
Prologue 2

That was the day I died .

My plan was to infiltrate and assassinate the main guy and then kill the rest of his lackeys.

It all went well until the assassination part. He was ready for me . I don't know how but he was . I took cover and shot all his damn armed bodyguards but I got shot . It was one of the reinforcements . I shot him straight in the head. I knew I was going to die ,but I won't give up until I kill each one of them.

So even in my last moments, I shot each and every one of those b*stards right there before finally collapsing on the ground. And some cops came in after an hour . I was still breathing , but one of those b*tchs shot me in the chest and everything went black.

Then I saw something similar to the galaxy. Millions of small white dots on a pitch black canvas and I floating around the space.

Suddenly, I felt something pulling me.

"Looks like my time in hell is coming"

Or so I thought .

I was enveloped in white light so bright that I was blinded by it. And I passed out.

???? POV

"Looks like the summoning was successful" ??? said

"Do you think summoning someone from your world will help you save this world ?"

"Yes , if it is someone who is from Earth then we could understand each other a bit better and we'll be able to co ordinate that much . No offense Claribel"

"None taken " Claribel replied

A bright light surrounded the room and a boy lying on the floor with a bag on his back facing up with blood flowing through his clothes and then the floor appeared.

"What the f*ck!"

"What went wrong ? Quick, Claribel . Heal him . Use Deagon's potion and take off his bag."


Light emitted from Claribel's hands that made his wound close and she drank some potion to amplify the healing effects .

After few minutes , the wound was completely healed and his breathing went back to normal.

"Why was he bleeding ? Did something went wrong while summoning?" Claribel asked

"I don't know but by the looks of it I think I know what happened . Still we'll ask him when he wakes up . Till then , I go take up a few jobs while you take care of him here. "


"And keep everything he has on him in his bag and keep it with you "

"Ok. But why does he have weapons on him ?"

" We'll ask him when he wakes up"??? replied

I hope you like it . Forgive me for any mistakes. and please recommend any pointers you think would improve the story.

Alex_Rider_creators' thoughts