
The Underground 4

"So what can you do?" Asked Muffles

Really she should have read the prologue like you Reader but we don't have time for that right now so I'll have to stick to a few key facts.

Well Muffles I can shoot beams of light from myself but I don't really remember how. I can also change my shape as far as two yards in any direction. Want a longsword? I can turn into one or maybe you prefer a far too long sword? Pretty much any weapon that specifically includes a sword or a longer sword. "Wait so could you stab me if you wanted to by just making a side of yourself longer?" Ah silly Muffles as if I could just- hang on…wait a second.

As fast as I could I extended two yards away from Muffles all in a blink of an eye. Very few people would be able to react to the speed of my strike. Are you...

Muffles why didn't you tell me I could do this when I met Dorian?

"Why didn't you ever try?" She asked incredulously.

Well I never thought to do it, frankly it's your fault Muffles for not telling me I could do it earlier.

She rolled her eyes "Can you go back to normal? It's kind of awkward holding you like this. Also you have to promise not to stab me or I'm putting you back."

I promise not to stab you not that I would ever want to, blood is one of the worst textures in the world.

"Didn't you ask me to stab myself into you before?"

Please Muffles, it's always the past with you. Now are you going to pointless pointlessly bring up things that may or may not have happened or can we escape this cave? She was about to protest but then I made myself normal sized again and I guess she decided she didn't have anything important to say.

Two paths lay before us, one to the right and one to the left both covered in spider webs. Together we stood at the center of the room for a minute then two.

"Which way is the exit?" she asked.

I guess this is what she was waiting for. Naturally I knew exactly how to escape.


She gave me a skeptical look. "Do you actually know the way to the exit?"

Of course Muffles and even if I didn't my luck is impeccable so I could guess my way out.

"You're not guessing right now though right?"

Ha no Muffles I know exactly where to go.

As we ventured further into the unknown we were humbled by the newness of everything save for her loud steps. Every move forward there was an unstick and stick noise. It turns out the tunnels had no part uncovered in webs. I should also mention because I might have made it sound like we were pretty far in our escape that we were only about ten steps into our journey and normally I might have skipped to a more interesting part for you Reader but I had to mention the schlück noise was already getting old. I wonder if she could try making a new noise or something because this one was kind of ruining the mood.

I was about to ask her to do exactly that but then she lost her balance waving me around threatening to fall over with each sway. With her balance/walking abilities in question I decided against asking her about making a new stepping noise. Sigh, just a short minute into the journey and already I was beginning to wish Dorian were still alive so he could get me out of the cave faster.

After another thirty steps Muffles finally started to get a feel for how sticky everything was and her movement was less sporadic. It was on her third fall when she held me away from her so she didn't cut herself on me that I noticed the two spiders from earlier approaching.

I could tell they were the same two because one only had seven eyes instead of eight and the other was deformed being red instead of brown.The red one was traveling on the ground the 7 eyed one above on the ceiling trailing behind.

I would have mentioned the differences between them earlier but it didn't seem prudent. Now they were recurring characters and in case they have some kind of character development I figured I should tell you those two distinctive characteristics. Who knows maybe they are tired of being spiders and want to join us on our merry quest to escape this shithole.

Muffles tried to get up faster than normal aware of the possible danger. The extra effort just made her slower even causing her to fall over again.

Muffles chill, they might be friendly this time.

"Why would they be friendly this time?" She asked, finally able to get to her feet.

Because now you are holding me, give them a wave. Muffles hesitantly gave them a very meak wave.The spiders were unimpressed and just kept burrowing down the tunnel if anything they started to move faster. Well no one is going to not try to kill you after a lame wave like that. There goes potential allies, I guess we'll just have to beat them, they're just spiders shouldn't be too hard.

I waited for Muffles to do something when I remembered she wasn't Dorian and had no idea what to do. She was fixated on the black one the closer of the two, her eyes wide with fear. Don't worry Muffles, he's not special in any way.

I told that to her despite not knowing at all if it were true. I just said it because she was trembling. You would think she would be more confident now that she had me the amazingly humble invincible sword but I guess not.

For some reason she held me up with both hands despite the fact I'm a straight sword traditionally used in one hand. It worked well for Dorian's style since he liked holding two blades at once but for Muffles I guess she was a two hand gal. I thought about changing my shape to that of a greatsword but I wasn't sure if she could handle the different dimensions of a new weapon so suddenly.

Her hands tightened around my hilt as the red spider in front of her approached its pincers clinking together. boy did he look hungry.

"Muffles I'm going to start stating air quotes when I talk to you. let me just clear my throat"

I proceeded to make some fake coughing noises, don't worry Reader the spiders were pretty lax in their approach considering how easy it was to apprehend Muffles earlier.

"Could you speed up your book a bit?" Her voice was a bit pitchy but that's to be expected when a meat is concerned about dying. For her sake I suppose I could.

"Ok Muffles here's the deal, the key to beating a spider is to stab their center mass or the center of their head where all the eyes are. But since you are prone to hitting your head on the ceiling I suggest the eye option. She nodded in confirmation. One more thing, judging by the way it is clenching and unclenching its pincers it will probably eat you this time so don't mess up. Get ready, it's going to pounce soon."

She looked down at me like I was crazy. "How do you know he is going to pounce?"

"You say the funniest things, Muffles. He's hungry, hungry spiders pounce, trust me I'm never wrong."

Although now that I think about it I suppose I am wrong all those times I'm not right. But then I'm just not right so in reality I really am never wrong.

"I CAN HEAR EVERYTHING YOU SAY!" she shouted down at me, yea I keep forgetting about that. Don't worry Reader, I'll put this worry wart to rest. Errr not in like the dead sense..huh that really came out wrong. "COULD YOU STOP FOR JUST-"

She couldn't finish whatever she was going to say as the spider like I stated earlier because I am never wrong, pounced on her. I'm not ashamed to admit that I was predicting her to die but her reaction time saved her as she raised me up and held me steady right in between It's seven eyes. It's green goo-like blood splashed all over her and coated me in its sticky substance. Although it was warm so that was nice I guess (not really this definitely sucks).

"Hey Muffles for future reference I prefer to be placed in a nice homely forge or bonfire, not a blood pit to get warm."

She was too concentrated on the thrashing spider to notice me so I decided it was time I did something more. Making myself heavier I expanded part of my blade into a bunch of thin needles that exploded its head.

"Oooo sorry muffles I didn't mean for it's brains to get on you I just needed to tell you. Nevermind it can wait, the other one is behind you."

I'm not sure when it got behind her but there it was in the middle of its pounce. Muffles twirled but unlike the last one she didn't have time to point me towards this spider as it landed on her. She held me sideways as it tried to pinch off her face.

It was all around her, its legs pushing at her. Frankly she should be dead, her strength shouldn't be a match for these spiders. They were larger than humans and stronger for that matter. I can only guess it was a mix of her wyvern and Dorian blood that helped her keep the spider from flinging me away from her grip.

"Are you..going…" I waited patiently for her to finish speaking because not only am I humble but also polite. It took forever between her grunts and constant battle of pushing the spider away from her and it pushing down onto her.

"DO SOMETHING!" she screamed i'll have to talk to her about shouting later it was getting annoying, much like her foot moving sounds.

I slowly stretched the middle of my blade edging towards the mouth of the spider, I was hoping it would just back up because I didn't really feel like going into its disgusting mouth but it didn't seem to notice. It was a shame really. Right before I hit its mouth I sped up so the stab went all the way through from its mouth to the end of its body to the part where webs came out. It's blood swooshed around me staining my perfect steel with its gross sticky texture. Not wasting another moment I rescinded the slim needle I created back into myself letting the body fall onto Muffles.

That was disgusting, I had almost forgotten how awful blood felt. I hope I don't have to do that again, Reader.

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