
Chapter 1: The Boy With Silver Eyes

(Summer POV) Year: 2160 Location: Land Of Darkness

There are a lot of things in my life that I regret not doing and taking advantage of. I wished I could've fixed things with Tai. I wished I'd said no to Opzin more often. I wished I could've mended things with Raven. But most importantly, I wished I could've spent more time with my baby girls. I was so caught up in playing the hero that I lost sight of everything precious to me...I was such an idiot, and because of my stupidity, I'll never see them again.

I'm surrounded by Grim on all sides, and I've been fighting nonstop for days. My Aura is low, I've depleted the power of my eyes from constant use, and I'm out of ammo. There's no help or getting away this time. What awaits me is a gruesome death. Despite knowing what's coming next, I'm not afraid to face it. I just wish I didn't have to see it so soon...

I'm so sorry, Ruby and Yang, it looks like I won't be able to come home. I hope you two will be able to forgive me...

After fighting for Oum knows how long, my Aura shatters, and I fall to the ground. Dozens of Grim were upon and ready to tear me apart, but before they could reach me, they were set ablaze by silver flames, instantly turning them into ash.

My eyes widened in disbelief when I looked in the direction where the flames came from.

Flying above me was a massive silver dragon. It had two wings and four legs. If I had to guess its size, it was as big or slightly bigger than a Sea Feilong. The dragon utterly destroyed the swarms upon swarms of Grim in a matter of minutes, and once all the Grim were gone, the giant mythical beast spotted me, making me tense.

However, that tension soon became confusion as it shrank and then morphed into a boy who looked no older than Yang.

He had short, spiky black hair and bronze skin. He only wore a pair of black shorts, exposing his heavily muscled yet lean and incredibly scarred body. However, what surprised me the most about his appearance was his haunting silver eyes.

His eyes, unlike mine and Ruby's, lacked any brightness and warmth. His eyes were hollow, cold, and filled with despair. It pained me to see someone so young have eyes like that.

What the hell did he go through to have such eyes?

"You alright?" his voice was surprisingly deep and like his eyes lacked warmth. It was like talking to a machine or a hardened warrior who had experienced decades of nonstop war. It was unsettling...

He walked up to me and offered his hand. I gladly took it, and he helped me stand back on my feet.

"Y-Yeah, just tired but nothing a bit of rest can't fix...and thanks for the save," I thanked him, giving him a small smile.

The boy robotically nodded. "Think nothing of it. I wasn't going to allow one of my own to be killed on my watch," the boy answered with a firm tone. "I'm Draco Morningstar. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, miss..."

"Summer Rose, and it's nice to meet you as well," I smiled at him but then frowned. "What's a kid your age doing at a place like this?" I couldn't help but ask.

The Draco shrugged. "Your guess is as good as mine," he replied, confusing me. "I just so happened to wake up not too far from here and sensed you were under attack, so I came to your aid," he explained.

Seeing no lies in his eyes and body language, I nodded in understanding. "I see..."

"Anyways, we should be getting out of here. This place is not a safe place to talk," Draco then abruptly transformed into a smaller version of the silver dragon, making me take several steps back. He then lowered his body. "Get on," doing as he said, I got on his back.

Once I was, I was secured, I said. "I'm ready. Do you know where Patch is?"

"I believe so....it's a small island west of Vale, correct?"


"Alright then, hold tight," He took off into the skies at soaring speeds.

"THIS IS AWESOME!!!!!!" I screamed in joy, holding onto one of his spikes for dear life.

(Timeskip) Location: Patch

Once Draco landed near my home, I got off his back, and he transformed back into his human form.

"So this is your home?"

"Yeah..." I replied with a sad smile.

He hummed. "Looks cozy."

"It is..." I looked at him. "Would you like to come in?" He looked at me for a moment before nodding. We both went inside, and I closed the door behind me. "Go ahead and make yourself comfortable. I'll be right back."

Again, he nodded and went to sit on the couch. I went upstairs and entered the girl's room. The two were peacefully sleeping and smiled at the sight. I went to kiss their heads. I then slowly and quietly closed the door. Then I went back downstairs. I sat on the chair that was on the opposite of the couch and let out a sigh.

"Everything alright?" Draco asked, looking at me stoically.

I looked at him and nodded. "Yeah...I was just checking on my daughters," I replied.

"You're a mother?" he asked, looking at me in barely visible surprise.

"Yup! Why do you look so surprised?"

"Because I am. You look much younger than you appear," Draco complimented, causing me to smile.

"Thank you. But yeah, I have two daughters. Yang, my oldest, is eight, and Ruby, my youngest, is six."

"I see, and the father?" he asked curiously, making us sigh.

"He's...not really in the picture..."

"I see...Im sorry for bringing him up."

"Don't be," I waved it off. "You were just curious. I can't be mad at you for that," it was quiet for several moments until I asked. "So what will you do now?"

He thought for a moment and shrugged. "Travel, I guess."

I looked at him in surprise and worry. "What about your family? Don't you think they'll be worried about you?" I asked.

"My family are gone," he said with a stoic tone, but I could hear the pain in his voice. Honestly, I wasn't surprised by that, as I suspected he was an orphan.

I looked at him sympathetically. "I'm sorry to hear that..."

"Don't be," he shrugged. "It's old news."

I frowned but decided not to engage the topic further as Draco didn't seem like the talkative type, and I had a feeling it wouldn't go well if I pushed it.

"...how would you feel about staying here?" I offered, making him look at me with slight surprise.

"Are you sure? I wouldn't want to be a bother."

"Trust me, you wouldn't be," I smiled. "Besides, my girls could use a friend...well, mostly Ruby. She's the shy type and doesn't have an easy time making friends."

He was silent for a moment before replying. "I guess...I guess I could stay," he gave me a ghost of a smile.

I smiled brightly. "Great. Follow me, and I'll take you to our guest room," he nodded and followed me upstairs.

Once we were in his new room, he looked at me. "Thank you, Summer. It's been a long time since someone has been this kind to me."

"No problem," I smiled. "Now, you should get some rest. Tomorrow is gonna be a long day."

He nodded. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight," I then closed the door.

Once I got downstairs, I saw a familiar face. "Oh hey, summer," Qrow waved at me lazily.

"Hey...did you just get back?" I narrowed my eyes at him.

I thought he was asleep in one of the rooms.

He chuckled nervously. "Uh, no..." I glared at him, making him put his hands up in surrender. "Ok, ok, yeah, I did, but I only went for a short walk."

I sighed and shook my head. "Whatever. Thanks for watching the girls."

"Not a problem," he sat on the couch. "So, did anything interesting happen on your mission?" he asked before taking a swig from his flask.

"You could say that," I told him everything that happened.

"Huh, I didn't think there were any more of you guys roaming around the world...you gonna tell Oz?"

I shook my head, confusing him. "Knowing him, he'll just drag Draco into his mess," I said with a bitter tone. "...He's already been through enough..."

Qrow nodded in understanding. "Alright then, I'll keep my lips sealed."

I smiled at him. "Thanks."

"Uh uh...so he's staying with you, huh?"

"Yeah, for as long as he wants. He deserves to call a place home."

"No arguing against that," he got from the couch and yawned. "Well, I'm hitting the sack. Night."


I should probably follow his example and do the same. Oum, know that I'm tired.

I went to my room, closed the door, and threw myself on the bed.

Within a few seconds, I saw darkness...


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