Water, Fire, Grass, Light, Dark, and Neutral. Those are the main six elements that began life. When that life is threatened by unknown power, six people must stand up to defend. Kaya, the fist of anger, Chisuke, the voice of happiness, Cinnamon, the speaker of passion, Rosie, the body of the undecided, Celestial, the smile of sadism, and Xenon, the will of determination. Together they will stop this unknown force.
»Third Limited POV«
›The Elemental of the Fire World‹
A woman arises from her slumber. She sits up and stretches her arms before sliding out of bed. The woman is an albino, having platinum blonde hair, a pink eye, and pale skin. She has a lean build since she's a buxom woman with a fair amount of muscle. She scratches her messy white hair and makes her way to her bathroom but suddenly she hears a crash. She looks up wide eyes to see part of her roof cave-in, it exposed the sunlight to her drowsy eyes. The woman's eyes were blinded by the sunlight for a moment. When her vision cleared, she could see an unfamiliar person in an unfamiliar uniform dropping down from the hole. He must've been the cause of the nonexistent roof. The man looks up at the woman. He stands up, his feet and ankles covered in what seemed to be like rocks. The woman's mind was racing. How the fuck is that possible!? No one can break through the roof, or even get in here without some sort of tool?? Also, what's wrong with their legs???
The woman growls loudly. "What the fuck!?" She shouts. She jumps off of the ground with her hands becoming surrounded by flames. The man's hands followed suit, but, instead of flames, it was more rocks. She runs forward and sends a false punch toward the person across the face then sucker punches their stomach. With the man's guard dropped, The woman grabs a tuff of his hair and slams his temples to her knee. She then grabs his collar, swings him around, and throws him headfirst at the floor. This caused the man to fall unconscious.
"What the hell is going on around here!?" She picks up the body. All of a sudden, she hears screaming coming from outside. Panicked she decides to skip everything and go straight outside. She runs straight to the front door. Being in a rush, she kicks her door open. The door swings open and this makes the woman very much aware she broke the lock. She runs out and looks around frantically. Her eyes widen at the surprising thing she saw. There were giant ships that were varying in color. Some were brown, some white, some yellow, and some pink. She had to do something, she is the most capable person who can do something. All these elementans couldn't defend themselves. She runs back into her home to grab a radio. She holds the side and speaks into it. "Does any scientist copy? Has anyone released the military army to defend the world?? Does anyone copy??" She calls into it. After a moment she gets a reply.
"We have! But they have weird powers. They're...they're unheard of! All the soldiers are dying! There's too many for you to handle! We've evacuated all the elementans we could but it's important that you escape! Without you, this planet has no future! I already got an aircraft prepared, just come by the lab and- Aaahhh!!!" There was screaming then it was caught off. The woman's eyes widen.
"Hello!! Are you okay?? What happened??? What is going on!? Do you copy!? Hello!!?" Her hand trembled in anger and she grips the device hard. She somehow managed to resist the undying temptation to slam it to the ground. "Dammit!!" She shouts before running away from her home. She looked around for any unlucky individuals she had to save. She sees one of her neighbors. She is a woman and recently became a mother to a newborn baby boy. She was on the ground, backing away and whimpering with her newborn in hand as the man in the unfamiliar uniform approached with an electric sword, but there was no handle. It was entirely electricity. Odd. The mother wraps her arms around their baby's body to protect it from sudden death. The elemental throws the unconscious man in her hand at the man threatening to kill the innocents. The enemy drops the electrical sword and falls down. The woman runs over and sends strong kicks at his head to ensure he's out. After four kicks she becomes satisfied and pulls the mother elementan to their feet. "Go! Run to the lab, there's still one more aircraft for evacuation, if it's too dangerous just hide it out!" The woman yells at the mother and their baby.
"Thank you!" The elementan replied with a shaky and sad yet grateful voice. She ran off with her child pressed against her chest. The man who she assumed was unconscious got up. The woman looks toward him and jumps back, getting into a fighting stance.
"I found the fire elemental! Get her!" He yelled with what seemed to be a bleeding head. The woman looks around and notices that many of the oddly dressed people were coming over, some had electricity building around them while the rest had rock covering their wrists and hands. She growls and she throws fireballs at the ones with electricity power then she charges at one with earth hands and she goes for a punch. The person catches the woman's fire hand and nullifies the flame. This makes her gasp. She didn't have much time to be surprised because she quickly got an uppercut then punched across the face which sent her flying. She hits the ground but makes a quick recovery by getting up as soon as possible. She creates a sword with a thick blade and she looks around to be on the defensive. She found it a bit odd that happened but she wondered if it had to do with the enemy's abilities. The woman gets ran at by another person who was gliding on the floor thanks to their electricity. The woman swung her sword, at first her attacks were being dodged so she swept the leg, causing the person to trip. The woman stabs her enemy in the stomach then quickly swings at someone with earth legs and arms. The person raised their arms, the fire hits the earth armor but doesn't damage it, not even a little. Once again the woman's powers weren't effective against this type of person. Determined, she did multiple strikes toward the earth but nothing happened. She growls and creates a fireball only for the ground to suddenly pull her in. She looks down and her eyes widen to see she was sinking into the ground. Being unfamiliar with the concept of quicksand, the first thing she did was thrash for freedom. However, it seemed fruitless.
Dammit! I can't go out like this! The woman thought. I am a stand-in and a representative for the warriors and strength everyone on this goddamn planet has! I WILL get out of this! I will survive! I will get over these odds and warn the other planets! I will accept defeat in this battle but NEVER the war!
Anger flowed through her blood. She put her hands down against the ground sinking her in and she yells as flames erupt from her hands and feet. This causes her to suddenly erupt from the sand. She wasn't used to flying without some sort of wings. She goes for a landing as far away as she can. As she was midair, she passed other enemies who seemed to be flying without any tool or invention. Of course, this didn't dawn on the elemental before she stopped the fire midair and managed to land on the ground roughly. She nearly fell from the landing and one of her ankles hurt deeply from the impact. She figured she fell too high, but she didn't have time. She could hear rapid footsteps behind her as she took off running toward an enormous building. It was the fire element lab. Well known and many work at it. It's spread around the entire fire element planet and every other planet. Right now, the woman ran straight for the closest building even though her gut instinct was to fight and protect everyone to her final breath.
I have to get to the lab! I have to tell the elementals what's going on so they can help me save this planet! As she ran by the corpses of the fire elementans, the unique enemies saw her running and alerted nearby people before chasing her. It came to a point where she could practically hear a parade after her. Why me!? She thought. Why am I so important?? In fact, why this planet?? Why this galaxy???
She thought she'd be fine for a while since she is a very fast runner given her athletic build, track experience, and long legs. However, just as she began to count her chickens, the earth rose in front of her like a wall. They're trying to slow her down! "Goddammit!" The woman cursed. She didn't have time to fight because she was certain she would become overrun and die. At this point, she knew her fire powers would make it difficult to go through the wall so she jumped and turned into her second form midair. Phoenix wings sprung from her back and fire horns sprung from her head. She began soaring like a bird in the sky. This made it harder for enemies to interfere with her travel. But then the woman felt the breeze of flying enemies behind her, clearly trying to put out her wings. What the hell is this? Wind, earth, electric powers?? How is this even possible?? The woman couldn't even begin to understand. She flaps her wings harder and crashes through the window of the lab. She lands on the ground and turns back to her first form. Immediately she continues running.
She turns sharp corners and kept heading up, she passed the corpses of elementans and more of the unique enemies. Once she's at the main control panel that made the aircraft take off, She flicks and presses a few buttons then pulls at a lever, a countdown begins, going backward from ten. She sets fire to the panel so no one chasing her could prevent her escape. Once the circuits were fried she ran toward where the aircraft was. She could distantly hear the automated voice of the countdown.
She runs up to where the aircraft is, quickly grabbing a parachute and the astronaut suit before she continued running. She could still hear people behind her and feel strong gusts of wind.
She grabs a bag on the way, then quickly fills it with a variety of quick yet filling food and some meat in small packages that were located around the bag. She adds some bottled water, enough to keep her alive for a few months alone, then she makes a fire barricade at the doorway to make it harder for the enemies to travel her. After that, she presumes running.
Her legs were burning at this point, she's been nonstop running since this morning. Her lungs felt like they were on fire by the shallow yet quick breaths she was rapidly taking.
She goes an abrupt stop as she realizes that a wall was sealed off to prevent the fire from the ship ignition to hurt anyone, she kicks at the wall but grunts since nothing was happening.
She rams her shoulder into the wall aggressively only once.
She rams her shoulder into the wall even harder.
She rams her shoulder into the wall again, causing her shoulder to hurt like hell and the wall to crack.
She uses her other shoulder to ram into the wall and she falls onto the other side where the aircraft was open, waiting for someone to go aboard it.
She runs up the ramp connecting the aircraft to the ground.
The ramp recedes into the flying machinery behind her as she drops herself into the aircraft. She slams a button next to the entrance. The door closes just as the enemies come in sight.
The aircraft engines start and it blasts upwards, the woman puts the bag and the parachute along with the clothes to the side and immediately sits down in the captain's seat. She holds her side and grunts in pain. She rolls her shoulders around and rests her tired legs. She turns around in her chair, only to be disappointed that no one else was here. Anyone still on the planet will either die or is in hiding. She felt so useless but at the same time, she felt as if there was nothing she could do. She is tremendously outnumbered. Plus, the scientist is right. If the situation is this dire, then now is the worst time to lose their fire elemental. She turns the chair back around and looks down at the control panel. Directly above the control panel was a large and wide glass window, where the captain and navigators look out of. She looks out the window as she grips the wheel and raises it towards her, this makes the aircraft rise. She looks at the different worlds that glowed colors: Blue, Green, Gold, Dark Purple, and Grey. She glances back at her red glowing world and she felt more hatred than usual. Hatred toward the people responsible for raiding her homeworld. Hatred toward the people who destroyed the buildings and killed every elementan insight. What bastards. It felt like an insult to her role as fire elemental and pride. She secretly cares for and is supposed to protect everyone on her planet. The only thing that snapped her out of these vengeful thoughts and made her turn back to her control panel was a loud and obnoxious beeping that seemed to repeat with a red glow coming from the control panel.
She grits her teeth as she looks for the cause of the problem, the beeping was the aircraft telling her it was low on fuel, in fact so low that the aircraft could fall mid-travel and she could fall into the abyss between the element worlds. "The fucker said he prepared it for me! Goddammit! My luck just gets keeps fucking getting worse!" The woman figured the best decision would be the contact a neighboring planet. She begins flipping some switches and pressing a few buttons. She pulls a microphone up to her lips and she speaks into it. "Hello? This is the fire Elemental! Do you copy?!" She shouts. On the other end, it came out as static as the aircraft stopped going forward and started to fall down.
"Yes..? He..llo? What i...it th...t you ne..ed?" They ask as the woman tried to keep the aircraft somewhat levelheaded in hopes she could somehow crash land on a world and not fall into the abyss. She pulls back the controller and continues to press buttons.
"Dammit, no emergency fuel!" She curses out then grips the mic again. She tried not to shout and talk slow enough to be heard. "My aircraft ran out of fuel! I'm going to fall into the abyss!!"
"H-..h..ello? You..re brea..k...in..g...up...ple..as...e... re..p..eat..." it became more static from there, the woman tried to hide her anger and not bang on anything or else she'd be a sitting angry duck.
"Hello!? Can you fucking hear me!? I'm here!" She shouts again and again but no answer, she flips between elemental worlds to connect to, but they were all breaking up to a point where they were incomprehensible. "Stupid piece of shit." She curses as she continues to grip the wheel and continues to pull it towards her, the aircraft was freaking out at this point. Different things failed one by one, causing more bright shining red lights and other problems that would undoubtedly lead to her death. "Dammit! Dammit! Dammit! DAMMIT!!!" Her vision starts to grow white and blind her vision. She could hear a familiar voice, speak to her faintly.
"A lot of bad things happen, many will threaten to burn out your candle. But, as long as your chin is high and you keep standing up, your candle will remain bright."
»Later that Day«
Kaya wakes up, she blinks and looks up at the unfamiliar ceiling of a building. When this dawns over her, she sits up and studies her surroundings. Where she is isn't familiar, she felt sore in some places but she's alive, nonetheless. She wasn't in the aircraft either, she was sitting on a bed with dark, purple-colored blankets and sheets, same with the pillow, in fact, the entire room had a lunar theme to it. It was obvious she was in a bedroom in the Dark World. She must've flown far enough since the dark world is quite close to the fire one. She was surprised she made it, but she didn't know who was taking care of her. The woman attempts to think about how she could've wound up here, but her body was clearly unhappy with her already pushing herself, she knew this because she was hit with intense pain in her head. She groans and massages her temples.
She hears a squeaking door and snaps her head to the right, which is the source of the noise. She sees a guy enter the room with a mug in hand, steam coming out of the mug. The man had black and red hair, his face very handsome, he was around 6'4. Though his body was built, and anyone could see the muscle, he wore a black shirt with no sleeves and black pants, his eyes were different colors, his left eye red, and the right black. He had black fingerless gloves on too.
The man smiles at her, a smile so nice, welcoming, and tempting that it makes someone as cold as her want to return the smile. "You're awake, how'd you sleep?" He asked as he placed the mug at the nightstand.
"Uh...fine I guess.." the elemental woman replies before picking up the mug and staring into its contents for a moment. She took a sip despite its temperature before returning to thinking, ignoring her body's obvious objections. That's when she remembers what happened prior to her passing out. She reads the clock that rested on the nightstand. She usually wakes up at 10 am, but now it's 2:35 pm. Why was she out for so long?? She double-checks her body to see her wounds patched up. She's fine, this man took care of her. But everyone else back at her planet that she couldn't save...that bothered her. She looks at the man.
"Where's the dark elemental?" She asks, now in a rush. The man chuckles and sits down on a chair.
"You're talking to him." He spoke.
"Listen. My name is Kaya, I'm the elemental from the fire world. A few hours ago, my world was invaded by these weird people with powers I've never seen before! They tried to kill me and while raiding they killed a lot of innocents. Not everyone died though...some managed to be evacuated and went here or the grass world for some sort of shelter. Help me stop them before the situation gets worse!" The man's expression turns serious, and he instantly stands up.
"Let's go then, my world will probably be next." He said seriously as he walked out of the room. Kaya nods and places the mug to the side before standing up. She looks down as the covers fall off of her body, revealing her ripped PJs. She really got messed up badly by the fight and the crash huh. She begins to stretch her body so she would be ready for her next encounter, she winces on occasion due to the soreness. The man comes back to the room shortly after in a black vest with straps over his shoulder to keep it on him, dark arm guards and shin guards. "You're still in pain, huh?" He asked before chuckling.
"A little." Kaya shrugs, a crack heard as she moves her neck around. "Nothing I can't handle." She crosses her arms. Kaya could tell her being a tough cookie made an impression on him. The man passes her the same vest and other things he wore except they were red.
"That should suit you." He said. She accepts the guards with a grateful nod.
"Thanks, I guess...I have a plan and I'd think it's worth discussing. It's obvious that we alone can't save the fire planet, nonetheless any other planet." The man nodded his head as Kaya attached the guards to herself. She went to put on shoes only to remember that she was in such a rush that she's barefoot. Honestly, she could be mistaken for a homeless elementian.
"Well, I'm here to listen. I trust your judgment. By the way, my name is Xenon." He said while smiling at her. She nods a little.
"This is the worst way we could've met," Kaya says prior to finishing up her drink. Together, the two leave Xenon's home. Looking around, she could see smoke not too far from his home. She figured it's most likely her crashed aircraft, which is why she managed to receive medical attention so quickly. She looks at Xenon and they start walking away from his house together.
"We need to ask for other elementals' assistance," Kaya's head raises. "So, it's best to head straight to the lab. So, what's your fighting style?" Xenon summoned a small void in his hand.
"I'm a Brawler." He said proudly. "Up close combat is one of my specialties." Kaya gives him a glare of approval from his reply, it's as if she respects his fighting style.
"Hmph, same here, although I prefer using swords." She thinks back to earlier when she was fighting that swarm of invaders. "Back to the threats on hand, I don't know much about them. But I know there are at least three types. One type had rocks for armor and weapons, another type used electricity, another type seemed to use the wind to fly...there could be others, but I didn't encounter them when I tried to escape." She closes her eyes and sighs softly. "Something I noticed was that my flames didn't affect the rock benders. They practically nullified my flames. They may be my weakness.." She thinks about the planet again. She felt guilty for abandoning it and being unable to make an actual difference, but she had to, it was the smartest decision, with a very high cost. She stayed quiet for a moment so he could absorb the information she told him.
"Hm, that's troublesome. I've never heard of these types of enemies so we're going in blind." Xenon pointed out with an annoyed exhale. Kaya looks at the ground, clearly focused.
"That's why we need to gather everyone! No single person is invincible, no matter their element. This is why the elements gathered together to create this universe, because it would prevent tyranny and betrayal. It's a brilliant tactic, to create a world where everyone can be defeated by someone else.."
"Hm, I see." Xenon looks in the direction of the lab. "The Fire world is formidable, for them to be taken down so easily shows we're dealing with an issue. We'll need the other elementals for sure." He said before looking back at Kaya. She nods. They walk together in silence once more. After a few moments of silent walking, Xenon decides he'll attempt to make conversation. Xenon looked over at her. "So...what motive would anyone have to attack another world?" He asked. Kaya sighs and lifts her head, looking at Xenon.
"Since the elements aren't ones, we're aware of, I have no clue. To be honest with you, this could be something recent that has nothing to do with us. The most logical probability is that they just...showed up here.. I mean, what else would be the underlying cause? I want to say longtime revenge is probable but if that were the case, it would at least be in history books or at the very least we'd be warned and informed instead of living so many years in blissful ignorance...because why let us be ignorant to an upcoming war? We can't be prepared to prevent ourselves from losing so many lives.." Kaya shakes her head. "Fucking hell...Don't mind me...I'm just...rambling and grasping at straws at this point.." she dismisses herself. The fiery white-haired warrior didn't like rambling or talking much, she hated when she did since she dislikes speaking too much. And for some unknown reason, she specifically didn't want to rant in front of the dark elemental. Xenon chuckles at Kaya and gives her a smile.
"Don't worry I don't mind hearing your voice, in fact I like it." He says. Kaya was surprised.
"I don't like talking too much." Kaya quickly replies. Xenon shrugged.
"Oh well, it's the truth, I do enjoy the sound of it." He said she immediately glared at him, which ended quickly since they made it to the lab. "We're here." She looks up at the towering building.
"Great, let's hurry." She says impatiently. Xenon nods and takes her through security and the lab itself to get to the aircraft, once arriving he looks at her.
"There's the aircraft." She nods, she already had a bag on her back, once again it was filled with what was needed to go to the next worlds, mostly what she filled it with the first time, Food, an astronaut suit, and water.
"Great, do you know how to drive? And is this thing filled with fuel for the normal and emergency tank? I don't want the same mistake to repeat."
"Of Course, I do?" Xenon states, walking into the aircraft. "Let's go." She rolls her eyes at his sarcasm and follows behind him. She closes the top and places the bag to the side as the scientists begin to prepare the ship to launch since Xenon briefly informed them of their situation before they got inside. After about eight seconds, they were in space. The neighboring worlds of the dark world were Fire to the left and Light to the right.
"I came from fire so we're going to light, I'll warn them of our approach so the landing will be quick," Kaya says softly. She adverts her eyes to the fire world, making a tight fist seeing the fire world dimmer than before. All the worlds give off their colored glow based on population, naturally, the light and water world gave off the brightest glow because of their peaceful ways, red would usually grow more than neutral, but today the light was fading. "Bastards!" Kaya shouts aloud. She furiously stomps away from the mic, not even in the mood to call in. Xenon shook his head and sighed before walking aside her.
"I'd imagine this isn't a time to be asking, but what's up with you?" He asked. She glares at him with a furious expression, and she points through the window at the fire world.
"Look at it your fucking self!!!" She yells. Xenon looked towards the fire world; he gritted his teeth placing a hand on Kaya's shoulder in deep regret.
"Listen, we'll get your revenge, that's something I can promise. We won't let that happen to any other world." He says Kaya stomped back to the control panel, she started flipping some levers and slamming a button in anger.
"Like hell, we will!" She grips the mic and aggressively warns them of their arrival as the aircraft goes faster but Kaya keeps it under control. Xenon places his hand over hers.
"I know it's a lot to take in but don't let rage overcome you." She throws her head in his direction.
"Why not watch your world die off and you can't do anything about it! If you go through it then I'll calm the fuck down!!" She yells before looking forward and letting out heavy sighs, being of the fire element an angry sigh was her letting out steam, literally. She sighed to calm herself as she entered the light world's atmosphere.
"I understand your rage and I envy it, but you must channel it, don't let it control you." Xenon responds casually. She growls loudly but she abides and stops shouting. Kaya slows the aircraft down and prepares it for landing as they land into an area specifically for the Dark world's arrival. Upon reaching the ground she turns off the ignition and lets the ramp down. She and Xenon get out of the aircraft, walking down the ramp as a light scientist approaches them.
"Yes? Is there something you need? Elemental of the dark and fire? There was no scheduled meeting from what I remember, is there an emergency?" He asks.
"Bring me to your light elemental, it is an emergency," Kaya says, the man nods and leads them down to the control center. Once they arrive, he leads the two toward the training room where the light elemental spent most, if not, all their time. The scientists lead them down a few chambers, only to find the light elemental laughing joyfully as she hung upside down on one of the machines, if she hung up there too long the machine would fall over and break. She also must've been up there for a moment since clearly, the blood rushed to her head.
"Oh no not again...Ms light please come down!" He pleads. She laughs maniacally.
"NEVA~!" She yells with her tongue hanging out, drools coming down. Kaya growls slowly because of her immaturity.
"So, this is the supposed light elemental?" Xenon asked with a disturbed glare.
"She looks fucking insane." Kaya says harshly, placing a hand on her hip.
"Yes-! Well, no-! Look, I can explain! This elemental is the first elemental in history to have a mental medical condition. She was diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder, but she's very useful in combat! I promise!" The scientist says. The light elemental's eyes widen, and they do a backflip off of the equipment and she stands in front of them with a wide sinister grin.
"Combat!? I love combat!" She holds out her hands and summons a large chainsaw that was as long as her arms. The chainsaw gave off a bright and beautiful glow, like a sun or a star, except it was mostly packed with UV rays, like an eclipse, making it blind to any element that wasn't Light. The brightness was too much for Xenon and Kaya's eyes, thus they looked away the second the brightness threatened to blind them.
"Ack! What the hell!?" Kaya yells, covering her eyes with her hands. Xenon squinting, raising his hand, walking over and standing in front of kaya.
"AHAHAHAHA! Hello, friends~! I am Chisuke! The light elemental and the lover of combat!!! Feast the wrath of my blinding rays from the sun!! AHAHAHAHAHA!!!" The Light Elemental or Chisuke laughed frantically at the thought of a fight since peace has been around for centuries, which includes her entire life.
"STOP!" Kaya yells, Chisuke's chainsaw disappears, once both Kaya and Xenon look over at her. Kaya sighs heavily. "Okay. Maybe we underestimated you a bit." She admits as she rolls her eyes and crosses her arms.
"Kyahahaha! Does that mean we can murder together friends?!" She tilts her head at them, and Kaya returns the gesture with a slightly disturbed expression.
"....Yeaahhh." She clears her throat, moving past that. "Anyway- I'm Kaya the fire elemental and this is Xenon the dark element—"
"Hi, angry friend and dark friend!" Kaya squints her eyes and glares at the scientist, who cowers slightly from her scary glare.
"S-...She only addresses herself with an actual name, she calls everyone else by a word and 'Friend' to make it specific!" He excuses.
"Right again, strict friend~!" Chisuke says, smiling brightly. Xenon groans.
"Alright... let's go." He says.
"Come Chisuke, and if you follow willingly, we will fight quite quickly," Kaya says, Chisuke's eyes light up in excitement.
"Yay yay yay yay yay!!!!" Chisuke cheers obnoxiously. The group walk a few steps forward and suddenly the world shakes, making them stop.
"Chisuke! We're being invaded!" One of the light scientists say. She jumps up and down.
"Yes! Time to see some blood!!! Looks like the angry friend was right!!!!!" She says energetically. She runs out excitedly, Xenon's eyes widened and leaped aside her. Kaya follows the others all the way behind them.