
The Serpent King .

Harry Potter was raised by his mother, Lily Evans, and is well-versed in magic and the complicated world they exist in. The knowledge that Lord Voldemort is alive propels Harry to greatness as Slytherin House awakens the strategist inside him. Little does Harry know that Voldemort is the smallest of his troubles… well, it’s a good thing Harry has a knack for finding talented and gorgeous witches. THIS STORY WAS COPY PASTED YOU CAN FIND THE ORIGINAL STORY IN THE LINK BELLOW link:https://archiveofourown.org/works/36258934/chapters/90389164 AUTHOR:https://archiveofourown.org/users/SilverFalcon0000/pseuds/SilverFalcon0000

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The Pool Party, Part 2

Part XXX: The Pool Party, Part 2

Daphne Greengrass looked at the boy she loved, Harry Potter, with a hot, burning jealousy inside her.

Currently, the boy she loved was in the pool, with a barely dressed Veela girl hanging off of him while a pink-haired large-breasted girl in her late teens hung on him in much the same way.

Daphne looked around the backyard, taking in just how many gorgeous women were hanging around. Only one male was amongst this crowd, one male who wasn't Harry, that is.

And hell, even his girlfriend, Pansy Parkinson, was interested in Harry.

Daphne remembered the best nights of her life, spent at Greengrass Manor with Harry. This was in the time after they were betrothed, and before they began Hogwarts.

Harry starting Hogwarts was the beginning of the end for Daphne's bond with him. They were still friends, of course, but suddenly Daphne had competition. Prior to Hogwarts, the only other woman in Harry's life was his mum.

Harry had never, ever shown her the slightest disrespect. If he said he'd do something, or be somewhere, he followed through. Harry had given Daphne no reason to hate him. He wasn't a womanizer, he wasn't a cocky bastard like some guys would become when surrounded by the sort of women Harry Potter was surrounded by.

No, despite the insane jealousy in Daphne's very core, she still loved Harry, but the more and more 'friends' he made (all of whom were somehow gorgeous females), the less she felt valued.

That wasn't Harry's fault, she knew. She was glad he had friends, in fact, because she knew he had been lonely for the first twelve years of his life, all the way up until the day he arrived at Hogwarts.

"You should just talk to him." Hermione Granger said, walking up to Daphne.

Daphne looked at the bushy haired Ravenclaw. She wore a white bikini that flattered her slender frame. Hermione's skin had developed a healthy tan after time in Australia with her family. Hermione's face was covered in a smattering of objectively adorable freckles. Hermione was unlike Daphne in that she had small, perky breasts and an ass of similar description.

Daphne's breasts were large and round, just like her ass. Daphne suspected Harry was a tits guy, as a good portion of the girls he was close with had some pretty sizable boobs.

Daphne herself, Susan, Parvati and Padma, Tracey, Gabrielle, Storey, even Ginny Weasley had some nice breasts a bit fuller than Hermione's. The list just kept going on and on.

"Talk to him about what?" Daphne muttered.

"How much you care for him, maybe?" Hermione suggested.

"I can't." Daphne sighed, "Way back when Harry and I got betrothed, I was stupid. I looked at the little boy he was and told him we would never really be husband and wife. I told him we would just be friends. And then he grew up, and I fell for him. But look at him in that pool, and tell me he hasn't moved on."

Daphne and Hermione both looked at where Harry had his hands on Gabrielle Delacour's hips, her legs wrapped loosely around him as he held her top half above the water. She was looking at him with love so obvious in her eyes, and he was smiling up at her. How could Daphne ever compete with a fucking Veela? Gabrielle oozed sexuality, and she was so insanely gorgeous.

"So he and Gabby have a thing going on right now. You're his fiancée, Daphne." Hermione encouraged her.

"That's not what a betrothal is, Hermione. It's not like being fiancées. We have a promise that one day, against our will, we're going to have to sign a marriage contract. There's no guarantee of a wedding, there's definitely no wedding night. It's a business deal." Daphne said miserably.

Hermione walked forwards and wrapped her arms around Daphne. Daphne wrapped her arms around Hermione, too, and the two girls held each other tightly.

Unbeknownst to Daphne, Hermione rather enjoyed the sensation of the blond's larger tits pressing up against hers. Hermione had always had a bit of a curiosity about other girls, but she felt just as curious about guys. Part of her assumed that it was just naivety, not bisexuality, but another part of her whispered how attractive she found both genders.

Daphne looked over at Harry and Gabrielle again, and saw Harry looking at the Veela's large, barely restrained boobs bouncing around.

Jealousy reared up in Daphne again, and she let go of Hermione's tight, petite body.

"Daph, I know Harry. I also know that he has no idea how you feel about him, or he wouldn't be doing something like that in front of you. He would never hurt you, Daphne. Even if he didn't feel the same way, at least he'd stop being with other girls in front of you." Hermione tried. Hermione put her hand on Daphne's arm, and Daphne leaned her head on the girl's shoulder.

"I'm scared." Daphne whispered, a cold truth that she had never wanted to admit.

Hermione tentatively wrapped an arm around Daphne, her hand settling on Daphne's bare side.

"Don't be. It's Harry. Besides, I think he cares about you a lot. If you walked up to him right now and asked to talk in private, he'd walk away from Gabrielle. Think of it as an experiment. If he asks you to hang on, then he's probably not into you. If he leaves her to spend time with you, then you should take a chance." Hermione suggested.

Daphne looked at Hermione.

"I didn't realize you were so brave." Daphne smiled.

"It's just an experiment." Hermione's cheeks reddened.

Daphne leaned over to kiss Hermione on the cheek, but Hermione turned sharply towards Daphne in surprise, and their lips met.

Daphne pulled back quickly, laughing.

"Sorry about that." Daphne said. Hermione's cheeks were bright red.

"Oh, uh, d-don't worry about it." Hermione managed.

"You're amazing, Hermione." Daphne smiled, "I really hope this experiment goes the way I'm hoping."

She rose to her feet and walked towards Harry, leaving a furiously blushing Hermione placing a gentle finger on her buzzing lips, where Daphne had kissed her.


Harry had his hands on Gabrielle's wide hips, his gaze traveling along her dripping wet, flat stomach up to her amazingly large breasts bouncing around in that purple bikini top of hers. Then his gaze kept going up to her shining blue eyes, and her wide smile. Gabrielle's long legs were wrapped around Harry's torso, right around his stomach.

"Harry." a voice said, and Harry turned to see Daphne, standing at the edge of the pool.

"What's up?" Harry asked, letting go of Gabby's hips. She wrapped her arms a little tighter around his neck, her legs a bit tighter around his torso.

"Can I speak to you for a little bit? In private?" Daphne asked, glancing at Gabrielle.

"Uh… yeah. Yeah, sure. Gabs, give me a minute, alright?" Harry asked.

Gabrielle gave Harry a pouty sort of look with those full lips of hers, but then she let go of Harry and waded over to where Astoria and Ginny were standing together in the pool.

Harry stroked to the edge of the pool and hoisted himself up.

He grabbed a towel off of a pool table, and dried off as he and Daphne walked away from the pool and over to a little table, set up across the patio, away from the pool party.

Daphne looked uncharacteristically nervous, but characteristically gorgeous in her blue bikini that matched her eyes. It clung tightly to her shapely curves and her large breasts. When she angled herself any way, Harry could see her round ass.

"Everything OK?" Harry wondered.

"Y-Yeah. I just… there's been something weighing on my mind for a long time." Daphne admitted, placing her ass onto the table.

"Ok…" Harry said, trying not to stare at Daphne's thick thighs.

"I… I care about you, Harry." Daphne exhaled.

"Well, I care about you too, Daphne." Harry frowned.

"That's not… I… remember how, when we got betrothed, I said that I didn't want to be anything more than friends with you?" Daphne asked.

Now Harry's heart rate picked up. Could she be…?

"I do." Harry said carefully.

"Well, I was wrong. I want to be more than friends, Harry. I want to-" Daphne was cut off by Harry stepping forwards and kissing her hard on the mouth.

Daphne froze for a moment, and then her arms wrapped tightly around Harry. He planted his palms firmly on the table, his thumbs brushing against her ass. Daphne arched her top half to press her breasts against Harry's chest.

Her mouth was hot and desperate against his, and Harry craved more of Daphne's body. His hands lifted up to run along her spine, with a sort of possessiveness.

She was his. His betrothed, and now his love.

"I love you, too." Harry panted when their lips finally broke apart.

Daphne's smile was so bright it could replace the sun.