." Chirion says but before they answer we hear someone yell " Hold up a moment." We turn to see luke running up holding a box " Here perc a gift they help me on my quest I figured you could use it." he hands percy the box holding a pair of shoes " the command word is Maia." As luke says that the wings flutter to life and start fluttering before luke repeat the command " Thanks luke." he nods before turning away " as the son of Poseidon it would be a good idea to avoid air travel." Percy nods and hands the shoes to Grover who quickly puts them on before saying the command word and ends up being dragged to the van with Annabeth chasing him. " Percy i was holding this for you." Chirion hands percy a pen as he remove the cap a three foot sword appears " Its yours now its name is riptide." Chirion says before explaining that he can't lose it due to magic. Percy nods before caping the sword as I hold out the box" One last gift I had it made for later but you will need it more and it has the same magic as he open the box to find another pen which he click and I trident spring forward." Safe travels friend." I say before looking up at Thaila's tree and walking back in the cabin.

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