
Chapter 3 You're welcome.

Of course, he met an... ally that helped him in hiding from them, placing a protection rune on his neck to hide him from those hunting him. He also came across Mimir before his escape and decapitated him, as Mimir's body was bound to a tree that no weapon could free him from. thankfully, Mimir didn't stay 'dead' long as his head was reanimated through use of the Old Magic.

Jakob stopped running when he came to America, knowing that's the last place they'd look for him especially this close to New York. But he knew that eventually they'll start looking in places they never expected, regardless of the consequences.

"Five months, Mimir... it feels just like yesterday." Jakob said with a sigh as he picked up a stick and started to poke the campfire with it.

"Aye." Mimir said with his own soft sigh. "Feels just like yesterday where Odin came for his usual daily routine of torturing me. Still feels like yesterday where you came along and chopped my head off, though it was for the better quite frankly. Still wonder what will become of my body."

Jakob snorted in amusement. "Probably waste away or will remain there as it is for eternity. Maybe one day, you'll end up seeing it again."

"No." Mimir said instantly. "That's a sight no man should have to see, but thanks for putting the image in my brain."

"You're welcome."

As silence started to fill the air, Mimir then spoke up. "Have you noticed anything strange really since we came to Midgard back in December?"

"Not really, why?" Jakob asked with a frown, wondering what Mimir was talking about.

"Well, the weather." Mimir said, and Jakob glanced up at the sky but was still confused. "When we arrived, I was sure your father was in one of his foul moods with how the sky rumbled and thundered as if it was alive. And not only that, the sea had been anything but calm these days. And this has all happened for five months straight, six once we come into June in a few days. If I had to guess, especially with us this close to Olympus, I'd say-"

"That Zeus and Poseidon are behind this." Jakob finished for him.


Jakob scoffed and shook his head. "Zeus and Poseidon are known to argue every time they are in a room together over the most stupidest of things. So I wouldn't be surprised if the sky and the sea have been acting this way because of an argument."

"For five months? Really?" Mimir asked skeptically. "I fear there's more to it than that, brother."

"Whatever it is, it's not our problem." Jakob said firmly, adamant in not having anything to do with the Gods, no matter the pantheon. "The Olympians can handle their own problems, while we can remain busy avoiding the Aesir. Besides, the Olympians don't know of our presence in America, especially those close to New York, and I'd like to keep it that way."

"Very well, but you have to admit I'm right. Something is going on." Mimir said just as firmly as Jakob had.

Before Jakob could reply to that, he tensed when he heard a growl and slowly turned his head only to narrow his eyes when he saw a a black dog the size of a garbage truck, with burning red eyes, and teeth sharp enough to rip apart metal.

A Hellhound.

"Uh-oh." Mimir said quietly as Jakob slowly stood, grabbing Mimir and clipping him to the back of his right hip, all without never taking his eyes off the Hellhound who looked ready to pounce on the son of Thor. "Brother, look out!"

Jakob had just whirled around when something grabbed him and then threw him hard, sending him crashing through multiple trees before he came crashing into the ground, rolling to a stop near the edge of a cliff where he saw nothing but a flowing river below. The son of Thor grunted in pain as he pushed himself onto one hand and his knees.

"Tasty meat! No move! You die!"

Looking, Jakob's eyes narrowed once again when he saw that his attacker had been none other than a Cyclops.

"A Cyclops and a Hellhound... perfect." Jakob mutteed sarcastically as he got to his feet as his opponents approached. However, a second Cyclops soon burst out of the dark woods and swung it's club at Jakob but the son of Thor was ready this time as he ducked under it and rolled away from the monsters, body tense and ready for a fight. "Make that two Cyclops."

"Considering they've never smelled a demigod of another pantheon before, I'd wager a guess that your scent was too irresistible to them." Mimir explained helpfully.

"That's really not helping." Jakob remarked with annoyance.


"Stupid food! Stop talking! You die now!" The Cyclops with the club said, pointing it's weapon at him.

"We shall see." Jakob replied, narrowing his eyes as they glowed and sparked with lightning, the same element dancing along his arms and between his fingers.

The Hellhound was the first to charge, followed by the Cyclops. Jakob charged back, shoulder-bashing the Hellhound in the face when it leaped at him, fired a beam of lightning at the Cyclops with the club where he hit it in the chest before he leaped and delivered a lightning-powered right fist into the face of the other Cyclops, sending it toppling into a tree and taking said tree down with it.

"Nice one!" Mimir laughed before seeing something. "Behind you! Look out!"

Jakob whirled around, ducking down quick to avoid the Hellhound but he grabbed the beast by it's tail and slammed it into the ground repeatedly, holding it by the tail before he slammed it down one final time, then brought his boot down on it's head hard which crushed it and the body soon dissolved into shadows soon after.

Now with only the Cyclops' left, Jakob turned and regarded them as they shoo off their attacks from him and faced him. Jakob opened his hand and the Leviathan Axe soon came flying right into his hand, the son of Thor rolling his shoulders and neck in preparation for a fight.

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