
A Ballad of Desperation

"Stupid slave!"

In a busy street, a fat man can be seen hitting a bloodied, skinny boy. The skinny boy was currently curling on the floor trying his best to protect himself.

"I..I am sorry! I'm sorry... i'm sorry", the skinny boy repeatedly apologized. The skinny boy didn't ask for the man to stop, as he knew it would be a violation of his contract.

"You good for nothing pig! Am I not feeding you enough!? How dare you steal my food!?", the fat man still continued to relentlessly club the child, his force getting harder and harder as the child asks for forgiveness.

The on-lookers and other villagers were concerned at first, but when they saw the iron collar wrapped around the skinny boy's neck- they quickly turned away and lost interest.

The collar on the boy's neck only symbolized one thing.

He is a slave.

A slave's life is the property of the owner, and its value is only as good as how the owner wants it to be.

If the owner wants to beat the slave, that was allowed. If the owner wants to sexually molest the slave, that was allowed.

If the owner wants to kill the slave, that was also allowed.

"You pig! You thief! I feed you and make you feel good every night and this is how you repay me!?"

"Huh!? I will make sure you get what you deserve once we go home!"

"Why are you not apologizing anymore!?", the fat man suddenly stopped hitting the boy when he realized that he was no longer saying sorry.

"W-what? Did this slave just die on me!?", the fat man placed his finger on the boy's upper lip to confirm whether or not the boy is still breathing.

There was nothing. Not even a wift of air coming out of the boy's bloody nose.

"W-what!? How dare you die on me!?", as the fat man confirmed that his slave is dead, he grew even more furious as he once again brandished his stick.

He hammered the boy's lifeless and helpless body.

The on-lookers that were ignoring the situation once again took interest, this time with a bit of disdain in their faces.

True, the life of a slave is nothing. But in the end of the day, they are still human.

And to still continue beating a dead slave can only be seen as perverse.

The fat man noticed the looks of the onlookers as they stared at him with disgust.

"S-see what you did!? You embarrassed me in front of all these people!"

The fat man reached the verge of exploding. His anger multiplied as he realized that his slave humiliated him in front of all the villagers because he died.

He now held his stick with both hands, and as he was getting ready to release all of his pent up anger, a deafening sound erupted.

These caused not only the on-lookers, but everyone within the vicinity to look at the source of the deafening and chilling sound. It was a sound they have never heard before.

And the source of this sound, surprisingly, was a corpse.

Or it looked like a corpse. The skinny boy that was previously laying on the cold dirt was now kneeling, his blood spewed all over the place and his mouth open. The sound they were hearing is coming out of the boy's mouth.

Yes, the deafening and chilling sound was not the result of magic. It was a scream.

"W-what the hell!? You weren't dead!? How dare you make a fool of me!"

The villager's trance were quickly cut short as the fat man'a shout caused the boy to stop screaming.

The skinny boy slowly looked at the fat man with a twisted expression.

"Y-you... w-where the fuck am I?", the skinny boy stared at the fat man as his tone carried a dominant tone.

"W-what!? How dare you speak to me like that!?", the fat man was alarmed of the sudden change of his slave's attitude.

He quickly lifted his cane to discipline this arrogant slave of his.

But as he was about to hit the boy, the boy blocked the cane with his arms.

"Fuck! What the fuck!? Why'd you do that!?", the skinny boy then stood up as he waved his beaten hand.

"Ah! What the fuck!", the skinny boy released a shout as he realized that his whole body was hurting, that it felt like he was hit by a car.

After the boy settled down for a while, he once again stared at the fat man.

"Y-you!? Fuck you!", with all the strength he had left, the skinny boy punched the fat man on the face which caused the both of them to fall down on the ground.

"FUUUUCK!", with the skinny boy on top of the fat man, he continued to punch him in the face even though his whole body was hurting.

"S-somebody! P-please help! M-my slave has gone crazy!", the fat man cried for help. He could not think properly because of the sudden turn of events, but if he did, he would notice that there wasn't really any strength on the punches and that he could easily overpower the skinny slave.

But alas, to his demise, the villagers all ran away, they didn't want to get involved in the rampage of a loosed slave. After all, it was not worth it to get hurt by a lowly slave.

"G-Guuuuards!", the fat man continued to shout as he tried to block that flurry of punches coming from the skinny boy.

"F-FUCK MAN! My face! What did you do to my beautiful fa-", the skinny boy was in crazed as he ceaselessly continued to bleed. However, he abruptly stopped as he felt a blunt force hitting him in the head.

'W...what the... fuck...', the skinny boy dropped down like a leaf on top of the fat man.

"G-get it away! Quick!", the fat man quickly squeezed himself out as he kicked the skinny bot away from him.

"W-what took you guards so long!?", the fat man reprimanded the people who helped him.

However, the guards ignored the plights of the fat man as they swiftly tied the unconscious slave and lifted him up.

"W-wait, where are you taking my property!?", the fat man grabbed one of the guards on the shoulder. Unfortunately, the first reply the fat man got was another punch in the face.

"This slave violated and harmed its owner, we will lock him up along with the other pesky slaves."

"W-what!? B-but that slave is expensive! I am not done with it yet!", the fat man held his bloody nose as he pleaded the guard.

He was, however, once again ignored by the guards as they placed the boy on a horse and walked away.

'This... is not over yet!', the fat man bellowed as he stared at the bloody unconscious slave.


"W-what the... that was the weirdest dream, what the fuck", the skinny boy slowly opened his eyes.

'Aren't I on the hospital? Why is the room so dark... and it's cold as fuck'

"Nuuurse! Nurse!", the skinny man called out in the darkness. But he was only answered by a weak and eerie moan.

"W...who's there!?", the skinny man quickly sat up as he felt chills in his spine.

"F-fuck, this.. this isn't funny!", the skinny man looked around in the darkness.

He squinted his eyes to try and see through the dark. After a while, his vision finally adjusted.

Only, he wished it didn't.

"W..wh...", the skinny man was at a loss for words. He couldn't believe what he was seeing.

He was inside a cage, and he wasn't alone.

There was a sickly old woman in the cage along with him.

His view shifted as his vision got better and better, he soon realized that there were other cages besides the one he was in. They too, contained humans.

"W...what kind of fuck up dream is this!?"

Hhmm, now what. Gives a whole new meaning to "the road to stardom is full of rough beginnings". Next chapter, will our protagonist finally show his singing talent?

So yeah, a comment or two is appreciated for me to know if I am going in the right direction. Thank you for reading :)

Romerucreators' thoughts
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