
Chapter one: Destiny

"Why are you so down and about, Xuiying?" Her eyes soften at my disponded self. I didn't and couldn't say anything.

I was too speechless by the fact they never told me this, especially my father. He was the one who provided help and support for Yuan before and after the incident.

My amber eyes stared at the realm of souls' scenery. We was both on top of the highest peak, looking below on who's below us. The wind was slightly strong above the surface so my hair got in the way occasionally.

I used to think that these wondrous souls were the most heavenly things in general. But now, I see them as nothing more than just captives. Blind to not notice that some have been proven worthy, some of them was a victim, and some is directly guilty.

And yet they don't get the same results as everyone else.

"Are you not satisfied with the scenery? Want me to--"

"I want to speak with father," I simply asked, finally looking at her face. It wasn't the face she was expecting either. In her eyes, it was as if her sweet child is now going through a rebellious phase. Which wasn't far from the truth.

"Listen, Xuiying. You already know where your father is. If you go down there unintended, the rest of the gods would not be happy." Her warning stung me because it was the truth. Most of the gods hated my father. For what? Helping out Yuan and the other mortals with survival tips. For what he'd done, he had been dragged down to the underworld until he apologized.

He is the God of the future and sight, Shen. But, because he knew his end choice, he gave birth to my brother and me. My brother, Ian, was born with future, and I was born with sight. And because of my sight, I see how things are going throughout the dimensions I choose.

"Why should I not see my own biological father? Is it wrong for me to? I haven't seen him for over 500 years and he's suffering on his own." The tension grew the more I speak. "I'm agitated, godmother. I want answers to my questions...answers to my problems."

Her eyes looked dangerous. With those eyes alone, she could swoop and eat me up if she wanted to. Slowly closing her eyelids, she sighed in defeat. "Don't say I didn't warn you. You have five minutes, Xiuyang."

I pouted. Five minutes to us gods is like a second to mortals.

"Fine, but I don't want anyone or anything to hear our conversation." She was silent before nodding. "As you wish, my dear."

Her arms were now up in the air, in a Y-shaped position. When the wind slowly halted, a deep breath she took. Fingers glowed a bright red, and made a stream of light following her graceful movements. She spinned with one leg then bend down to touch the earthly ingredients, still with one leg in place. A surreal portal formed between us, showing the world under.

The red hues of the underworld was breathtaking but seemly scary. The one thing humans left out of this world is that once a living being goes in this hellhole, you cannot be attracted to anything or anyone. When you do, it's nearly impossible to get out. Even if you do get out, the angel of death will kill you on the spot. The mountains, villages, and depressed people were all clear to see from above.

"Thank you," I said before jumping through the individual portal. Everytime I do, it makes me dizzy. It's like someone swinging you 50 times straight and let's you go without notice.

My feet landed gracefully in mid air as I tried to look for north. In this realm, north is where south is in the Heavenly realm. The heat accumulates after flying towards the original route. Another thing is that if you are living, heat would be the death of you. Literally.

As I arrived at the vast, jet black gate, I used my power to unseal it and walk through. The mourning of souls echoed through the area, giving chills through any spine. Walking towards father's tall statue, a small frown grew upon my face.

His figure was even more pale and skinnier than the last five hundred years I saw him. His grey hair and beard was now lengthen to his thighs, and his royal clothes were even more worn out. Just sitting on the scorching hot concrete ground. He doesn't look a day over a milminia. When his sight was upon me, his fragile eyes widened.

"Has it been five hundred years already?"

"No, father," I answered, "but I do have a question for you."

"Go ahead, Xui."

"Why?" If I looked at my face right now, I bet I looked utterly confused. "Why wouldn't just apologize and come home? All this time I've always wondered why you're here in this hellhole. Why were you suffering all this time."

His kind eyes softened at my questions then closed them. When he closes them, he already knows his answer and it's probably a wise one too.

"I won't apologize. But I do want to go home. It's both desires into one, my child. I chose to help her out when she needed someone the most. Did you know Changming left Yuan after she turned into a demon? All she had on earth was a baby and her box."

"Why did she kept the box?"

"Because...it was everything to her. She had her freedom thanks to the box. She also lost everything in return. I do not regret my decisions. A pure spirit does not deserve such woe."

After that statement, I went quiet. If I was in her position, I would've discard the box. Or at least take care of what I'd had left. "Where is her baby now? Is it immortal?"

He shook his head. "Unfortunately, after fifty years of that incident, her children died. The last one, her baby, Tuian, had a baby with an mortal. Fifty years later, that kid died. Her family tree would remain constant due to her curse."

Okay, now this was unfair. The woman just wanted freedom but her children are suffering too? Not only that but their lifespan is half of hers?!

"Where's the latest descendant? I want to go talk to the mortal abo--"

"You can't."

"Why?!" I stood up in disappointment. "The latest one would suffer from something he didn't deserve! Yuan's curse needs to end, father!!"

Father slowly stood up to say something-- but he said nothing. By the looks of it, he wanted too, but it seemed like something was stuck in his throat. Just then, blood came seaming down his head and mouth. We both stood there in disbelief.

This wasn't supposed to happen.

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