
The Battle II

Alaric knew that Sonic had only a single weakness. You wouldn't expect it, what with the tentacles that grew from his body and all, but that weakness was water. Like most slimes, he sunk like a rock the moment he tried anything.

Plus, he had an excess of trouble moving when submerged. Sonic told this to Alaric himself.

So, when the young lord he previously underestimated suddenly began to generate an entire wave of the stuff, you could say that Alaric was thoroughly unprepared.

All of the opposing soldiers already being behind Eli Fen's horse, the young commander felt it appropriate to launch his attack. Sonic, who was just ahead of him, would be at the forefront of the blow.


Suddenly, a gigantic wave, climbing to a height of at least 10 meters tall, appeared out of thin air and shot in Ooze Village's direction.

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