20 Ch20 : System Level lv3

[Short-term gain buff: Increase the experience value of the host's consumption of money in a short period of time, the increase rate of the experience value is doubled, and the gain experience value does not accumulate to the next system level, and is a one-time buff].

Gao Xiang is a smart man.

According to the system, I immediately understand the meaning of [short-term gain buff]: the original experience value of 100,000 for subsidized households is 100,000 experience points, but after the [short-term gain buff], you can get 200,000 experience points. .

At this point, the experience bar of the system is [68335/200000], plus the experience value of 200,000 is [268335/200000], which is completely out of the ordinary.

More than 200,000 experience required for system upgrade.

That is to say, more than 60,000 more experience, but the experience added by the [short gain buff] does not accumulate to the next level of the system.

It's a pity to have more than 60,000 experience... The system should learn from the three major operators, and now the traffic can be accumulated until next month.

Although the three major operators are still pitted, they are at least somewhat conscientious.

However, Gao Xiang still made a profit this time.

After all, under normal circumstances, Gao Xiang could only get 168,335 experience points, but now it is over 200,000 experience points!

Earned more than 30,000 experience points!

not bad!

One should still be content.

Contentment is always happy.

Gao Xiang quickly checked the situation of the system.

Host: Gao Xiang.

Age: 18 years old.

Skills: None.

System level: lv3.

Upgrade experience: 0/500,000.

System account: 0 (unit: yuan)

Money source: As a Shenhao, you can get 12 cents in cash for every second you live on the earth.

System Mall: Not opened.

System reminder: As a Shenhao, your life is full of surprises.

You can get 12 cents in one second, and you can get 10368 in 24 hours a day!

Over 10,000 daily income!

The number can be quite a lot!

But seeing that the next system upgrade experience requires 500,000 experience, Gao Xiang has a headache again!


In other words, it takes at least 49 days to make up 500,000 and spend all 500,000 to upgrade the system.

This time is not short.

However, this matter is also in a hurry.

"Ding Dong, the system has reached the level of lv3, open the personal attributes panel."

Personal attributes panel?

Gao Xiang quickly concentrated his attention and checked the personal attributes panel in his mind.

Host: Gao Xiang.

Age: 18

Basic information: height 181, weight 75kg, medium facial features, good body proportions.

Basic attributes: IQ: 125. Emotional Quotient: High, Adverse Quotient: Medium, Financial Quotient: Medium, Physical Quotient: Level Three.

Sum evaluation: The host is a three-high teenager with high appearance, high emotional quotient and high IQ. Other aspects need to continue to work hard.

Below the system, there are related explanations of the five major quotients.

IQ is based on a 200-point system. Those with a score of 90-110 are within the range of normal intelligence, those with a score of 120-140 are considered smart, and those with a score of 140 or higher are called geniuses. The lower the score, the worse the intelligence, and those with a score of 70 or less are considered as low intelligence.

Emotional quotient usually refers to the emotional quotient, which mainly refers to the qualities of a person in terms of emotions, will, and tolerance to setbacks. It is divided into four levels: super high, high, medium, low, and super low.

Ultra-low EQ is commonly known as straight men and straight women.

Adversity quotient refers to the ability to withstand pressure in adversity, and is also divided into four levels: super high, high, medium, and low.

Those who choose to commit suicide or give up at every turn are those with low adverse quotient.

Financial quotient refers to financial management ability, especially investment income ability, which is also divided into four levels: super high, high, medium, and low.

Because of family conditions, Gao Xiang has no money to manage, so his financial quotient is intermediate, which is also normal.

Body quotient is the total assessment of physical fitness, including a person's reflexes, agility, strength, explosive power, etc., which is divided into one to nine levels, and the third level is considered to be the level of a normal person.

You have four majors, and I have five majors!

In addition to IQ and EQ of Gao Xiang's five quotients, the other three quotients are quite satisfactory and similar to ordinary people.

Gao Xiang still needs to work hard to raise the business.

A perfect **** must be in perfect state in all aspects!

PS: Ask for a wave of flowers and evaluation votes, thank you.

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