

17-year-old, third-year high school student, Ryougo Naoise, living in a twisted world of gifted nature, whose fate was changed by the Devil, Keoni. In this dark and cruel setting, Ryougo embarked on a harsh adventure, being forced to perform horrendous tasks and eventually falling to acceptance. Over the course of his timeline, several other obstacles and foes rose to hinder his tasks. Ryougo ultimately fell into the wrath of the Seven Gods where he was shown punishment over his goal to destroy the world. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [The Seventh Odyssey Inside The Devil] is a fictional dark fantasy setting containing numerous dark-themed plots. The characters, events, and everything in the piece are all part of fiction and are not based on real-life stories and happenings. Mature content is to be expected. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Inside The Devil [ Reworked and Rewritten ] PUBLISH SCHEDULE : Every Sunday, 10:00 AM (GMT+8) Original Work by HIDAISHE

HIDAISHE · Fantasy
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9 Chs

To Walk A New Path

Akama—A supreme species of man possessing extraordinary capabilities to alter both phenomenon and noumenon which the branch of Science describes as 'Sixth Sense.' They exist within the ideologies of the Gods of this world, another mystery. Each individual is unique from another, even in genetic conditions as no Akama is similar to another even if they share the same blood and lineage. In addition, there exist a few exceptional beings. Those who protect, those who destroy, and those who control.

Despite advancements in scientific knowledge, the unique abilities of Akamas remain shrouded in mystery. The scientific community has struggled to explain or replicate their powers, leaving them at the edge of human understanding and pushing the boundaries of what is considered possible in the realm of human potential.

A tranquil and silent scene. Surreal bound to the waters and above. There was no sun, only the glowing luminescent moon. The ocean was under his heels. Silence came washing everything. No sound, no music. Just emptiness. Yet a force exists to break that silence.

"Naoise," A voice. Unknown to his knowledge. Unrecognizable. He heard his name being mentioned, echoing through the depths beneath the dark eerie atmosphere that appeared quite… uninvited.

"Naoise," it rang again, telling him something; perhaps a task that is quite unimaginably cruel and gruesome. It stung his consciousness. There was no telling where these voices emerge. No sense of direction enveloped the boy. It speaks in all directions, in all voices, in all pure enigma.

"Ryougo," it broke the silence again. A whisper, calling his name. A whisper of one word, screaming louder than silence itself.

— JANUARY 20th, 2014. MONDAY, 17:09 —

Upon opening his eyes, he found himself transported back to a familiar location—the same scene where he first encountered Keoni, the Devil. He rose to his feet on the surface of the pitch black dusty ocean, where an illusion of sight carried him to the tides towards the distant horizon. The absence of light, only to be guided by the ominous moon made everything darker than his fate. Ryougo replied to the voice he heard, in a wake between reality and dream, he decided to go along with it.

"Who are you?"

Suddenly, a murky figure resembling Ryougo's outline, shrouded in dark mist, materialized in front of him. The profound sense of vulnerability and familiarity came washing over him, realizing it was the luminous eyes of the devil, none other than Keoni himself.

"You have responded," Keoni said in a defeated manner. Its voice was full of whispers from countless people, presumably strangers to Ryougo, yet acquaintances of the devil, Keoni.

"You've been enjoying bugging my mind lately, haven't you?" Ryougo asked. His annoyance was intensively evident in his tone. The devil spoke no sounds as it was clearly impressed by Ryougo's resolve and his unbroken spirit.

"I sense no fear from you. No fear, no dread, only a soulless entity in the center of this befouled serene waters," Keoni acknowledged him but it only made Ryougo more confused than a clueless child. "I sent you callings… signs. But I have guessed, you are not a very smart person, Ryougo Naoise."

"What the hell does that even mean?" The devil's words struck a nerve on Ryougo's forehead, but he didn't show any signs of irritation. Yet the devil could read deep under his apathetic features.

"Ascend beyond your limits, Ryougo Naoise, for your time is running out. It is running out very… very quickly," the Devil urged him. There was no sense of mockery in his words. Pure blissful though true horror entered every sentence and syllable. Ryougo stood there, silent, frozen, and unable to grab what the devil's words truly meant.

"As the Devil of many facets, I possess the power to perceive the downfall of others, and at present, I sense one such occurrence. You must follow the path that my intentions guide you towards," Keoni gave him directions that seamlessly unlocked inside his nature. He could feel a strong force, pulling him from his control as if a dozen arms grabbed his soul and removed him from his body.

"What did you do to me?" Ryougo asked, seeking clarifications of what just happened.

Keoni didn't say a thing. It looked unto the eyes of the boy with might and domination. Cruelty were his answer, and 

"Answer me, dumbass."

The essence took a brief pause before introducing himself to Ryougo.

"I am Keoni, a Devil Akama. I have chosen you as my vessel. The dark waters beneath your feet, the misty night enveloping you, the majestic and deceitful manifestation of the moon, and this ominous appearance that you perceive - all of this is the creation of your own mind. We are currently inside your thoughts, Ryougo." Keoni clarified.

"Inside my mind? But this is the place I've been to before I realized waking up in the hospital."

"You've never walked this scenery in a physical sense. Rather, you've paced these waters subconsciously. Every step you have made in your recollection of memories happened all in all in your thoughts. You are unconscious, Naoise. In these exact moments as we speak, you are very well unconscious."

"Why is this place dark and only the ocean?"

"This is a place where you can meet your Devil. I did not build this reality, you did, through your mind. And these realities differ from one vessel to another."

"Why did you bring me here?"

"I have been very much yearningly eager to meet you, face to face, fixing on your own gaze along with mine."

"And I'm just hoping that I haven't gone crazy yet."

"I exist within you, Ryougo Naoise, for a very specific purpose." Keoni stated.

Ryougo was in utmost intriguement and in question. The Devil was waiting for his response but he spoke nothing. Keoni talked again, but with a demanding presence.

"I want you to accept me."

"What? No. I don't even know if you do exist or maybe I've just been drugged by some thugs that I haven't been aware of."

"I am capable of furnishing you with a portion of my vigor. The strength of a thousand men, no, millions of souls, will be on the tip of your fingertips. The flames harnessed from the deepest parts of these grounds. The hundredfold calefaction of the dead sun, right inside you. To be able to split the heavens, to cut and carve through the perception of time, reality, and nature. To be able to pleat the rocks of the mountains. To be able to conquer death itself. All these… in exchange for your humanity."

"Alright, stop talking nonsense and get me out of here."

"They are going to die."

"What do you want from me?"

"Can you feel it?"

"Aside from you being a pain in the ass, yes I can feel… it…"

With his gaze fixed on the Devil's eyes ablaze in white flames, Ryougo sensed an overwhelming surge of fury emanating from the southeast. He then directed his attention towards the source of the raging energy.

"That burning stir inside your chest. That is your guilt. Release your guilt and accept me. You are no longer human. You are only a trauma. You have nothing left to be called a human being, Ryougo."

"That is where you're wrong, whatever you are. I will not give in to you. And whatever the f**k that heavy feeling I'm picking up right now, I'm no— "

"That 'heavy feeling' you're discerning is something that's going to kill you if you don't decide now."

"There is nothing to decide here."

The Devil lost its patience and rushed towards the boy, grabbing his shoulders and bending a little close to him.

"Pay attention, Ryougo. The guilt you feel inside is the cause of the intense and ruthless emotions you experience whenever you look southeast. You may have learned about this in school, but there exists a savage, uncontrollable Akama responsible for the deaths of three significant individuals in that direction. A team has been deployed to eliminate this creature, but I can guarantee that they will not succeed this time."

Outside of Ryougo's thoughts, a voice, specifically from a reporter, echoed inside.

[Broadcaster]: "Hold on, I am getting information that MAOC operatives together with Squad 7 have been eliminated from the project. The central communication—"

"Did you hear that? This is proof that we have squandered precious time, and now, you have possibly sealed your own fate." Keoni warned.

Ryougo forcefully pushed the Devil away from him and shrugged off his grip on his shoulders.

"Why do you insist on risking our lives for them?!" Ryougo exclaimed, his frustration palpable.

"Because they will all die even with just a single mistake."

"And you care for them?"

Keoni scoffed.

"You seem to believe that a dark being like me would 'care' for these insignificant beings? Look, Ryougo. You do not understand the gravity of the situation at hand, and there is very little time to explain it all to you. We may already be too late to prevent the catastrophe that is about to unfold, but I need you to come with me. 

Southeast of here, there exists an Akama, that I have revealed to be the one who is responsible for the Akiro brother's death. This being is not just a normal Akama, but a wretched object sent by the god of embodiment of deceit. if this creature wreaks havoc upon these lands, there will be nothing left but inexistence. And when that time comes, my kind will retaliate and there will be destruction everywhere.

Many lives will be lost, and death will come for anyone and everyone, regardless of whether their time has come or not."

Ryougo's gaze lowered as he hesitated, not wanting to become embroiled in such affairs, but he couldn't ignore the weight of the Devil's words, which were causing him concern.

"Keoni. If these men worry you, get the f**k out of my body and kill that thing yourself."

Keoni fixed his gaze upon Ryougo, observing him carefully for a moment.

"It seems I may have forgotten to speak of one thing," Keoni said.

"What is it?" Ryougo asked, looking at Keoni with curiosity.

"You have tasted death."

Keoni's words resonated on Ryougo's mind, so much that he couldn't avoid but to fixate his attention on the Devil. As Ryougo and Keoni locked eyes for a moment, a brief silence fell between them. Then, unexpectedly, Ryougo began to laugh loudly and uncontrollably. The Devil looked on in confusion and surprise as Ryougo's laughter grew more and more exaggerated. The laughter finally subsided, but just as abruptly, Ryougo threw a punch at Keoni.

Keoni called out to Ryougo in surprise as he dodged the sudden punch. He quickly regained his composure and glared at Ryougo. "What are you doing, Naoise?"

"I'm not gonna say this again. Spare me the nonsense and get my ass out of here."

"You dare throw such mere threats against the essence of fear?"

Ryougo launched another attack again.

"I don't trust you. I don't even know what you are exactly. And I'm gonna fight my way out of here alive."

"… Is that so? I find that amusing."

"I'm gonna make it out of here alive—"

Suddenly, Ryougo, who was about to attack the Devil again, found himself in a sitting position, which stunned him in confusion. Keoni was standing in front of him with a look of malice and disappointment, while the Devil also took a seat in front of him.

"What did you do to me?"

"I had to calm you down as your behavior was causing disruption in the cafeteria and your friends were becoming apprehensive of your actions."

After Keoni's intervention, Ryougo's demeanor noticeably shifted to a calmer state. His previously aggressive posture and intentions subsided, indicating that Keoni's words had an impact on him. It appeared that Keoni had something important to convey to Ryougo, who attentively looked into his eyes and listened.

"Just cut to the chase. And make it believable as much as possible. After this, get out of my body and let me live my life."

"You really think that you are still alive? You are mistaken, Naoise. And I want you to take it in with every strength you have. I do not lie to my vessels…

Ryougo… You have died. The only thing that's powering your life source… is me.``

Ryougo took a moment to process the information that the Devil had just revealed to him.

"So it means that you—"

"Precisely. I cannot leave this body without taking its existence."

Ryougo was struggling to comprehend the information presented to him and was hesitant to believe it. Part of him wished to dismiss it as the Devil simply playing tricks on him, but deep down he knew that Keoni's words were undeniably true and he couldn't ignore them.

"What should I do now?" Ryougo worries for a bit.

As Keoni spoke, his eyes shone with an even brighter intensity, and his demeanor grew increasingly foreboding. The air around him seemed to thicken with an oppressive weight, and he locked eyes with Ryougo as he provided an answer to the boy's inquiry.

"Accept me for who I am. Accept my existence within you. Throw away your morality, your consciousness, and your carnality. Ryougo Naoise… Let me consume you."

But Ryougo was unable to reply as he suddenly felt a sharp object pierce his body, followed by a deafening explosion. The impact caused his body to be launched into the air, and he could feel himself tumbling uncontrollably. Despite his attempts to regain control, his body seemed to have a will of its own, causing him to feel a rising sense of anxiety and fear.

Keoni rose to his feet and began scanning his surroundings, as if searching for someone specific. Once he had located his target, he vanished into thin air, as if he had never been there at all.

Ryougo was left stunned and bewildered by Keoni's sudden disappearance. "W-What just happened? Keoni!?" he exclaimed, his voice trembling with surprise and confusion.

Within moments, Ryougo began to sense a warm, almost fiery sensation emanating from within his own body. Despite the intense heat, he felt no burning sensation or discomfort.

Another voice began to echo inside. A voice unfamiliar with him.

"So, it appears Eder failed to seal the Devil this time, Yeze."

The unfamiliar and overwhelming events surrounding the boy were causing him to feel distressed. Another voice starts to venture inside his thoughts, and it was Keoni's. The Devil was using his body to communicate with someone else… specifically two people.

"Too bad for them then." "You're starting to sound like your brother."

"Children of wrath, I have loosen myself from your grasp."

"Keoni?" He called out but the Devil didn't respond. "Keoni. What is happening?" Still no response. "What the hell is going on outside?" Ryougo did much to force himself to take over his body. With several pushes, he saw the situation outside. The ground was on fire, the sky above them was red, and there was darkness almost consuming the surroundings. He saw a person on the ground.

"Keoni! Stop this!"

Ryougo was unable to communicate with the Devil, who continued to scream and call out while his body was being controlled by another soul. Ryougo became increasingly anxious as he observed and experienced the sensation of his own body being manipulated. He felt warmth on the outside, but coldness within - a potent mixture of warmth and strength, contrasted by coldness and darkness. Just as Keoni was about to deliver the final strike, Ryougo was struck by an immobilizing push. A sharp edge was being hovered at his throat.

In just a moment, everything quickly went back to normal with the ground having dents and marks of explosions. He gave Ryougo back his body and in which he looked to Yeze who is up close to him.

"Sorry… that took a while," The man uttered to him as Ryougo was falling to the ground and fainting. Yeze caught him up on time.

— JANUARY 20th, 2014. MONDAY, 17:37 —

Kellan voiced his concern as he watched Yeze navigate the car, "Are you absolutely certain about this, Yeze?"

Yeze kept his eyes on the road, his grip steady on the wheel. "Of course, this is what Reshe instructed us to do. You were there with me."

Kellan shifted his gaze to the backseat, where Ryougo, a student dominated by a formidable Devil, lay unconscious. "I understand, but doesn't this seem like a task for the MAOC? I mean, just look at him." He pointed at Ryougo. "That's a Devil, and we're transporting him in your car. We're lucky to be alive after what happened back there."

Yeze maintained his composure. "I trust Reshe's judgment. He must have his reasons. Let's not dwell on it. Besides, what's the big deal with hunting a Devil Akama?"

Kellan's voice grew more anxious. "This is a massive deal, Yeze. They're practically immortal, with power and strength that rival a god. Didn't you witness what he did to us earlier? Flames everywhere, his speed surpassing even my reaction time. Remember, my eyes can track a bullet's path. I can't fathom how you can stay so calm about this."

Yeze nodded, conceding, "Okay, I admit I was nervous. But he's just a kid. Even if he's a threat, I'm prepared to take him down if necessary. Wait a second, someone's calling."

Yeze retrieved his vibrating phone from his pocket and answered, "Hello, Reshe? Yes, the operation was a success. Fortunately, the vessel hasn't succumbed to Keoni yet. We have him. Hmm? Yes, we made certain no MAOC Operator was involved, but I fear they might discover the truth soon. His presence was all over the media. It didn't go as quietly as we had hoped. Alright. Yes, I'll bring him..."

Kellan interrupted, his voice tense, "Yeze, he's waking up."

"I'll bring him in," Yeze stated, ending his call with his eyes fixed on the stirring Ryougo through the rearview mirror. "You're awake. How do you feel?" Yeze inquired.

Ryougo responded with a hint of unease, "Where am I?"

Yeze reassured him, "It's okay. You're going to be fine. We won't hurt you or anything."

Ryougo, his confusion apparent, stated, "I don't care about you hurting me or whatever. Just tell me where I am right now. Where are you taking me?"

Kellan, who had turned to face Ryougo from the front seat, chimed in, "Someone just wanted to see you. After this, we'll take you back home... By the way, what's your name?"

Ryougo remained silent for a moment and then slowly reclined in his seat, his unease palpable. "Ryougo... Ryougo Naoise," he finally disclosed his name.

A short while later, they arrived at an unfinished construction site. Ryougo felt increasingly apprehensive about the situation, but he chose to keep his reservations to himself. "We're here," Yeze informed him. "Stay close, Ryougo. This place is still unstable."

As they proceeded, Ryougo followed closely behind Yeze and Kellan. Eventually, they came to a halt, and Ryougo stopped just behind them. Suddenly, the ground beneath their feet, along with the walls, pillars, and everything else in sight, seemed to dissolve, and they found themselves in the midst of a nighttime cityscape. The city teemed with activity, appearing far more extensive and vibrant than its exterior had suggested. Ryougo was left awestruck, rendered momentarily speechless by the spectacle.

"It's quite loud today, so please excuse that," Yeze informed Ryougo.

The scene that unfolded before them resembled a typical city, featuring a diverse array of buildings, including both businesses and residential areas. Despite the absence of stars or a moon in the sky, the darkness of the night was offset by the brilliant glow of numerous colorful lanterns and lights. In a departure from the norm for a city, there were no vehicles in sight. Instead, the streets and sidewalks were alive with a diverse crowd of individuals, comprising men, women, and children. However, what set them apart from the norm was that they weren't entirely human in appearance.

Their hairs were colored in different schemes. Some were performing unbelievable performances. It was a sight to behold.

Ryougo remained awestruck by the unfamiliar surroundings. "I've never seen this place before. Never heard about it either," he remarked.

Yeze warmly welcomed him, saying, "Welcome to the Second Ardhaven Division, or SAD for short. This is where most Akamas reside, isolated from the outside world."

Ryougo was intrigued but still unsure, "Akamas? You mean the...twisted people?"

Kellan chimed in, "Hm? Akamas are a distinct species of human beings. Some refer to us as 'The Gifted Ones' because we possess unique abilities."

Ryougo was still processing all of this. "And you hide from normal people?"

Yeze clarified, "No, we don't hide. This separation is a way to coexist peacefully and not exert too much influence on the outside world. Is this your first encounter with one of our kind?"

Ryougo recollected, "Not really. During school, we had a guest speaker who was one of your kind. He talked about Akamas and their abilities. Our teacher had brought him in."

Yeze nodded, "Is that so?" 

As they continued to stroll through the serene streets of the city, they unexpectedly encountered a group of men who blocked their path. The man in the center, who seemed to be the leader, raised an eyebrow and greeted Yeze, "Zaed, good evening."

"Good evening, Kive. Impressive job single-handedly dealing with that High-class Akama near Carzle," Yeze acknowledged.

Kive responded modestly, "It wasn't much. Kearo had my back. Who's the new face here?"

Before Yeze could respond, another member of the group recognized Ryougo. "Wait, isn't that the Devil you fought earlier this morning, Yeze?" The group members seemed astonished. "Ryougo Naoise, right? I'd keep my distance from you," one of them advised. Ryougo was taken aback by the revelation.

Kive addressed the issue, saying, "Yeze, make sure he's calm and secured. We can't afford any disturbances, especially not today with so many civilians around."

Yeze reassured them, "I'll take full responsibility and face any consequences if necessary." They finished their conversation and resumed their journey.

As they continued walking, Ryougo couldn't help but ask, "Yeze, am I considered a threat?"

Yeze paused for a moment, then replied, "Well, I wouldn't say a threat. More like... 'needs adjustments.'"

Ryougo couldn't help but inquire further, "Why is being a Devil's Vessel a problem?"

Yeze explained, "You're a Devil's Vessel, and even though you're just a boy, it's hard for me to feel entirely at ease around you. Please understand."

Ryougo pondered this for a moment and then asked, "Is it really a problem, being a Vessel?"

Yeze responded with a hint of concern, "Probably. Right now, you're like a walking bomb."

Soon, the three of them arrived in front of a door that seemed to lead to nowhere. Yeze knocked three times before he opened the door, revealing another plane entirely. It was a different scene, with multiple islands floating in the air, each adorned with pink cherry blossoms. Ryougo found this new environment to be both calming and surreal.

Yeze explained, "This is for you, Ryougo. We'll be waiting outside."

Turning around perplexed, Ryougo asked, "Wait, what am I supposed to do?"

Yeze simply said, "He's waiting for you." Ryougo tried moving away, escaping presumably, but Yeze closed the door. Lost in thought, Ryougo observed the suspended ground and the tree with intertwined roots before him. He had many questions in his head, but such things were already expected by him. He was anticipating the arrival of unreal moments in his life sooner or later.

Deep in contemplation, he suddenly felt a tap on his right shoulder.

"Reise," a voice called out his name. It was an old man's voice. Ryougo turned to see an elderly gentleman wearing a buttoned shirt, sitting under a small canopy with a table in front of him and sipping tea. "Hi?" Ryougo greeted him cautiously. He didn't know if he would toss him a good morning or evening and thus, lost proper words to speak. In addition, he was engulfed with nervousness.

"Hello, Reise. How are you?" the old man inquired. His eyes closed and never opened but Ryougo could tell he sees almost everything.

The boy replied, "I'm doing well. Are you the one who wanted to see me?"

The old man gestured for him to have a seat. Suddenly, a chair materialized behind Ryougo's knees, startling him. He sat down and crossed his fingers. "Do you need something?" Ryougo asked.

The old man, who introduced himself as Riejenshioni but told Ryougo to call him 'Reshe,' responded, "Nothing in particular. I just wanted to have a conversation with you."

Ryougo, still curious about this meeting, inquired, "I don't know how you know my name, but may I have yours, old man?"

Reshe explained, "I am called Riejenshioni, but you can call me 'Reshe.' They shortened and simplified the names, kind of like what they did to us." 

Reshe took a sip from his tea, smiling at the boy. "We are the same."


He then made a puzzling remark, "You might be more of a Devil than the devil inside you..."

Ryougo, eager to learn more, responded, "I want to know about these things. You know there is one inside me. Tell me exactly what they are. About all of 'them'..."

Ryougo and Reshe engaged in a lengthy conversation, sharing information about what they knew. They took their time discussing various aspects of Ryougo's situation and the world he had been thrust into.

Before long, Ryougo was taken to a hospital to have his wounds treated.

— JANUARY 20th, 2014. MONDAY, 22:39 —

"Reika, you're he—" 

A resounding slap immediately entered Ryougo's left cheek. Her face and entire demeanor drew anger. "What did you do?!"

"It wasn't my fau—" Ryougo was once again cut off when Reika's palm traveled on the same cheek. Ryougo was knocked back from the bed as he held his slightly swollen cheek.

"What do you mean, it's not your fault?! Ryougo, you almost killed two people! Two people!!"

Reika's screams and shouts, yelling at Ryougo could be heard even outside the hospital's hallway. She has no regards and consideration to those who are resting inside the building.

Ryougo kept quiet. He doesn't know what exactly to say especially when his composure is already in a defeated state. Reika stayed put, also lost for words and confused. She sat on Ryougo's hospital bed, reaching in for her little brother's hand, caressing it genty. "Reise…" Reika said in a softer tone. Both Ryougo and Reika's attention were captured when moments later, the door opened, revealing Ryougo's earlier doctor.

"Good evening, Mr. Naoise. We met again," he started with a greeting smile as he walked inside holding papers in his hands. Reika let go of Ryougo's hand and stood up immediately, confronting the doctor in the middle of his walk.

"Doc Nekiri, is my brother, alright?" Reika asked with a tone laced with concern. She and the doctor exchanged a moment of stares towards each other, with the doctor constantly switching from Reika to Ryougo. The doctor closed his eyes, chuckled, and sighed.

"Miss Naoise, I am not the one who will be answering that," the doctor placed his hand on Reika's shoulder as she moved past her and went closer to Ryougo, who's still in bed. 

"What do you mean?" Ryougo asked him when the doctor's hand encountered him, as if the professional was checking him for something. The doctor looked at Ryougo and smiled, before standing properly again.

A trio of men entered the room and the doctor introduced them. "Mr. Naoise, Miss Naoise, these men are of Mekagryt Akama Ordinance Constitute, also known as MAOC. You do know who the MAOC are, right?"

Reika scanned the three stern yet professional-looking men; one of them is actually a woman. "The Akama enforcers? What about them?"

"That's right, Miss Naoise. Now, they're here to make provisions and amendments regarding your sibling's condition. They have asked me personally to show Ryougo's… unusual situation," the doctor gave his final remarks.

The one in the middle had a blue-accent to his hair. Ryougo thought he was familiar and looked like someone he knew. The one on the left, the girl, had light-pinkish hair. Her figure was rather small. She was looking at Ryougo in secret through her sunglasses. And on the right, was a man who had an angry figure on her face and he was doing his best to control it. His hair was dark-green and he was tall.

After a very quick silence, the blue-haired one whispered to the doctor, asking for everyone excluding only Ryougo to leave the room. They did as they were told. Reika took one last look at her sibling before closing the door. Ryougo, now alone with the three men, rolled and fidgeted his blanket and scratched the back of his neck. The man in the middle spoke to him after opening a piece of envelope with a piece of paper inside. He read the contents of it.

"17-years-old; Ryougo Naoise, or 'Reise,' for some reason was born in Devari, Mekagryt. Senior High-school at Kondar Ardhaven Academic Joints. He lives with his 21-year-old sister, Reika Naoise, in the 4th street of Kondar Homes. Father and Mother; both deceased."

Ryougo's eyes didn't take long to widen and his presence towards the speaker worried him when he realized someone knew much about his whereabouts. 

The boy dropped his fingers and let the blankets go. "How do you know this much about me?" he asked but the man ignored his questions and moved on. 

"Ryougo Naoise. We are not here for you," the man said without wasting time. 

"That doesn't make any sense. Why are you here, then?" Ryougo started to sound suspicious and irritated towards them. He couldn't take them seriously and profoundly.

"We are more concerned about the substance inside you, Ryougo Naoise. I hope you understand the circumstances and the stated facts about the dangers of what resides in your body," the man sounded as if he is Ryougo's doctor.

But Ryougo suddenly heard the many voices of Keoni speaking within him, ("Do not move me, Ryougo. Death only awaits you and might be to these men.")

Ryougo showed signs of hesitation although he was never planning to give Keoni away. "You know? Ever since I tried going home under the distress of night, weird things have been happening to me. You're gonna be adding yourselves to those things?" 

"Ryougo Naoise, When we came here, we certainly hoped that you won't make this harder for us than it already is. I assure you, we are doing this for your and everyone else's safety. Give us the Devil." 

Ryougo remained in silence, bringing himself back to fidgeting with the fabrics of his blankets. He looked at them, as if he was mocking them, letting them know through his eyes that he doesn't care but deep inside, he just doesn't understand.

The man briefly stared at him in disappointment but there was no vibe to it. "It seems like we got the wrong person. Please, forgive us for disturbing your rest."

The person with green hair on the right stepped forward as if he was objecting to the main man's loss of perseverance. The girl wanted to say something but was unable to after seeing the blue haired person's body language. "Thank you, Ryougo Naoise, for your time. Please, get well.

Ryougo nodded and they slowly left the room. Reika made haste entering Ryougo's area and asked him a bunch of questions. You could tell she also was seeing the three individuals pretty suspicious on their own. Now, voices outside Ryougo's room couldn't be heard any clearer. The doctor was conversing with one of the three standing people, probably the middle man himself.

"He's difficult. He won't give us the Devil even though we tried threatening him subtly."

"The first time he was brought here, I already knew Keoni used him as an escape plan."

"Good thing you let me know, Nekiri. Squad 12 will be keeping a keen eye on him."

"Goodluck, Kaji."

It didn't take long for the doctor to walk inside the room to consult Ryougo once again. Something about his state gives his surroundings a burning presence. Someone is definitely looking at something.