
Level 1

Data loaded_ _ _

Hello Nightmare Seeker

Would you like a shorter name for this game?



What will you like your name to be?

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Alrighty Green!

Welcome to the World Of Adventure!

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"OOF" Green explained as he fell from the sky in a plain red t-shirt and black jeans.

He fell into a giant net that were hung to two strong sturdy trees. He took in his surroundings seeing he was in a forest.

As he sat up he nearly slipped through a gap in the net. Out of thin air an NPC appeared.

"Welcome to The Shadow Arena" it said.

It had a blue slime like body but in the shape of a women in similar clothes to him except everything was just slime with some clothing pieces visible.

"Here are the basic rules of the game:

- To check your inventory you say inventory.

-Your inventory holds everything that is not equipped onto you. You can find your stats in your inventory too.

-There are places where PVP are forbidden and if you're caught you are temporarily banned.

-If you die in combat you keep your stuff and levels but if you die to a monster you also keep your stuff and lvls.

-But if you die in a PVP with someone in the Shadow Arena you restart and there are no getting back what you lost until you regain them through trades and battles or just buy them.

These are just the simple rules as you advance you'll learn more"

After the speaking the NPC snapped her fingers and vanished in a instant. When the NPC snapped he was teleported to a busy street with markets set up everywhere. He strode around looking at different items each looked so deadly. He walked up to a small market setted up and sitting down in the middle of all the items was a man in ragged clothes. He was inspecting a weapon in his lap it was a simple dagger but it had a crystal embedded in to its handel. He was about to walk away when the man stood up he nearly jumped out of his body. The man strode up to him and said "You are new are you not?" He shook his head nervously he could feel his actual body sweating. The man noticing him shaking and takes Greens hands and places the blade in it."You'll need it…" was all he said before he warped out maybe logging out. He inspected the blade more thoroughly. He said inventory in his mind to see if that worked and sure enough a hologram appeared in front of him saying:


Dagger of the Fallen (SSR)


Wand of wood


Novices shirt (C)


Novices pants (C)


Book of rules (N/A)

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He tapped on the Dagger of the Fallen on the panel making another panel appeared.

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Dagger of the Fallen


EXP: 0


-Melee power +10

-Luck +30

-Random effects when blade

-Makes contact

-Block stuns your attacker

For 15 seconds

-On one hundredth slash the

Next slash does 6-7k dmg

Regardless of defence

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The Blade seemed really powerful with its buffs and abilities. He wondered why the man gave him the blade if it was a SSR or super super rare and has all of these op effects. He also wondered why the level requirement was just 1 the starting level. He closed his inventory and walked through some more markets. There was a npc that was selling beginners gear ranging from lvl 5 to lvl 25 each piece ranging from 100 to 15,000 gold. He found a poster on a wall saying "Arena match starting in three days. Find yourself a party. Fine good loot for the event. Must be lvl 15 and above to enter. Posters were hung up everywhere with players crowding around. There were many players that had amazing looking armor and weapons. There was a girl armored ion nothing but a shirt and pants but held a dagger in one hand and another in the other. The label above her said she was lvl 156! The highest level player in the game was 241 so she must be in the top 50's. He equipped his dagger and swung it in the air. When he equipped the dagger a sheath was attached to a belt on him. He putted away the Dagger and started reading the Rules Book. He found different locations. The Forest he spawned in was full of monsters that were low level and hidden away in the forest was a dungeon long abandoned of monsters. So if he found the dungeon he would receive free loot. The training ground where there were dummies for the newbies to fight and learn their own personal skills. If a player didn't like being a mage they could swap classes into a warrior or tank. There were many races you could spawn as or change to. The race he was spawned as was a human so he didn't have anything really special about him. Besides his different colored eyes which didn't match his hair at all. He teleported to the training ground where he hoped to level up himself and his dagger a bit. The training area was amazing looking it looked like a countryside mansion with lots and lots of dummies setted up. Already many players were training away trying to cut down the dummies.


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