
a mom like a friend

getting home, she saw her mother pacing back and forth in front of their house, the moment she lay eyes on her she gasp and her eyes nearly pop out of their socket, oh my goodness, baby you look so beautiful, she walk close to her and hugged her, this is more like it, from now on I want to be seeing you like this you look so.... Then she notice something odd about her, what's wrong baby? are you okay? she asked looking worried, am fine mom , and by the way, why are you just coming now, you got me worried, this is unlike you, even rose got home before you.

Anna: you don't have to worry yourself am good, and I might be home late from now on, so don't worry yourself about it, I am old enough to make small decisions like this, after all rose come home anytime she likes, I don't see reasons why you should take it this much when it comes to me, am tired of being treated like an infant, she makes her way in, am going for a nap, then she walks inside.

Lilly was shocked by her daughter words, this is the first time she has ever complain to her, what's wrong with her, she thought to herself, is this part of growing up? many questions runs in her mind, before she decided to ask her directly.

she went to Anna's room and knocked.

Anna: am sleeping

Lilly: if you are really sleeping, is it your room that answered me just now? she let out a soft smile

Anna: mom it's not funny, I need time to relax myself

Lilly: you will after we talk

Anna: stood up and unlock the door, come in

Lilly: baby.. I mean Anna, are you okay?, how was school today? did someone bully you? should I contact the school

Anna: mom!. stop please Am not...

Lilly: a baby I know but you don't seem yourself today

Anna: seeing that she couldn't get rid of her by being stubborn she finally accept defeat. fine am really fine just disappointed and scared, what if am mistaken, what if he forget about me already? who? Lilly asked seeing her daughter disappointed face. the guy from yesterday.

you are like this because of someone you met the other day? Anna this is ridiculous you shouldn't bother so much about people that don't care about you,

what do you mean don't care about me? Anna asked looking annoyed.

I mean it's unreasonable to expect him to... she stopped realising she's might end up spilling the bean and what Anna seem to need right now is encouraging and petting.

Anna: what?

Lilly: I just don't want you getting hurt because of someone you barely know, if he is meant to be yours, you will surely meet, and if he's not someone more outstanding will show up in your life.

feeling a little better Anna face lit up, you think so? she asked, I know so her mother replied hugging her, suddenly Anna spoke

Anna: for the first time in my life as a college student, school was totally different today, tell me about it she release her looking at her like a gossip,

well I don't know where to start, is it the part where I tripped and was caught by Ralph or where I was not mocked at school today or where Ezekiel ask me out or where Ralph that was known for minding his own business actually stepped in between Ezekiel and I, Lilly face darken when she heard Ezekiel asked her out.

Lilly: I will love to hear the part where Ezekiel ask you out? is that part of the reason why your mood is sour? that same guy that reject your feeling and insult you?

Anna: smiled. mom firstly I never told him about feelings or no feeling, I think he observe that I usually steal a glance at him and decide to warn me off, and secondly I don't like him to the extent of going on a mood swing, like you said crush is crush there is no big deal about it unless it is reciprocated by the other party, and now I realise rose is right am so naive.

Lilly: you mean he came to you on his own gut feeling ? you should stay away from people like him.

Anna: I know

Lilly: now tell me about that Ralph, you mentioned him twice maybe he has a thing for you, she said giving her a teasing smile

Anna: scoffed, don't even go there mom, Ralph? no no no he will never like someone like me, and moreover Am taken, she said this part shyly

Lilly: not knowing whether to laugh or cry at her daughter naivety. taken? I haven't marry you off and what do you mean by never like someone like you? don't ever feel like you are not worthy of any man, and you never knew what may come tomorrow, he might ask you out as well, didn't you say he alway mind his business? yet he mind yours twice today

Anna: we are not thinking of a romance plot here mom, it's impossible

Lilly: fine anything you say madame, they both laugh and keep on gisting, so what did he say after getting in between you and that boy?

Anna: she scratched her head, I i kind of left them with their arguing and left

Lilly: looking disappointed, Anna that's not fair, you should at least thank him, even a tiny act of kindness should be appreciated, that's bad of you

Anna: I know, I was in a hurry then but I would talk to him tomorrow and apologize

Lilly: and thank him, maybe something can begin from there, she said raising her brow childishly

Anna: are you even my mom? she rolled her eyes at her

Am not, I find you too cute and snatched you from your mom

Anna: oh really? now that I know i would stop at nothing to find her, she said giving her a mean face

Lilly: well good luck to finding her, but am never gonna let you go

Anna: we would see about that.

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