
Take Their Money And Leave! (2)

Linkin was boiling with rage on the inside when he heard what the first guard said. These two actually had the audacity to use a loaded pair of dice and spout all that nonsense about how rules were rules, just to be hypocrites!

Linkin did not have any issues with people who cheated, as long as they knew how not to get caught doing so. However, what he hated more than anything else in the world were hypocrites! People who go back on their word or suddenly change things to suit their personal needs.

'Good, good... But no matter how many times we play, the results will be the same!'

"What? If you don't want to play anymore then fuck off!" The second guard yelled.

Both of the guards had smug looks on their faces as if they could do whatever they want and get away with it. After all, they knew that "Bob" would not try to fight back against them.

"Who said I didn't want to play? Let's continue." Linkin stated.

Linkin had a serious look in his eyes as he picked up the cup and two dice. Though, of course, the two guards were unable to see the change in his facial expression since it was hidden behind the mask Linkin was wearing.

The two guards were a bit surprised by Bob's attitude. Normally, he would just act submissive and then scuttle away like a little bug after they showed even a little bit of aggression. However, he actually stayed and wanted to continue playing!

"Heh, if you insist! Just remember that you have to roll normally for it to count! If it slips out of your hands then it won't count!" The first guard warned.

"You should feel generous that we're giving you another shot you." The second guard smirked.

'Generous? How laughable! You two want to scam me and when I win you want to make it so that it doesn't count. Well, that's fine by me. I'll show you two the consequences of your own actions.'

Linkin shook the two dice around within the cup before slamming the cup onto the ground. When he lifted the cup up the total number that was shown by the dice was... Twelve!

Impossible—this was the first thought to enter the mind of the guards.

Linkin had rolled yet another twelve.

'I haven't used that technique since my days as a brat. Never thought I'd be using it again.'

It was a bit easier to hide it behind dropping the cup by "mistake", however, with these two Linkin felt that it would easily go over their heads. Besides, they did not appear to have any true experience dealing with someone who could truly gamble.

Linkin had shifted the two dice around inside of the cup and made it so that just when they hit the ground, one of the dice would strike the other in such a way that threw off the weighted portion of it.

Of course, this was a technique Linkin had trained to the point of perfection in order to survive the harsh streets in his childhood. One had to be precise and exact or else it would be impossible to accomplish.

"It looks like my luck is quite good. Of course, if you want to go for double or nothing that's fine as well." Linkin said.

The two guards looked at each other. Were the dice broken or something? They had to figure out what was going on!

"You... Let me see those two dice! I believe you may have switched them out and are trying to play a trick on us!" The first guard growled.

This guy sure had some nerve. He was the one who was trying to trick them? Wasn't it the other way around?

"Sure thing, "friends"." Linkin said as he handed the dice back over to the guard.

The first thing the guard did was roll the dice. To his surprise, the total was actually two. He rolled again and got yet another two. He rolled the dice at an angle that Linkin could not see from. The dice appeared to be working just fine!

The two guards mumbled to each other a bit before turning back around towards Linkin.

"Alright! Double or nothing! We'll see how long your luck last." The first guard stated.

A smirk appeared on Linkin's face behind his mask. These two guards had taken his bait.

"Then, should we start?" Linkin said with a grin underneath his helmet.


Around two minutes later...

"Pleasure doing business with ya two. Hope we can do this again some time." Linkin said in a cheerful tone.

"Y-you! At least leave us our clothes!" The first guard cried out.

"We'll have no face left if we get caught like this! Show some mercy!" The second guard followed up.

Linkin had taken all of their coins and when they still did not want to give up, they bet their clothes. He had won every single article of their clothing and the two guards were now standing there in only their undergarments. Of course, that was the one piece Linkin let them keep. After all, it was not a sight he was willing to take in.

"Sure, sure. Think of it as a sign of our "friendship"." Linkin stated.

Linkin was already surprised that these two had even paid up. He was sure that with their attitude they would not give him the money and he would have to force it out of them, but that was not the case at all. Even though they were unwilling, they still gave him the promised coins.

The least he could do was let them keep their clothing. The last thing he needed was this spiraling out of control over a few clothes.

"Then, I'll see myself out." Linkin said.

Linkin strolled right out of the dungeon with a bag full of coins that he obtained from both of the guards.

'There's only one thing I do to people who try to con me... Take their money, and leave!'

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