1 Becoming A God (Multiversal One)..

Let's say one random guy was very bored in the human world (meaning earth).He liked to read fictional works on webnovel and other websites like us😋. Well he wasn't the only one bored GOD was too. You know stop this I getting confused as I was saying random guy was bored and that guy is me. Well why I am saying this ,you can ask but probably don't have to. Here I am in front of a guy that calls himself GOD not god , understand. And I am thinking this because usually don't the guys that gets the chance to reincarnate do the same thing. There is silence since I got here probably 15 minutes ,maybe... so let's speed up things.

"Hello there Let me introduce myself .I am Ryu . Nice to meet you,God. You would already know everything about me. So tell me how many wishes I am getting. " random guy said.

God finally speaks now. God " You are quite impatient . Now first,you would get powers like me meaning become a god .Secon.."

Ryu " Nice so I choose to reincarnate in Against the God. And thank you .See ya later."

God "let me finish me first . As I was saying you Second you will be watching over multiverse in my absence. I have gotten bored over years so you would do that for me . And I get on vacation and adventure."

Ryu becomes shocked after hearing this he thought he would go on adventures but no he would have to do work like watching over others not that he would like to do. He exclaims" I would rather not. I am already bored , why would I like to sit on a spot for who knows how much time.So no I ain't doing this . You keep your good work".

After some time debating ,Ryu accepts the condition that he would oversee for some years then God will come and he would go on adventure.....

Currently ,God asked "What powers would you like to choose " .

Ryu said "I want the body of Son Goku from Dragon Ball Super and power equal to Gogeta from Broly movie and I also want complete control over laws of space ,time,life and death and in addition to appearance of Goku . I want my current normal body to change into body of perfect body like you would say a godly body .And..." .

After some time he finishes what he wants .God simply chose to ignore what he kept on saying and granted him these.

God said"Bye former mortal . Oversee the universe carefully and keep balance between good and evil." Saying this he disappeared leaving behind Ryu who now has become a god.

Ryu"Right now I am a god so let's go to work .I would become a MC later. Why do I fell like I am a Sidekick to God who seems like MC on adventure .Damnit , whatever I will be an MC eventually."

Ryu first chooses to oversee on...

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