
Targeted by a Pervert?!

Afterward, tutoring the two of them became much simpler for Homura.

This was because he possessed a Level 4 skill for teaching!

Literally, it was a skill used to teach others one's own techniques, skills, and knowledge.

He guessed that he had acquired this skill when he was instructing the girls, such as teaching Megumi how to cook and program games, instructing Nanami on voice acting and cooking, instructing Mashiro on drawing manga and common sense, and he wasn't sure how it came to be.

This level of skill made his teaching ability stronger than many teachers.

As he continued to teach others various techniques, skills, and knowledge, the level of this skill would continue to rise.

Of course, it couldn't be said that his teaching ability was better than their teachers. It was just that the advice he gave to the two of them just now would bring about tremendous changes. As long as some time passed, the results would become evident.

And Fumino had already made a little progress. This progress might not mean much to ordinary people, but for her, who was really suck at science, it was a qualitative change.

Rizu also saw her progress, so she thought that his advice was definitely useful. She thought to herself, 'It was really good to meet Minamiya-san last night!'

"Ah~ It's really great!" Fumino was also excited. "Minamiya-kun's words are indeed reasonable. Formulas are also created by people, as long as we study their psychology, I won't be at a loss when I see the formula."

Homura also smiled and said, "It's good as long as there is progress. As long as you choose the right way, everyone can do it. The reason why you were like that before was just because the method was not right."

"Indeed, it was really good to meet Minamiya-san last night," Rizu said this time.

"Yes!" Fumino suddenly exclaimed. "Thanks to Ri-chan meeting Minamiya-kun, and also thank you, Minamiya-kun, for reminding Ri-chan that night to be cautious of strangers and ensuring her safety."

He waved his hand, "It's what I should do. Although the possibility of encountering danger is very low, it is not wrong to strengthen one's safety awareness. After all... I have experienced such a thing before."

Rizu was stunned, and Fumino exclaimed in surprise, "Eh?! Could it be that Minamiya-kun was being targeted by a pervert?! That's really scary!"

She was so scared that she kept patting her small chest.

Homura: "..."

Why are the thought processes of the girls he meet always so bizarre?

His eye corner twitched wildly as he said irritably, "Where on earth that conclusion came from?! What I mean is, I've encountered this kind of thing before, where I've come across some gangsters, and I personally took down those scums."

"I see..." Fumino breathed a sigh of relief, while Rizu was still trying to understand what was going on.

"Of all the possibilities in your mind, you chose that wild imagination?" Homura gazed at her pensively.

"Ehehe~! Te~he~" Fumino knocked her head and stuck out her tongue, acting cute!

What else could he do but forgive her?

"It also happened at night..." Homura sighed, then looked at Rizu and Fumino. "So I will remind you again, as a girl, especially cute girls like you two, you must not put yourself in such dangerous situations, don't wander alone at night, okay?"

The two girls blushed again after hearing this, but they still obediently nodded.

Fumino muttered softly, "Although he said it like that, Minamiya-kun is so direct in saying that girls are cute..."

"Because it's hard for Ogata-san to understand if I beat around the bush," Homura heard her mutter and explained.

At this moment, Fumino wished she could crawl under the table because she was overheard!

"By the way, Minamiya-san's ears seem to be particularly sensitive to sound." Rizu suddenly said.

"Ri-chan! You should have told me about this earlier!" Fumino complained. It was so embarrassing!

"...But it's true, Ri-chan doesn't really understand people's feelings and psychology, and it's better to be straightforward," Fumino had to admit that he was right. If they beat around the bush and let Rizu think for herself, she wouldn't come up with anything, or she would think too much and go off course.

Homura stood up, stretched lazily, and asked the two of them, "How do you feel about my tutoring today?"

Fumino nodded without hesitation, "It's great! You can see my progress today!"

Rizu agreed, "Although I haven't felt the result yet, I still believe that what Minamiya-san said should be very useful. Even in terms of solving problems, you are not inferior to a real teacher."

Homura smiled and said, "That's good, I haven't wasted your time. Follow what I've said and believe me, there will be even greater progress waiting for you."

"My tutoring for today ends here. Let's exchange contact information. If you have any questions or need more advice, you can let me know. And when I have free time, I can also notify you, and it's up to you whether or not to have additional tutoring."

"Sure!" Fumino was very happy and immediately took out her phone.

"Okay, I understand," followed Rizu, also exchanging contact information with him.

"Well, then I should be going now," Homura said.

"Umm... do you want to stay and have a meal?" Fumino asked with some anticipation.

Thinking of her terrible cooking skills in the anime, a drop of cold sweat involuntarily fell from his forehead. Homura politely declined, "No... I still have things to do. Maybe next time!"

"Well, okay..." Fumino's mood instantly plummeted.

"Haru? Where are you?" Homura called out the name of the little one, "We should go home now!"

After a while, the two girls' expressions became somewhat worried because the little one had not returned!

"Minamiya-kun..." Fumino wanted to say something.

Homura stopped her and said, "Don't worry, Haru is very sensible. She probably didn't hear us outside, I'll go out and find her."

"We'll go together!" the two girls said firmly, and he reluctantly agreed.

The three of them put away their belongings and arrived at the courtyard of Fumino's house. Although it was not as large as his house, it was not small either and it was quite difficult to find Haru.

He thought for a moment and opened his System, carefully staring at the small map in the upper right corner of the interface.

On the map, Homura was represented by a blue arrow with two green dots next to it. He focused his thoughts and the names of Fumino and Rizu appeared on the map.

Then, he expanded the search range of the map, and a blue dot appeared on the edge. After focusing his thoughts, he saw Haru's name.

"Let's split up and search," Rizu suggested.

"No, follow me," Homura said and walked directly toward where Haru was.

The two girls were confused, but quickly followed him.

The three of them arrived at the corner of the courtyard wall, where Haru was lying on the top of the wall, looking into someone else's yard.

However, at that moment, the little one's thoughts seemed somewhat complicated...

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