
The Deepest of Power

Margaret's slowly approaching Alice. Meanwhile, The two royal knights Eve and Ariel are on guard and protecting her.

Eve: "Princess! Get behind us!"

Ariel: "We will protect you!"

Alice: "*nods*"

Alice move behind in between Eve and Ariel. Meanwhile, Ginro is staring at Margaret while she walks towards at Alice, he can see the overwhelming power that covers around her body.

Ginro: "(You've gotta be kidding me!? is someone liker her are allowed to live in this world!? it's so fuck up! how should am i suppose to defeat a demon like that!?)"

The atmosphere around them is so peaceful, they can only heard the sound of strong winds and waving leaves. not a single one of them are making a move and waiting for chances.

Ginro: "*gulp*"

Alice: "*gulp*"

Eve: <sweating>

Ariel: <sweating>

Suddenly, Eve dashes to Margaret so fast that none of them can react on it. except.

Ginro/Alice/Ariel: "!!!?"

Eve: "What The!?"

Margaret: "ohhh~ you have some guts! fufufufu"

Sadly, Margaret stop Eve attack by grabbing the spear using her barehand. Ariel immediately follow Eve attack while looking at Margaret eyes.

Ariel: "Die!"

Margaret: "Mph! Not so Fast!"

Before Ariel reaches Margaret. Margaret, snaps her fingers that causes ariel to suddenly flew away while holding Eve Spear.


Eve: "ARIELLL!!!!"

Alice: "Sir Ariel!"

When Ariel flew away, Eve kicked Margaret so that her spear can be remove from Margaret Hand. Margaret release the spear and Jumps backward to dodge the attack, Eve grabs the chances to continuously attack Margaret on the Battlefield.


Margaret: <chuckles>

Even though Eve are trying so hard to hit Margaret by speeding up her attacks and improving her lateral quickness. Margaret was just dancing on Eve movement and easily dodging all of the attacks.

Margaret: "fufu~ <Whisper> you're too weak~"

Eve: "<irritated> nggghhh!!!

Meanwhile, Ginro can saw them fighting but can't follow their movements he can only see a lot of sparks and tree's falling around. Suddenly Hera woke up and talk to Ginro

Hera: <Heave Breathing> "What hap... pened to you? i can't… feel your presence at all! is it because i lack of strenght right now?"

Ginro: "i….i-"

Ginro can't answer Hera questions. Suddenly, Hera grab Ginro hand and gently ask him

Hera: <Whisper> "Please Help them!"

Meanwhile Alice saw that Hera are holding Ginro Hand and felt a little bit of jelousy and run towards them.

Alice: "Ginro!"

Sadly, Margaret heard and saw the princess running towards to Hera. Margaret smiled and forget about Eve and dashes rowards to Alice and tries to kill her.


Margaret: "hihi Die!"

Suddenly, a blood splatter on Alice and Margaret faces.

Hera: <breathing heavily>

Eve: "Wha-!!!"

Margaret: "!!!!"

Ginro: "…"

Margaret hand was cut off before reaching Alice tummy. Ginro uses Hera sword for a moment to protect Alice, but Margaret didn't even flinch or shout when her hand was cut off

Alice: "G-Ginro…"

Eve: "(h-he's fast! i-i didn't see what he did!)"

Margaret: "…. (red eyes… it change back!?)"

Margaret was looking at Ginro while licking her bloody arm, from distance Ariel saw how fast Margaret hand restore.

Ariel: "daymn~ that recovery power is really nuisance hehe… she's a monster!"

Margaret: "you…"

Margaret continue to licks her hand until it's fully recovered.

Margaret: "you're my type! you're kinda cute! fufu~"

Margaret touches Ginro face and both of them make an eye contact, Ginro suddenly release his grip from the sword and it fells on the ground.

Alice: "GINRO! NO! IF YOU LOOK AT HER EYES! you will-"

Margaret: "too late~ fufu~"

Alice: "-get affected by her charm…"

Ginro: <trembling> "!!! (wha- i-i can't move!?)"

Margaret: <smile>

Margaret bites her lips and licks Ginro face with full of lust.

Margaret: "*soft moan* mmhhh~"

Ginro face are so red and his heart was beating so fast.

Ginro: <breathing heavily> "*huff* *huff*… *huff…*"

Suddenly, Margaret grabs Ginro crotch

Margaret : "fufu~"

Ginro: "(m-my body is so hot! i can't move! why?)"

Margaret: <whisper> "i wanna lick you~ fufu~"

Ginro can't stand anymore so he let Margaret to touch his body directly. Suddenly, Eve and Ariel dashes again to Margaret meanwhile Alice is sneaking to get the sword of Hera to stab Margaret. Margaret saw them while she was licking Ginro neck.

Margaret: "nuisance!"

Margaret stops on what she's doing and point out her finger to them and point it down on the ground. Suddenly, all of them can't move at all and their body was pushing on the ground.

Alice: "nnnggghh!!!"

Eve: "what's this!? i can't breathe properly!"

Ariel: "its feels like the gravity is so… heavy!"

for some reason Ginro can easily move now.

Ginro: "wha-!?"

Margaret: "Sh*t! (i take my eyes off him!)"

Ginro grabs the chance and he immediately create a dagger made of ice and stab Margaret heart.

Margaret doesn't move at all. Ginro thought she's dead now and let his guard down, but suddenly Ariel shouted


Ginro: "What!?"

Margaret: "<Smile>"

Suddenly Margaret starts laughing while slowly reaching Ginro's face.

Ginro: <flinch> "!!!"

Margaret: "what a beautiful face you have there!"

Margaret pops-out Ginro's eyes by using her finger.


Ginro was shouting on agony and pain, Alice and the rest can't even take look at Ginro.

Eve: "…."

Ariel: "shit!"

Margaret: "i kinda like you but… i plan to make you my slave but… a mere human like you!? dare to hurt me? DON'T MAKE A FUN OF ME!!! YOU LOWLY SCUM!!!"

Margaret points her finger into air and make Ginro levitate.

Ginro: "MY EYES!!!"

Alice: "w-what are you doing?"

Margaret: "Die!"

Margaret snap her finger, after that Ginro arm and knees was splattered in the air and it rains of blood


Alice: "GINROOO!!!!"

Ariel: "n-no way!"

Ginro can't scream anymore because of the blood lose. Margaret was so happy of what she's seeing and drop off Ginro scattered body on ground.

Alice: "G-Ginro…"

Margaret suddenly look at Alice and Dashes over her. Alice gets angry and for a moment her eyes suddenly glow a light while looking at Margaret.

Margaret: "!!!"

Ariel: "No! Princess!"

Ariel immediately use his body to protect Alice; unfortunately Margaret didn't stop and punch his face.

Ariel: "kkksjsjjkakK"

Margaret: "hmph"

Eve suddenly run towards at Alice and she takes her arm and they both run from Margaret.

Margaret: "you're not getting away from me!"

Margaret follows them and leave Ariel and Hera. When the three of them was already far away, Ariel tried to get Hera and run.

Ariel: "come here… i got you!"

Hera: "mmnnhhhhh"

before they leave Ariel took a glimpse at Ginro body. Meanwhile at the current situation of Alice and Eve.

Alice: "W-Wait! What About Ginro!?"

Eve: "Princess we both know what just happened there! we can't!"

Alice: "n-no way…"

Alice can't express her emotions because of Ginro dead. While running Alice and Eve found themselves at dead end, when they look up they found out they're in bottom of the cliff. Sadly, Margaret was already behind them

Eve and Ariel: "(what should we do!)"

Margaret: "What a lucky day for me! hehehehahahaHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"

Alice: "we have no choice! i'm gonna do it!"


Margaret: "ohh~ you have the guts to come forward! then i'm gonna help you! TO DIE!!!

Eve: "NOOO!!!…."

When Margaret was about to to kill Eve and Alice, she suddenly felt an ominous feeling comes from behind. The three of them suddenly felt a chill presence comming from Margaret behind that makes their body tremble on their own because of fear. Margaret decided to looks behind and the three of them saw Ginro standing there.


Margaret asked Ginro while shouting in fear and full of question on her mind. Eve and Alice saw Ginro eyes are in dark red color that looks like empty inside, they can tell that the Ginro right infront of them are totally different from Ginro that they knew. Meanwhile Hera and Ariel walking on the left side of them and said

Eve & Alice: "Ariel!

Eve: "What's happening!? why he-"

Ariel: "We need to run!"

Alice: "what!?"

Ariel: "WE NEED TO RUN NOW!!!"

Even thought Eve and Ariel have many questions on their mind, they listen to Ariel and they started to run away and leave Margaret alone.

Margaret: "h-hey w-wait!"

Margaret didn't move at all because she felt a sharp killing intent comming from Ginro that only focused on her.

Ginro: soft growl>

Margaret: <sweating> "*gulp* h-how come did i get on this situation"

Meanwhile, Alice and the others are already in far distance.

Eve: "are you guys ok!? the two of you are already good!? what happened back there!? and that guy how can he's standing there!?"

Ariel: "Maaaan~ it's kinda hard to explain, but! That man really died!"

Eve & Alice:"!!!"

Ariel: "when Margaret follows you, i take a look at Ginro body, but shit! meeenn~ his body start recovering very fast, i can't believe of how fast it was, and when his body was fully recovered! he started to levitate in air and slowly touches the ground, for a moment we felt a dangerous feeling coming from him

Hera: "a-after that *cough* he seems different from before! he was just standing and looking at his hand, suddenly he came to us and healed us! and suddenly vanished in a blink on an eye. and when we follow you guys Ginro is already at Margaret back standing there and doesn't make a move"

Meanwhile On Margaret and Ginro current location. Ginro are just standing gently that looks firm with dignity and had sadly face infront of Margaret. Suddenly, Ginro walk closer at Margaret and Smiled like a psychopath.

after tree days again for next chapter

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