
The Son of the Major gods.

This is not the story of a Greek demigod. This is the story of a boy from the Norse Pantheon, the son of one of the major Gods of the Aesir tribe. An Aesir demigod that befriends a few of the Greek demigods and involves himself with the affairs of the Olympians, knowing that he's being hunted by his family. Enter the story of Jakob Thorsson, the Son of the major gods. Want to know well you have to add this book to you library and read it.

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Chapter 22 Mr. D wants to see you both

"Could take notes and inspiration from water-controlling characters from those comic books, cartoons, TV shows and movies for example." Jakob suggested with a shrug. "From what I've seen, there's some pretty impressive display of powers there."

Andromeda giggled but nodded, then she got curious and asked. "What about you? As a son of Thor, what can you do? I mean, I've only seen you use your fists and your axe, but I've never seen you use your abilities."

"Because I haven't had a need for them in my time here." Jakob said with a sigh before he started. "As a son of Thor, I've inherited many abilities such as superhuman strength, given my father is also a God of Strength and the strongest out of all the Aesir Gods surpassing Týr, Heimdall, Baldur, and even Odin himself in terms of brute force and physical strength."

"Aye, his strength is so great that he was able to single-handedly slaughter the Jötnar to near extinction." Mimir said with a sigh.

"I also have superhuman speed and reflexes, superhuman agility, superhuman stamina, Tempestakinesis-"

"What's that?" Andromeda asked, cutting in.

"I'm capable of summoning harsh lightning storms at whim." Jakob explained, getting a nod from Andromeda. "There's also Electrokinesis, in which I have complete control over electricity and lightning, which is something me, my brothers and sister are naturally born with."

"You have siblings?" Andromeda asked in surprise, having heard expected that but Jakob didn't go into detail much about his life.

Jakob nodded. "Magni, Modi and Thrúd. Anyway, I also have tremendous superhuman durability, and I can also fly through my lightning powers."

"Wow... that's amazing." Andromeda said in awe, which caused Jakob's lips to quirk into a small smile.

"Suppose it is. Now come, we shouldn't waste anymore time." Jakob said, walking onwards with the daughter of Poseidon following.

"How long before it's complete?" Jakob asked Charles Beckendorf, son of Hephaestus, as they stood outside Jakob's cabin, still in the process of being built but the sudden appearance of bad weather caused a delay in the building and put a stop to it.

"Well, once the storm goes away and we can do so without rain pelting us, we might have it done within a week or two." Beckendorf said with a shrug. "That's my rough estimate. Then we need to get stuff for the inside, paint the interior and all that."

"I'll make a list for what I want and need inside and you can do what you need to from there." Jakob said, getting a nod from the son of Hephaestus. Jakob glanced at the sky, seeing there was dark clouds rolling in. Thunder rolled across the hills as the storm was coming. "You better get inside, I fear it'll start pouring down soon."

"Got it." Beckendorf nodded and jogged off to his cabin while Jakob turned to go train for a while only to come across Grover and Andromeda.

"What is it?" Jakob asked with a frown, seeing Grover's worried expression while Andromeda looked confused.

"Mr. D wants to see you both." Grover said.

"Looks like our days of peace here might be coming to an end." Mimir remarked, getting a grunt from Jakob before he and Andromeda followed Grover.

Over the Long Island Sound, the sky looked like ink soup coming to a boil. A hazy curtain of rain was coming in their direction. Andromeda asked Grover if they needed an umbrella.

"No," he said. "It never rains here unless we want it to."

Andromeda pointed at the storm. "What the heck is that then?"

"It'll pass around us. Bad weather always does." Grover said with an uneasy look at the sky.

"Well someone's in a mood." Mimir said, getting a nervous look from Grover as a boom was fired off. Seems Zeus heard that comment.

The storm, however… this one was huge. Definitely not of the normal kind... Jakob's seen worse storms thanks to his father and himself.

At the volleyball the kids from Apollo's cabin were playing a morning game against the satyrs.

Dionysus' twins were walking around the strawberry fields, making plants grow.

Everybody was going about their normal business, but they looked tense. They kept their eyes on the storm.

The trio walked up to the front porch of the Big House. Dionysus sat at the pinochle table in his tiger-striped Hawaiian shirt with his Diet Coke, just as he had the first day. Chiron sat across the table in his fake wheelchair. They were playing against invisible opponents, two sets of cards hovering in the air.

"Well, well," Mr. D said without looking up. "Our little celebrity and her big bad bodyguard with the severed head."

"Mmrph." Mimir grumbled.

"Come closer, and don't expect me to kowtow to you, mortal. Just because old Barnacle Beard is your father, or you're the spawn of the biggest butcher i existence.." Stated Mr. D, not caring as a net of lightning flashed across the sky and thunder caused the windows to shake.

"Blah, blah, blah." Mr. D said, while Chiron feigned interest in his cards and Grover cowered by the railing.

"Do you have an important reason for calling us here or just to be insulting because that's all you can do?" Jakob asked with narrowed eyes, his hands having clenched into fists at the mention of his father. Out of all the Gods he's met, Dionysus is probably the lest impressive.

Mr. D narrowed his eyes at the son of Thor. "if I had my way, you would've been booted out of here the day you arrived or left to drown in the lake. And as for the girl, I'd cause your molecules to erupt in flames. We'd sweep up the ashes and be done with a lot of trouble. But Chiron seems to feel this would be against my mission at this cursed camp: to keep you little brats safe from harm."

"Like I need any protection form you or your kind." Jakob retorted with a glare while Andromeda looked at him like he was crazy, given this was still a God they were dealing with.

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