
Beach Day & Martinis (part Three)

"Sup lil mama?" He said. I rolled my eyes and went over to bay. "You two know each other?"

Asked bay.

"No" I quickly said.

"Yes I tried to talk her when she was walking to the party and she rejected me".

"Ohh damm that's her who you walking about".

"So I got the food, who's hungry" Said the familiar voice.

"It's you" He said and the feeling came back.

"Hey" I said shyly

"So everyone basically know each other then?" Asked the girl laying in bay.

"Let me introduce myself and other"

" I'm April, that's Samuel but we call him Sammy, that's ken, and Ashley, we mistakenly left out Jonathan"

"Hi I'm...."

"We know your Nevaeh bay didn't shut up about you last night" Said ken

"Oh did she now" I said with a giggle.

"Everyone eat before the food gets cold" said Jonathan.

He bought Polo tropical and everyone else either bought drinks or edibles.


After everyone had ate. I was ready to go in the water, I got up and took of my cover up and shorts and pulled my hair in a ponytail.

"Anyone wants to join me?" I asked

Everyone was either high off their asses or drunk as fuck. " I'll join you" Said Jonathan. I smiled and he got up and took of his shirt.

Ladies when I say this man got the muscles and the abs I wasn't lying. He smiled and we begin to walk towards the water.

Something came over me like I was so shy and nervous, I had the butterflies in my stomach feeling.

I walked into the cold water but it was relaxing it was already hot but I'm the other hand Jonathan was already swimming. I decided just to dive in.

"Nice" He said.

"So ms. Nevaeh, did you enjoy the party?"  Asked

"Yes I did, I met a few people and a nice friend"

"Me righ.."

"Bay" I said

"Ouch" He said sounding hurt

I laughed.

"I'm sorry but we just met"

"Well I hope we become good friends" he said

I laid back so I can float in the water as it pushes me all over while the water is dancing in my ears.

"So what are you majoring?" He asked

"Business and accounts"

" you want to be a business owner or an accounting?"

"I'm still thinking"

"You do know those majors are like 18 moths right?"

"Yeah I know"

"Well alright kool"

"Tell me about yourself" he asked

"Give me your number and I might just call you tonight" I said.

"But you just met me" he said in a sarcastic voice. I rolled my eyes and relaxed more.

All of a sudden I can feel myself being pulled further out. "What are you doing" I quickly screamed trying to pull myself to surface.

"I'm having a little fun" he said

"This isn't fun this is death you ass" I felt like a puppy trying to swim.

"Come on chill, I'll let you come on my back"

"But you just met me" I said mocking his sarcastic comment earlier.


Bay Pov:

"I swear they look like a couple" Said bay

"I thought I was The only one thinking that"

"They'll probably get to get her soon or just fuck"

"Nah ken And I both know Jonathan only fuck girls he isn't deeply interested in you can clearly see he likes her" Said April

"Shut up I have a headache" Said Ashley

"Gurl you always complaining about something last time it was your back"

"My leg hurting" ken mocked Ashley a few months back.

"What you was doing to cause your leg to be hurting" I replied

"I don't kiss and tell"

"Well you sure be kissing" Said ken then quickly got up and run so did Ashley.

"Why don't them two stop playing and get together" I said

"Why don't we get together?"

"You know your already mine" I said hen kissed her forehead.




"I think we should go save her"

"Your probably right" Said April.

We got up and walked over to the water so save Nevaeh short ass for drowning.

Eight chapter of : The sex Goddess

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