
Chapter 1

Sufana awoke early one morning with a welcoming stretch. Leaving her tent, she started to walk about the campsite at first light. Those that were awake greeted her with warm smiles and soft exchanges. Being the daughter to the chief of the horse tribe Thunder, along with her charming beauty, has made her quite popular with her people. Her blonde hair so pale it was almost white, eyes that pooled of silver with flecks of blue, both of which matched well with her pale skin. Today she wore her favorite sky blue robes; which settled against her skin nice and cool against the hot sun and sand.

"Sufana!" a cheerful voice called from the healer's tent, followed shortly by an older woman. Her emerald green eyes wrinkled up just slightly from her smile, showing the bare hints of her age. Her sandy bond hair tied back in a long thick braid, nearly matching the color of her slightly tanned skin. "Auntie Rose!" Sufana hugged the woman tightly.

"Come to help me again today?" Rose was the healer of the tribe, sister to the chief, calm natured and respected by everyone.

"Of course!" Sufana loved helping her aunt out, she's even picked up some knowledge of herbs, salves, and a few potions.

Rose laughed softly at her niece's eagerness. "Aren't you supposed to be busy with your 18th birthday being tomorrow?" she asked amused.

Sufana made a face at her aunt as she helped to prep bandages, earning another chuckle out of her aunt. She's always been a bit of a free spirit, not up to much mischief really, but always wanting to do the things she prefers to do her own way. Throughout the rest of the day, she kept herself so busy that when she went to bed, she fell asleep in the clothing she was wearing.

Late in the middle of the night, Sufana awoke with a start, gasping for breath. The air around her felt electric with energy as her skin tingled, her shoulders started to itch, which ebbed into a burn. Rolling out of bed, Sufana fell to the floor. Crying out in pain, she felt a surge of magic jolt through her, as wings burst aggressively out from her shoulder blades. They crashed about as she began to regain her senses, and attempting to get to her feet. Taking a shaky breath she caught sight of herself in the mirror.

In a shock, she noticed that she now has two large dragon-like wings. They were silvery, with a shimmer of blue to them. In a panic she ran from her own reflection, out into the open.

The few people who were awake looked up from their fires, mixed expressions of shock, horror, and fear crossing their faces. "It's a demon!" they cried out, "Sufana is a demon!"

"N-no! It's just me!" A stressed exasperated voice escape her, "I don't know what's happening!" more people were being stirred from their tents, one of which was her aunt Rose. "Rose!" she called to her, "It's just me!" Rose took a step back, her usually smiling eyes concerned and frightened.

"Kill the demon!" someone cried, others followed suit. In no time she was being chased through her own village.

Dashing through the rows of tents, Sufana raced towards the horses; she could only hope that she was faster then the villagers behind her. She made it to her horse Flit, whose nostrils flared at her strange appearance, only to be settled as soon as he familiar scent hit him.

Jumping up on his saddle, she gave him a quick turn and a kick of her heels. Spurred onward Flit bolted forward, running at top speed as she raced away from the angry tribe. <what will I do now?> she wondered, with tears streaming down her face. She couldn't go home after this, not unless she could find a way to fix it... if there was one.