
The Mingya City

Far from the forest of the Great Tree, there was a city. It was also located in the forest, just a bit different one. The trees were smaller and there was no darkness that would make an ordinary being suffocate.

In the middle of this forest, the mountain range stood proudly, winding and rising to the sky. The Mingya mountains it was called. Legend said that those who climbed the top of the tallest peak would receive the blessing of the Wind God, able to command all Four Great Winds.

This mountain range was also famous because of a city. Monster city, it was called by those living outside. Although the locals prefer using the mountain name, Mingya, or calling it the capital of Feya forest.

In the heart of Mingya city, the room cut into the hard rock, there were three people. Two of them, woman with a violet hair and dark red horns on her head, as well as a man, or a boy, it should be said, as he appeared as a fourteen years old boy with blond hair and strangely looking sharp nails, chatted together.

"Did you hear?" said a woman.

"They say that forest people had their spring dry up. The whole forest looks as if during an autumn, leaves are falling even while still being green. It wouldn't be long before the Great Tree that those brainless fellows worship as if some kind of god, will wither away." She sat elegantly on the couch and sipped her tea, though the color was suspiciously red.

"What's so surprising? The spring would dry up every now and then. The forest of the Great Tree is no exception. I guess our turn to grieve over the dead spring would also come soon. Right, France?"

The person, who was silent all this while, writing something seriously, but at the same time having an elegant smile, that made him look gentler, looked up. He squinted his eyes for a bit before replying.

"Don't spout rubbish."

"It's true though. By the way, it always annoys me when you speak as if knowing everything."

"Right," the boy suddenly stood up.

"Is it just me, or I haven't seen the Lord for a while?"

"The Lord has already disappeared for the whole month." The man answered softly. He was still writing something seriously on the paper in front of him.

"Tch, I wanted to teach that stupid goat a lesson for a while now. But if it's the whole month, he should be back soon. What a pity."

"Blondie, you're so slow, you actually believed that the old goat was behind that incident? He was obviously set up and it was done so crudely, that it wouldn't be hard to find the true masterminds." The woman smirked, while sipping her blood red drink.

"What?! They dare to plot against me? Who is it? I'll go immediately and teach them a lesson?!"

"You were just poisoned, what's the big deal? Just forget it already."

The boy was furious. He jumped from his seat and pounced on the woman. She wasn't surprised and managed to avoid in time, but the couch she was sitting on wasn't so lucky. It got ripped by those sharp nails the boy possessed.

"Arghh! I'll rip you apart!"

"You still didn't manage to rule your temper in. Weakling. It's no wonder that people find using you so simple."

The boy was so angry, that his breathing became rough and his face was dyed red. He shouted some incomprehensible worlds and started chasing woman.

Suddenly the man named France although gently, but at the same time with a strange power that couldn't be ignored commanded.


Both of them stopped.

"You were just poisoned, but what about me? Every day I have to sign thousands of papers, write and read uncountable number of letters. Although there are four people, that is lord, me and you both, the paperwork to do somehow is all on my shoulders. Useless wench. Not to mention that, if by today evening the lord will not return, I'll have to go to the great North Tournament instead of the Lord. That means that I had to do all paperwork in advance for the whole month, as well as leave many instructions in case of emergencies. Sending you would be of no use, as you would only mess with everything. If not for Lord, I would have already fired both of you!"

There was a silence for a moment. Then the boy spoke.

"You are weak, that's why you use paper. I am strong, that's why I use power!"

France gritted his teeth. His gentle expression somewhat hardened.

"Then go ahead, destroy the whole city, then there will be no need of paper anymore"

The boy suddenly became aware that France was angry. His furious expression eased a bit and he started to feel a tiny bit of fear. Although France was weak, he had not a small favor with their Lord.

Suddenly there was a commotion outside that distracted three people and stopped their conflict. People were shouting and screaming. Panic was obvious in the city.


The ground shook as the dust from the ceiling fell. There was a loud crashing sound. The impact was so great, that everyone in the city have definitely felt it.

"What in the world...?" The woman mumbled quietly while everyone in the room approached the window.

There was a big cloud of dust just a few streets away. Many buildings built on the higher mountain part have collapsed and there was an enormous animal lying in their place. There was also a big crowd of spectators gathered around it, some simply watching and some helping unfortunate ones who were injured during this incident.

The three people in the room were stunned, especially France.

"The flying company this time has done it. Do they not feed their mounts, for them to not be able to properly fly? To destroy this many buildings. Even if the compensation is paid, the loses for the city will still be far greater. This will be a pain."

"Wow, the giant bird has crashed!"

The boy suddenly became excited and ran of the room, probably to join those spectators.

"Then I'll go negotiate with them over the compensation." The woman wryly smiled.

"Try to squeeze them dry, they have recently become too arrogant, daring to do something like this." France has regained his usual gentle smile and reminded the woman.

"Of course. Only our Lord is the absolute existence in this city. Who do they think they are?" She turned from the window and made her way out of the room.

Left alone, France stood for a bit overlooking the great Mingya city, part of which was located inside the mountain. The buildings were tall and proud, each housing many kinds of people. The race difference in this place didn't matter, only strength and ability. Then he turned around and went to his desk, having a lot of work to do.

But he didn't even finish reading the first paper when someone entered the room. Still gently smiling he lifted his head, believing that one of those two had returned, and prepared to scold them a bit more.

Instead of them, though, he saw a man clothed with expensive and gorgeous robes, with a long flowing silver hair looking proudly at him.


France quickly stood up and greeted his lord.

"You have finally returned."

But the person in front of him didn't seem happy.

"What are they doing, destroying my city?"

The Lord spoke with a smooth voice.

"Oh… That?" France slowly spoke while glancing out of the window. "Nirvana has already gone to negotiate over the compensation."

The Lord was unhappy, with a frown formed on his face. While walking towards the coach, the one that wasn't ripped apart, he sat down and said.

"Negotiate? Since when did we need to negotiate with someone in my territory? Should I go and teach them a lesson?"

"Lord, you shouldn't speak like that boy. The power wouldn't always solve a problem. We'll just let it pass this time."

"You're weak, that's why you speak as such, but I'm not. However, I'll listen to you this time."

The person was sitting calmly on the couch and sipping the red drink that was left unfinished. He frowned as if the taste wasn't to his like and put the cup down. Then after looking through the window he closed his eyes intending to rest for a while.

It seemed as if he totally forgot about the other person and didn't pay any attention to him, but he was actually secretly observing him, not missing any change of expression. He saw, that although France was still gently smiling, the word 'weak' had made a big impact. His eyes constricted, his face became paler and the hands that were holding a pen squeezed it so tightly, that it almost broke. But he still managed to reign all those intense emotions in.

Finally, after some time the Lord spoke.

"I'm planning to rest for a while, the trip this time was a bit challenging." He declared as if there was no room for objection.

"You can't, my Lord"

"Why?" The pale face lazily looked at France as if demanding an answer.

"You have to go to the Great North Tournament. To be on time, the departure has to be at latest tomorrow morning."

There was a silence and neither of them spoke for a while. The Lord acted as if not hearing anything, just staring at the cup that he picked up once more, but didn't drink. He just stared at the surface of the red liquid, where his reflection could be seen. The whiteness was dyed red, making him appear strangely evil. He just stared for a long time, as if lost in his own reflection. But at last he replied.

"Alright. But you have to provide me with a comfortable ride, with lots of food. I also want to go visit the Dead Woods, it's on the way. I'll go at once, after placing that item in our spirit spring. Come with me."

"Okay." France breathed out a sigh of relief. He was starting to believe that his Lord wouldn't listen to him and wouldn't go to the Great North Tournament. If that happened, the Mingya city would have to be left behind without any person to manage, as he would be forced to go instead of the Lord. France started to seriously consider roping in some helpers. Although it meant more work for a while, the result would be a relaxation and freedom from constant working. How great would that be.

"That's right, tidy your room at least once. It would be a great shame to us, and particularly me, to let others see it."

France stumbled, as if receiving a great shock.

"It was that boy again! He just can't control his temper. I advised you continually that he wasn't a good person for such an important role that represent not only you, but the whole city!"

"He has the strength that can convince others. Anyways, it's not my problem. Enhance everything with magic or something. It's frustrating to always find a mess."

"Enhance with magic everything? Do you know what a waste of money it is?"

"I said to enhance, then enhance. You're not in a position to question me." The Lord suddenly stopped and looked at the person going behind him. The stare was so menacing, that even his closest subordinate couldn't help, but shudder a bit.

The silver haired Lord turned around and continued to go forward trough long and winding tunnels. France followed. They were going for a long time. Sometimes there would be an arch on the side, opening to the view of the city, sometimes a crossroad. The passage seemed endless.

After a long time, they reached an enormous door. It was made of heavy stone and inlaid with gold and silver that glittered in the light of torches. The Lord looked at it for a bit of time, then, without warning stretched out his hand. His fingers emitted a faint silvery light that remained on the surface of a hard stone as he wrote some unrecognizable characters on the door.

This action was completed in but an instant and before long the door opened far and wide. Both the Lord and the servant stepped inside the spacious cavern and looked at the center of the glittering chamber. But what they saw wasn't what they expected to see. Even the Lord was taken aback.

"How could this happen?"

The spirit spring has dried up.