
The Shadow Kings Summoning System

This is my first novel I hope you enjoy

Demon_8 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

The Punishment

After an amazing breakfast from Drake Mia was tired because of everything that happened so they decided to go to bed. Drake had a day off after that adventure so sleeping for half the day was the plan.

Drake went to his room laid down on the shaby bed. He opened his stat panel just to know how much he's grown.




level-3 (0/30)exp

Class-Shadow summoner

Title-Shadow King








Points available-0

[Energy crystals]-0


Skils: [Shadow summon]

abilities: [ShadowTransport],[Summom Creature's],[Enrage]


[Night quest]

1.Do 100 push ups and sit-ups

2.Run 5 miles(complete)

3.Swing your weapon 1,000 times

Time limit- 5 hours

Reward:5 points

Punishment: ???


' I forgot about the night quest. I'll do it after a good night's rest.' Drake thought for a moment before throwing it to the back of his mind.

'Knock' 'Knock '

Right then Drake heard a knock on the door. He got up off the bed and opened the door.

"Um brother c-can I s-sleep in here tonight I'm... I don't wanna sleep by myself." Mia said with some difficulty.

"Sure Mia." Drake responded while watching Mia wrapped in her warm fluffy blanket walking towards his bed.

With Mia here Drake didn't want to look through his stats anymore and decided to just go to sleep.









[Night Quest failed]

[Punishment will begin in 5 minutes]


Drake awoke to a loud noise in his head. Drake jumped out of bed not knowing what was happening. He thought that guy Francis had sent more people to his house.

Drake looked around and couldn't find anything out of place so Drake opened the system.


[System locked until punishment is over]

[Punishment begins in 4 minutes]


"What do you mean a punishment I just woke up!?" Drake said confused about what was happening.

'Wait... did I wake up to late to do the [Night Quest]. Oh that's probably pretty bad.' Drake finally realized what was going on with limited time and no weapons to take Drake ran out the house with his money to go buy a weapon.

Drake went to a weapons shop it took him 2 minutes to get there useing [ShadowTransport]. Drake went in and bought a sword for 1 sliver and 12 copper as well as a dagger for another silver.

So after that Drake was now poor. Not knowing what the punishment was Drake went into a dark alley waiting for the clock to tick down.





[Your punishment will now begin]

[Pleas enter the rift]


Suddenly a rift appeared in front of Drake. It looked like a tear in time and space. These rifts were how monsters came to this world. They would come through to invade earth.

With that thought in mind Drake didn't want to go in he stood there stareing at it until a force pulled him in.

"nonononono. You stupid system are you trying to kill me!?" Drake screamed as he felt like he was falling of a huge cliff.

Drake opened his eyes and saw he was in a new world there was water surrounding him and he was on a small island.

"What is this and why am I in the middle of the ocean?"

The sky in this new world was red with a bright blue sun with no clouds in sight. The only land I'm this world was were Drake was.

Drake walked over to the edge of the island to have a look at the water. The water was crystal clear. At the bottom there was a drop off and past that was only darkness. It was pitch black like a void trying to swallow you.

Drake thought about if it was possible to use [ShadowTransport] to go down there but wasn't going to test it.


[Punishment quest:Defeat the boss]

[Time limit: 3 days]

[Failure =Death]


"Really... I'm gonna take a wild guess and say that the boss is in that darkness down there."

Dark stared at the darkness and felt goosebumps on his skin and cold sweat going down his back.

When you enter a rift time works differently than normal and it's different for each rift. Some rifts 1 minute on earth is 5 days in the rift.

So Drake hoped that was the case here as well and the time wasn't 1 minute here is 5 days on earth.

Drake had never had been in a survival situation so he was at a loss of what to do right now. With nothing to go off Drake decided to test if the water was good.

He reached in with his hands cupped to grab some. The water was was warmer than Drake expected. After tasting it Drake noticed it wasn't salt water but it wasn't normal water either. There was something off about it but he wasn't loosing health so it should be fine.

While he was near the water Drake saw the darkness move a little almost like there was something stalking him at the bottom.

"Well I'm guessing some of these fish are high level so I should probably go hunt some of them for food and exp."

Drake stared at the water and jumped in not going out far enough to be above the darkness but also not to close to the island. There were some massive fish the size of him and bigger that he could see in the water.

Drake swam up to one of them and slashed with his Dagger.


The scales blocked the attack only leaving a small scratch on the surface. The fish almost as big as Drake turned and opened its mouth. Inside there were rows of sharp teeth.

It turned and snaped at Drake. Drake being not so good swimmer had his arm bitten. A small chunk of flesh was torn off and swallowed by the giant fish.

'Why are you so tough. I gotta get out of here.' Drake thought as he swam to his little island while being chased by the vicious fish of death.

Drake pulled himself onto shore with an angry fish swimming around the island waiting for Drake to reenter the water.

He stood up and looked at the wound on his arm. It was slowly healing at a noticeable rate. It seems the water had a healing affect.

With how strong the fish is Drake knew he would have the worst time ever.