
she's getting rid of the baby

Lilly was laying on her bed looking as doctor Smith performed her duties,

her father was pacing back and forth while her mom had a worried expression on her face.

after a while doctor Smith ask her if she could sit up which she quickly did, she doesn't understand all the drama when she felt perfectly fine, she has just been feeling dizzy lately which result to her fainting , aside from that she is okay.

Lilly are you involved in any sexual activities recently? doctor Smith ask her after she has taken her sit.

Austin got angry at the question and was about to ask the doctor why she's asking her pure daughter such question when he saw Lilly raise up a finger to indicate she has done it once while looking down at her laps not daring to face her parent.

haven't you heard of safe sex? why didn't you protect yourself doctor Smith asked

Austin was getting impatient and asked the doctor what's going on, her daughter admitting to have had sex is one thing, he still don't understand the doctor lectures

Mr Austin your daughter is pregnant, she break the news, Lilly gasp while Esther heave a sigh of relief, Lilly was not a sickly but the first time she got sick, it nearly took her life, she's relief it's not serious, but those are her own thought, her husband voice brought her back from her thoughts.

who is that bastard!! Austin roared

Lilly shivered but didn't respond.

I ask who is the bastard that dare lay his hand on you? he ask again

Mr Austin I would advise you to calm down and stop scaring her, doctor Smith advise and face Lilly,

you understand this is not a joke right? can you tell who is responsible for your pregnancy?

j..o.hn she stammered

hearing the name John, Austin couldn't believe his ears and ask again to confirm if he had heard wrong, John William? he asked while Lilly nod her head.

reaching into his pocket he brought out his phone and dialled a number.

after the call got connected, get the boy arrested immediately he shouted, at the other side of the line, his P.A was shocked,

sir you mean John?

yes, get him arrested within an hour, I would join you there soon, Austin replied

but sir Why? John is.., are you questioning me now? Austin cuts in and he quickly apologise and replied right away sir.

he has been the one in charge of making sure John was comfortable and his every needs being tends to under Austin order, even when he rented his apartment, he was sent to check out the place to make sure it's safe for him to live in, so the sudden arrest request was still baffling him, he treated the boy like a son, so what could cause this, he thought but he had no choice but to do as he was told, he knew his boss still cared if not he won't involve the police to deal with the matter.

no no no dad please don't, Lilly pleaded with him.

she's getting rid of the pregnancy he said facing the doctor ignoring Lilly pleads, Lilly and Esther eyes widened when they heard this and Lilly finnaly got annoyed, how can you say that dad, am not getting rid of it.

Austin was about to say something when the doctor interupt, I will advise you guys to talk things out properly and let me know what you decide later, she's fine now so I will like to take my leave, she said, and left, Esther watch as father and daughter exchange words, the word get rid of the baby has bring out her daughter stubborn nature and she knew this will only get worse, if she was asked to voice her own opinion on the matter, she is okay with the pregnancy, since it won't affect her education, she will only have to give birth and resume school after, she will take care of the baby in her stead and everything will go on smoothly, but she couldn't dare say it out knowing her husband well, arresting the boy is still his way of showing mercy.

John was not sure why he was arrested but seeing the P.A with them he followed them willingly.

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