

Hiccup's POV

" Toothless! Toothless!" I called as I made my way into the cove where he normally was. I tripped and fell to the floor. I got up and sat on a rock.

All the gods hate me! I have passed and I can't do that for my final exam! I can't kill a Dragon! Even if it's a Monstrous Nightmare! Oh what do I do? What do I do?

Normal POV

Hiccup thought all of these things. That afternoon he had beaten Astrid and had got the honor of killing his first dragon in front of the entire village tomorrow. He put the bag of fish on the floor, escaping his thoughts.

"Toothless!" Hiccup yelled. Nothing was heard. Where is that dragon? Hiccup thought. Suddenly, his chain of thoughts were broken by the sound of a stone sharpening an axe. He looked up and saw Astrid sitting there.

"O-Oh hey A-Astrid! W-What a p-pleasant surprise!" Hiccup stuttered

"I want to know what's going on!" Astrid said sternly.

"W-What do you mean?"

"No one gets as good as you, especially you. So start talking! Have you been training with someone? It better not involve this 'Toothless' character!" Astrid said. Her ears heard a sound. she glanced over there. Hiccup knew that the sound was probably from the sound of Toothless waking up.

"Hahaha! Well, here's the truth!" Hiccup said. Astrid then looked at Hiccup, giving him here full attention, "Well, I've been practicing making... Puddles!" Hiccup said with a weird smile.

"What?" Astrid questioned. that's when she had had enough. She dragged Hiccup to the floor and dropped the butt of her axe on Hiccup. He gave a yelp of pain. Then, Toothless came out. He was enraged! That girl had hurt Hiccup. He started to charge. Astrid turned around and panicking, raised her axe up above her head. Hiccup had seen all of it and when he saw Astrid bring the axe up, he put his hands on it and managed to grasp it out of her hands and threw it away. Toothless came infront of Astrid and spread his wing out, in a form of a threat. Hiccup put his hand on Toothless' mouth.

"Wow, easy there bud. You scared him Astrid!" Hiccup explained calming Toothless.

"Who is 'HIM'!" Astrid said in shock and disbelief

"Astrid, Toothless. Toothless, Astrid." Hiccup explained, gesturing to the two.

Astrid got up and sprinted into the forest.

"Yay! We're so dead!" Hiccup said sarcastically. Toothless then left Hiccup and went back to his nap.

"Where are you going?" Hiccup said following the mighty dragon


Hiccup has an enemy with him! Why? I must tell his father, the chief! Wait... What was that sound?

Hiccup and Toothless came souring over her and picking her of the ground, interrupting her train of thoughts as she ran back to the village.

"Hiccup! Put me down!"

"Only if you don't tell my father!"

"Fine!" she lied. Toothless put her gently down to the floor. Then, in a blink of an eye, she started to run again

"I'm sorry Hiccup but your father needs to know. TRAITOR!" she yelled as she sprinted

"Oh no! Toothless, we need to stop her!" Hiccup said as they went in closer to get her. Astrid saw them coming and picked up a rock and threw it. The rock flew and hit Hiccup right in the chest. This caused him to fall and Toothless fell with him.

Astrid sprinted as fast as she could. A dragon! How? How did he manage to do it? How did he get so good? These questions started to cloud her mind. Became 'vexing' at a point. Giving her flashbacks of that moment..... All of these things entered her mind. So much so that she didn't see Snotlout as she ran into him at the edge of the village. They toppled onto each other.

"Oh, heloo" Snotlout said lustfully

"Snotlout! Have you seen Hiccup's dad?"


"No time to explain!"... They both sped of to the Great hall, Astrid filling in Snotlout in on everything that had just happened. Once they had entered, they saw a huge, muscular man with a helmet and a large red beard.

"Stoick!" Astrid yelled, panting.

"What is it las?" Stoick replied kindly.


"That TRAITOR!" Stoick yelled in anger as he stormed out of the Great Hall. He marched around the entire village. Then he called every warrior Berk had and made his way, leading them all, into the forest. Astrid was among them.

After a great deal of walking, Astrid looked down into the cove.

"In there!" she announced. The vikings slowly crept their way into the cove. Nothing was seen or heard. All that were present started to spread around, looking for the duo. After around 5 minutes, a scream was heard.... It was coming from Astrid! Everyone flocked to her to see what was the problem. They arrived with open jaws. There was a stone infront of her and on it was a message written with the blood of a fish that lay on top of the stone. The fish had been half eaten. The message said 'How could you Astrid?' . Stoick cautiously came forward and picked up the half eaten fish. He inspected it very carefully. Stoick gasped. Everyone turned to Stoick.

"This fish has a Night Fury bite in it!" he said hoisting the fish high in the air, everyone's concentration was on that and the stone. Little did they notice a black blob flying in the sky...

"C'mon Bud! Let's get away from this place and hide you somewhere else shall we." Hiccup said as they turned around and started to fly of. At least they fell for the bait and we didn't get caught Hiccup thought, taking a one final glimpse at the cove. Hiccup thought for a few seconds and wasn't paying attention to what was infront of them. He turned around only to see a huge net coming straight at them. They couldn't dodge it......

Toothless was also caught by surprise. After the initial impact, Toothless started to lose altitude at a great speed. He wrapped his wing around Hiccup as they fell into the middle of the village. Then a huge sound filled the air.... It was the warning horn, which meant that everyone who could fight would come directly to them.....


Hiccup fumbled, as he brung his knife out, started to cut the ropes. He could see in the distance his furious dad marching much closer. After a bit, he had finally got the ropes of. He hugged Toothless. Toothless started to growl. Hiccup turned around to see they were surrounded by vikings...

Then, they all rushed Toothless. Toothless managed to knock a few out. That was when Stoick had had enough. He grabbed his axe and also began to charge Toothless. He managed to knock Stoick to the ground and started to form a fireball in his mouth.. Aiming it right at Stoick.....

"NOOOOOO!" Hiccup pleaded but Toothless still continued.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Hiccup yelled as loud as he could. Toothless closed his mouth and looked at Hiccup, full of doubt in his eyes. Then the rest all happened to quickly. Toothless had a mountain of vikings on him. Astrid and Snotlout exchanged smiles, the twins Ruffnut and Tuffnut were sniggering at Hiccup's failure and Fishlegs was actually pitying Hiccup as he had lost his best friend. Then Hiccup was picked up and carried to the Great Hall by his father.


Hiccup body felt the hard floor of the Great Hall.

"Dad, I know what happened! It is all messed up!" Hiccup tried to explain to his father

"So everything in the ring was a trick, a lie!"

"That was before I met Toothless! Dad! Just please! Take it out on me and please don't hurt Toothless!"

"The dragon? Hiccup! They've killed hundreds of us!"

"And we've killed thousands of them! They raid us because they have to! There is something else on their island!'

"So you've been to the nest!" Stoick interrupted

"Did I say nest?"

"How did you get there?" Stoick asked angrily

"No! I won't tell you!" Hiccup said realizing what was coming

"Ahhhhhh! Tell me!" Stoick started to get even more frustrated

"NO!" Hiccup replied

"Fine, then say goodbye to your dragon!"

No dad! You don't know what you're up against! Will you please listen to me for once!"

"You've thrown yourself in with the dragons! You're no Viking! You're not my son Hiccup! You're fate is sealed in Viking court!" Stoick went out of the Great Hall, leaving Hiccup with tears streaming down his face. He could hear his dad yelling something like, "Gather the entire village and ask them to go to the kill arena. Bring the beast and the traitor". These words made Hiccup cry even more.

After a bit of crying, Hiccup got up and realized that he would have to run away. That was his only option. He ran to the door and got out, only to his ex-father standing there. He grabbed Hiccup and tied his hands up with rope. He lifted the boy and carried him on his shoulder to the kill Arena.


"Hiccup Haddock, you have been charged with siding with an enemy! Do you deny it?" the court asked him with everyone watching.

"No!" Hiccup confidently replied.

"Then you shall be banished from Berk and if you ever set foot on this land then you shall be killed on sight! Do you accept these consequences?" The rowd gasped! Not because of Hiccup's banishment but he was celebrating!

"Yes! Yes! Thank you! You hear that Toothless? We don't have to live in this hell-hole anymore!" That's when Stoick took his place.

"Hiccup, we have a one time offer. If you kill the dragon then you will only stay in berkian prison for a month. Will you do it?" Stoick said.

"NEVER!" Hiccup replied. He went over to Toothless and patted him on the head. The crowd was distracted by that movement. That was Hiccup's plan. There was a satchel by Toothless that contained a knife. If he was able to get to it then he would be able to cut Toothless free and he would be able to take Hiccup's ropes of and they could leave. The crowd started to discuss about what had just happened. That was when Hiccup decided to move. He went and got the knife and freed Toothless. Toothless freed Hiccup and they flew right up into the air. Instead of leaving, Hiccup flew to the Storehouse and grabbed some food. Everyone was caught by surprise. Then Stoick gave the orders to get them. Hiccup and Toothless then went over to the blacksmith stall where he grabbed as many plans of future devices and metel he could and left Berk.... Forever

Hi everyone! This is my first time writing on this platform.

I am on Wattpad and on Fanfiction which are another 2 platforms.

I was invited here by Bintang

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Thank you all so much


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