
The Seven Rings: Prologue

In a desolate dimension, tendrils of shadows twisted and writhed across the chaotic sky, painted in shades of red and black. 

The air reverberated with the thunderous echoes of roars and lightning cracks, while hordes of gray, humanoid and beast-like entities amassed below. 

Among them stood a diverse array of creatures, some with jagged claws like blades, others with grotesque and unnatural forms. Towering monstrosities loomed over the landscape, their massive bodies rivaling mountains and continents, while humongous, winged beasts soared overhead, their bat-like wings casting ominous shadows. 

The origins of this monstrous army remained shrouded in mystery, yet its destructive power had rendered the once beautiful omiverse into a desolate wasteland, where life now struggles to survive. 

Amidst this chaos, a young woman with wavy, pearly pink hair knelt atop a rocky slope, her eyes closed, and hands clasped in silent prayer. 

"Mother… father… I wish things were different," she softly murmured, a note of longing in her voice. "I miss the days when we explored the omiverse together." 

Her thoughts turned to her companions, her family, the people she'd known since she was a mere child. 

"I wish you were all here with me...Crim, Mei, Devail, Razon... I miss you all, so much." 

Alas, all that she loved was absent now, leaving her alone in this bleak landscape. 

The young woman had chuckled, "knowing dad, he would've tried to come up with some crazy plan... But now, it's just me," she sighed, a sense of melancholy washing over her. 

She rose to her feet, a petite young lady with a slender, hourglass figure clad in a white kimono adorned with a blue ribbon. Those beautiful, cat-like violet eyes opened, tinged with a crimson glow. Her short eyebrows furrowed as she surveyed the chaos around her. The peaceful, yet howling winds grasped onto her sleek, golden-honey skin with a sense of dread and fear. 

A beam of light descended from the sky, accompanied by the silhouette of a figure cloaked in shadows with flowing silver hair. Despite the darkness that enveloped him, the man's sharp white eyes gleamed with predatory intent. 

"So, Skysin and Cleonatra's daughter still lives...?" He remarked, a grin spreading across his face. "What's her name... Tenko, is it?" 

But the young woman, Tenko, was undeterred, her resolve unwavering. With a surge of power, she summoned a blade of pure energy in her dainty hand, its gleaming edge poised for battle. 

"Hear me, you bastard!" she declared, her voice echoing across the desolate landscape, shaking the very fabric of space. 

"I am Tenko Fertania Rillem, daughter of Skysin Rillem and Cleonatra Fertania Gremis!! From this point on, you won't live any longer. With me here, I'll be sure to exact vengeance for all that you stole from me!!! 

Tenko brandished her sword of pure energy, moving it before her, "with this blade... I'll get my revenge, I'll take your shitty life, I'll take your head... " She slowly slid her thumb across her neck like a knife, her voice sizzled like acid, "I'll make sure you pay back in BLOOD!!!" 

With that, she leapt high into the fray of trillions upon trillions of monsters who thirst for blood. All the predatory organisms growled and grumbled as they watched a wondrous, benevolent light glisten from Tenko's sword of energy, shining like the glorious lights of the heavens above. 

 Tenko softly spoke, taking the grip of her energy blade into both of her hands, "Seraphim Style: Cry of the Malevolent Angel..." 

 A mournful cry reverberated across the cosmos, accompanied by blinding flashes of white light that streaked through the darkness with unmatched speed. These celestial torrents descended upon the horde of monsters, countless in number, both large and small, and reduced them to naught but cosmic dust that scattered into the void. 

 As the monsters surged toward Tenko, she moved with swiftness beyond comprehension, her sword a blur of black and white as it sliced through the enemy ranks like a serpent of yin and yang. With each stroke, she dispatched her foes with effortless precision. 

Leaping into the air, Tenko faced a colossal, winged beast whose roar shook the very dimension. With a swift motion, she conjured a platform of crystalline ice beneath her feet and vaulted over the towering monster, its immense form stretching for miles. 

In mid-air, Tenko pivoted gracefully and delivered a powerful kick to the monster's spine, sending it crashing down into the throng below. Quickly motioning her hand, Tenko gathered frigid winds into a compressed sphere, so cold that it froze the enemy monster's miles upon miles without even touching them. 

 "Icebound Cataclysm!!" Tenko aimed the compressed ball of frost at the monsters below her, unleashing it upon them in a destructive display of ice and fury. 

 A colossal beam of pure ice descended upon the horde of monsters, obliterating them in an instant and reducing them to microscopic shards of frost. 

 The atmosphere plummeted to bone-chilling temperatures, as if time itself had froze in response to Tenko's icy power. Her mastery over ice was so profound that it wielded dominion over the very flow of time!! 

However, this battle - this war - is far from over... 

Surrounded by trillions of advancing monsters, Tenko tightened her grip on her sword, her gaze unwavering as the army closed in around her. 

This was the decisive moment, the climax of a battle that would shape the very destiny of an infinite universe. 

Yet this was not merely a struggle of good versus evil. 


It was a contest for supremacy, a clash between the forces of destruction and the promise of a new beginning. 

As the horde surged forward with deafening roars of malice and destruction, Tenko's aura intensified, casting a brilliant beacon of frigid blue and shadowy darkness into the chaotic night sky. 

With gritted teeth and a fierce determination in her eyes, she raised her blade high, beckoning her adversaries forth. "COME ON!!!" Tenko screamed, her voice ringing out with defiance and resolve.

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