
Chapter One

It was 9:00 oclock in the morning dana had just woken up to take a bath she had grabbed her clothes from the dresser and put them on the shelf in her bathroom she turned on the water, and filled the tub as she had gotten in the tub she went and other soap, dana washed her feet, legs, chest, arms, and neck.

She did not want to smell so she rinsed off and then wet her hair and got her shampoo and rubbed it in her hair she made sure to leather her hair up good and then she rinsed it out, as she got out of the tub Dana dryed off she put her clothes on and then put her boots on after that, she brushed her teeth then went downstairs to eat breakfast she sat down at the table and her mom brought her some food as she ate she was talking with her mom and told her that she like to get a place of her own her mother thought it was a good idea as Dana looked at the time she got her car keys and left as she drove down the road and saw that it was getting misty out and things was getting hard to see the street lights was flickering and her car stop as Dana tryed to start her car it would not start.

Dana looked out to see black figure's outside she did not look she herd noise's coming from behind her, she started to feel cold, and the window's start to fog up, the radio was turning on and off , she new this was not a good road as the fog got thicker and thicker she was starting to get frightened as she felt light headed the oxygen level fell and Dana had fallen unconscious .

*1 Hour Later*

Dana woke up and the car started and she was so happy the window's was clear, and the engine started up again, and she drove off and she herd a voice from behind her she did not want to turn or look in the mirror she was scared to look as she desided to brave up she looked back to see a girl in the back seat

And she stopped the car she looked in the mirror and she was gone Dana shut the door and drove down the road and as she was driving she seen a girl who was walking down the road and she stopped and asked if she needed help she said yes.

So Dana asked where she wants to go and she had told her 37285 Erickson street, so the girl got in and dana had taken her to the address she thanked her and she waved bye and left, she drove down the street for about 10 minutes when she realized that the girl purse was in her front seat and went back to the home as she approach the house she knocked at the door and a elderly woman came to the door.

Elderly woman may I help you dear.

Dana yes I just gave a Young girl to this address and she forgot her purse in my car.

Elderly woman what's the name of the girl dear.

Dana let me see...Sarah marsh.

Elderly woman what did you say.

Dana Sarah marsh.

Elderly woman that is my daughter she has been dead for 20 years.

Dana then the girl I gave a lift to was a ghost.

Elderly woman yes that's right I am sorry she does that to people who bring's her home and she return's to the place she died at

Dana dam this is creepy thank ma'am here is the purse I will be leaving

Dana got in her car and backed up the driveway and she pulled out the way she was going, as she was driving down the street and she seen a sign it seid route 666 and she drove down the road and about half way down the road she started to here voice's from the backseat and the radio stated to turn on and off the window's started to fog up again and she herd a scream on the radio and she looked outside to see things in black and her car started to bounce up and down as if someone was pushing down on it Dana was scared she covered her face with her jacket and she was hearing whispers in her ear telling saying kill kill as she screamed the oxygen level started to fall as she blacked out again the fog outside was gone and it started to rain blood all over her car as Dana woke up she saw that blood was all over her car.

Dana panicked and got out of the car she herd the whispers in her ears agian and the darkness started to fall upon her the fog was coming and she seen that there was a cabin she ran to it and as Dana got there she herd a noise like a twig breaking from behind the cabin, and a scream from inside, as she looked in there was nobody there and she tryed to open the door but could not she went around the back and there was nothing there she herd a twig snap from the front she ran deeper inside the forest and saw another cabin and tryed to open the door but could not, she slowly looked to the left to find the thing in a black robe she fell backwards and blood fell from the sky as she seen as Dana was covered in blood she went to the third cabin but it did not open the whispers in her ear is getting louder and louder she screamed in terror and ran around to the back as another thing in a black robe was right there she got up and ran around the other side of the cabin and got to the fourth cabin it opened and she went in and slammed the door shut she was scared as she looked there was blood on the floor and oxygen level started to drop again she felt to the floor and blacked out.

*3 Hours later*

Dana woke up to heavy fog  outside  and  she saw the things in the black robes outside she looked around the cabin for anything that is useful she goes to the closet first and See's that there is a box that has a insignia of a spade and she knows what she needs to do she put the box on the table as she herd a knock at the door as she looked outside she herd something whispers in her ear as she looked behind her the girl she taken home was right there Dana fell backwards and the girl was walking to her and she pointed to the fifth cabin she saw that the cabin had a special key that is needed to get into that cabin so she went to the cabinet and opened it and found a gold key.

Dana looked on the wall to find a safe and she used the gold key on the safe and it opened it and she found a key that has a crow on it and went and looked at the door and she went out of the back door and went to the fifth cabin and used the gold key it opened the door.