
This curse they've given me.

Humanity had always been different in people's perspectives and it depends on how they see the world around them, some have been suffering from hunger, wars, crimes and more, while some had been living the life, had found peace and love in their selves without knowing the true meaning of suffering and reality this people had been blind.

"Why do i see the world so differently now"

As the bell rings in Jenji Highschool i was filled with anxiety and i was very nervous, it was my first time i was assigned to be a student teacher, my suit felt irritating, hot, my neck tie wasn't right, my hair and the sweat run down to my face as my name was called from a voice inside one classroom "Class i would like to welcome you our new exchange Student Teacher Jerrome Burnett".... "I'm scared"i said to myself as i went inside the classroom with the eerie feeling of curiosity around me, eyes were all over me, and whispers I've heard that i could be over thinking any second i introduced myself... *bell rings* " It has been 2 hours of talking about psychology infront of 30 students im glad i survived out there the whole time i felt like i was about to die! " i said to myself as i take my breathe of relief and went to the office room passing through lockers i have seen for a few days now, students, teachers, and my fellow student teachers with the same nervousness in their eyes," I'm not alone"i smiled a little and went to get my bag as i looked outside.." It's getting darker " i said to myself, ready to go home.

As i walked outside the school the feeling of normalcy sorrounds me as the light gets dimmer as i was walking in the streets, i thought about how life has been okay and im doing great of becoming much better, i smiled to myself and said "i guess therapy was important for me" as i was walking in the street i thought about me finally worth something to society, a student teacher, im glad i didnt give up on studying to become one.

"I might deserve to live normally now"

As i walked ever so slowly, a sudden van parked infront of me and 2 men in black suits came out of it, one punched me in the stomach knowing I'd go down and i wouldnt run anymore as the other covered my mouth with a handkerchief "it smells wierd" i said to my own as my vision felt blurry and my body felt weak.

"Are you sure this was the right person on the picture" i heard them talking as my ears still can't process that much it was ringing with echos of their voices i woke up, i looked around, 2 men were on my side as they were arguing about something and i saw the driver wearing no mask at all with his face in the verge of rage, i cant talk.... Or scream.....or struggle, I'm tied up tight and if i did, I'd fall down asleep again.

"is this really how i should die? Out of all the events in my head?" i smiled at myself being calm and not panicking at all "ahh just as i thought life had gone good for me, out of all the people in the world why me" i thought of it with no fear at all, i thought of it as if it was hilariously unbelievable, then suddenly the driver saw my eyes wide open on the in the car window, he screamed and told those 2 men something... I'm tired again... I'm not sure where I'm going or how I'm going to die....

I opened my eyes once more as one man was infront of me with a surgical mask and a knife on his right hand "oh your finally awake!" he said as if he was really excited to talk to me "h-hold on im still tying up your shoulders to the straps" he said and he did, the strap was tight, like i wasn't meant to even flinch or move a finger, i stared at him with no fear at all and all the life's worthiness gone.....I'm dissapointed at myself, i thought and stared into the man strapping up my legs "ahh i Guess it was a dark street with not so much people around, i honestly thought"

"Peace was silence and nothing"

"Listen Jerrome, if the world was about to end and there's nothing you can do on your own, which side would you rely on? God or Science?" he asked as he stared into my eyes and i stared at his, it was like staring into the eyes of someone without mercy and a soul" Hehe! Your eyes are just like mine! "he chuckled ". "Anyways i know logically you can't answer right now but if i were you science wouldn't do anything if that situation was so fast wouldnt it? And if you did beg for God for help he wouldn't instantly come down from heaven.. One call away" he pointed his knife on the ceiling as he was talking then he stared right back at me "if you really can't do anything... You let your demons inside you come out and find a way, that's how precise survivors are that's how merciless those warriors who survived thousands of wars can be! No mercy! No Soul! No God! No science!" he went straight into me pointing his knife on my wrist as i looked down i saw a pentagram under me and candles around me" i havent noticed that just now, it's just his eyes is like mirror to mine... Why?" i asked myself." Your under a pentagram you see your our new test subject, as you can see" he point his knife on my face then to his gloves and surgical Mask, "i used to work in the name of science, i used to rely on science but most importantly on God, I've saved hundreds of Patients!..... And killed a thousand more". he stared at my face once more with the desire of excitement in his soulless eyes and looked back into a file of documents and started picking one "Jerrome Burnett! Age of 23, no relatives on where he lives, possibly outcasted or a runaway from home, attempted suicide of 13 including drugs, falling off a bridge, getting hit by a car purposely, burning his old home and him inside it.... But survived every single one" he closed the file and told me "Hehe is it because you desire death and life won't let you or you fear death and desire life more? Hehe you are one crazy man, Just like me! I knew it! Someone can be a vessel! A driver that controls his own shape of sin! Hate! DESIRE!... Hehe you're the only one who knows the right answer to my questions and it's not on my choices isn't it?.. ". I shooked in panic and fear my mind has been running thousands of questions to myself " how does he know me!? Where did he get this info?! How did he know... How?- as i was in panick he cut my wrist with his knife, i felt it- pain- the cut- blood dripping on my hands- why-, i struggled to get out trying to shake and scream" sh-shit i didnt wanna go this way! It's only supposed to be me! I know where I'd die instantly! Then.... Why does his cut on my wrist felt more painful than anything I've ever done to myself? -.. "You will be our offer to the underworld, we know something had been stopping you from death and we wanna know what it is, we wanna get it out of your own vessel, your body! We wanna see it's shape as you've only been feeling shocked by it blindly not knowing what it's shape is". As my blood dripped on the pentagram all the candles went out "Somethings coming out of me!!! I'm gonna puke!!! My eyes!!! They're bleeding! Why!?!?....". I said to myself suffering from this event of pain happening on my body as i shake my body endlessly trying to scream in pain, i looked at the man with his eyes finally on the verge of success he smiled, the longest smile you'll ever see" FINALLLY!!! THE EXTRACTION IS A SUCCESS! I KNOW THERES AWAY, THERES ALWAYS A WAY! "he screamed in happiness. I felt everything around me being blurry and light... My body seems to feel like it's fading, like it's taking something away from me..." So this is it.... This is how i die.... As some kind of offering.... I have so many questions..... Just as life has turned around fine for me.... Looks like it's actually happeni-" i heard a buzz around me with my eyes opening and my teeth locking itself together tightly gritting and my body being stiff and using all its strength while i was on the ceiling i looked around and see the man upside down the ceiling light on my face i saw the man clearly in a surgical outfit. "Why!?! WHY!? YOU DIDNT CONTROL IT!? YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO BE THE VESSEL!!" he had his eyes turn dark like somethings consuming it. I saw dead bodies everywhere i saw the 2 men who kidnapped me.. I can tell by their outfit.. Their arms ripped out and their neck had been bitten throughly that it rips through their flesh," why is my mouth dripping" - i looked at my arms struggling and clinging itself on the ceiling with blood around my hands and on my mouth "did i" - "ELIMINATE HIM! HE FAILED AS THE VESSEL!" as the doctor screamed 5 guards went inside the room "sh-shit what do i do" i suddenly backed off on the ceiling without falling, "i have so many questions on my mind, shit! Calm down! Escape first then let's think about this" i thought to myself as i crawled forward i wasnt falling, i crawled faster and faster.. I'm hearing heartbeats together beating like it was they were horses running in the field. *Crash*i broke the ceiling lights as i crawl outside on the ceiling "shit! They're getting louder! These heartbeats-" i crawled faster and faster punching each ceiling lights i see on the way *foot steps* they're here... The surrounding was dark i thought to myself "that doctor didn't even panic that all the guards died, he stared at me with dissatisfaction and walked away in a calm state". I closed my mouth and hold my breath in "where is he" one man said. "alright clear the perimeter he couldn't have ran far away from us" i walked on the side of the dark and panicked room ever so slowly as i saw a vent "That's probably an opportunity! -" as i crawled on the side "YOU DUMB ASSES!" I stared at where the shout came from. It was the doctor.. He stared at me in the dark like he could see right through me "COMPLETELY USELESS GUARDS!" his eyes turned dark and his fingers grew longer as the lights from the guards gun was pointing at him "looks like i have to take care of my own trash since you merely can't see anywhere..... How smart of you Jerrome". I saw- i saw his nails grew longer and longer and longer... His jaw extended right above his chest and his arms stretched and took form of some human like spider, his eyes gets consumed by the darkness "SH-SHIT! WHAT THE HELL IS THAT" I asked myself merely in the verge of fear and weakness never realizing i was one of it. I ran and crawled faster! Going into the vent, i looked behind and-"SH-SHIIIT!" his arms were wide enough to cover the whole hallway as he used it on the side walls and ran towards me closer and closer and closer! "F-F" I finally got close into the vent opened it up with all my might destroying it, desperately in fear i jumped inside, the doctor's middle finger claw was enough to reach to my leg and scratched it "AUGH-" I crawled faster and faster inside the vent, i felt safe enough to crawl slower as i was doing so i heard "You're not going to be able to survive out there Jerrome! As you know humans hates monsters! You're one of us Jerrome! What would you tell the authorities!!? The people?!?... Well get you soon enough don't think this is the last time we will meet" he said it to me as i crawled outside this huge warehouse, it looked old and abandoned yet it contains a strong hold inside full of people and a huge concrete hallway with rooms everywhere and guards. I finally got out and ran through the fields "I DONT CARE WHERE I'M GOING JUST RUN!!" I said to myself as i ran farther and farther away from the warehouse, i looked back staring, struggling to breathe but in the state of mind of questioning myself "what was" - i suddenly tripped over something on the way as i fell down this steep road and fell on a puddle of water "uggggh-" i tried to get back up, the world stopped around me... I was under a light post as i looked in the puddle... And asked myself "What have they done to ME!!?" I gripped on the mud with my teeth gritting "What is-"

"This curse they've given me".

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