
Drunken Nights (Part Two)

A few hours later I had about 8 drinks (if I counted right) and I was loosing up, I dance with a few people and made friends.

I see that the same stud who was trying to pull me when I first got here was slowly dancing into words me.

"Look I'm sorry I came to try hit on you, I'm sorry" she said.

"I'm sorry that I clapped back".

"Friends?" She said. Friends I replied with a small smile.

We stared dancing to the music and sipped on our drinks, as I was moving wide hips to the music, I move my head side side and scanned the room then we locked eyes.

He was leaning against the wall taking sips of his drink while some guy next to him rants on.

He wink and smiled then my eyes quickly shifted on to other things in the house, when we locked eyes my hearts had fallen to my toenail.

I haven't had that feeling since my first love and we all know how that ended, I stop dancing to fix my tube top then he begin to walk towards my way as he walks he smiles.

I felt like a teenage girl who just got a car for her sweet 16th, he walked pass me with his buddies following him and lord knows I'd fuck him.

I'll probably fuck him and he'll end up falling for me and would want to marry me for this bomb ass pussy. But I had this feeling that if we were talking I'd honestly take things slow like get to know him.

{1 AM}

The party was still going on and there was more naked and high people than drunk people. I wanted to try weed but knowing I'll only regret it in the morning is what stop me.

Me and bay was sitting by the pool just talking about each other past, We had our feet in the pool as we talk and vibe to the music as well.

"When was the last time you had a relationship, I thought I would be hearing a story about a boy but I haven't" she said

I haven't dated since I was sixteen and now I'm twenty one, I'm probably rusty in the relationship club but I don't want to be apart of that until I can find the person to for full my sexual desires and make me fall in love again.

"I haven't dated since the age of 16 honestly" I Said and turned my head not wanted to see her facial expression.

"Wow that's long, but that kinda amazing honestly" she said and I can hear the excitement in her voice.

I looked at her and smiled.

"Why though? Why no dating?"

That's when I felt like I had to escape, I can't let her know the truth.

"First love problems" I said with a slight smile.

"Okay" she replied.

"Are you still drunk ?" I asked

"I might be but I just don't feel it"

"Want to get something to eat?" I question


"Well it's like 1 something so McDonald's?"

"Sure" she said

We was about to get up but we heard the slide door swing open and boys shouting. "Throw him in, throw him in, throw him in".

I turned around and there was 4 boys carrying the boy who I locked eyes with.

They throned him in the pool and water splash over me and bay (the stud). "Bruh what the fucked" I shouted Bay got up quickly and ran inside the house

They laughed and laughed like no tomorrow. I can feel myself getting heated quickly I tried to catch my breath and clam down, I'm not trying to make the same mistake I made 5 years ago.

"I'm sorry sorry ma"am" he came swimming towards me, "I'm removing my now soaked hair that's becoming curly from my face.

He got out of the pool and offer to help me up, I took his offer and he looked around and grabbed a cloth he examined it and claimed it was his shirt that he left out here earlier.

"Here you can use this to cover up" he said shyly I can see he's blushing but I realized whys he's blushing so hard that his face is now a cherry.

I looked down at my harden nipples that he can see through my tube top, I use my arm to cover them and asked for the shirt, he turned around and allow me to cover up.

"You can turn around now" I said

So he did, his eyes was so beautiful I felt like I was binge watching my favorite series. "I'm so sorry about that we were playing a game and I lost so I was thrown in the pool" he explained.

"I'm Jonathan" he said as he placed his hand out for a handshake with an devilish smile....


Fifth chapter of : The sex Goddess

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