
The Incubus of Shinjuku

Her body clung to him as soon as he closed the door, and she covered his face with passionate kisses. With authority, she snatched his glasses and threw it on the sofa of the CEO's room. Their suits were already wrinkled, so a bit of fooling around didn't do much. Violet hair mixed with black as they continued on invading each other's lips. They were like dogs in heat whenever no one was around. For the past ten months, nobody suspected that Tojou Murasaki was in a relationship with her secretary, Aijima Soue. And for good reason. They always did their make-out sessions when everyone was either gone or too busy.

"Let's take this off so I can see your handsome face." Murasaki cooed and kissed his neck, making him shudder.

"Someone might see us. Are you really sure everyone's gone?" Soue stared into her amethyst eyes with a mix of worry and passion. "I really wish I can see right now. Please give me my glasses back."

"I would fire anyone who sees us. Don't worry~"

With a sly smile and a grip at his necktie, Murasaki led him to the couch and pushed him, unintentionally breaking his oval glasses in the process. She pressed her breasts against him, and

Soue (Who was at his limit) tugged her hair because of lust and a little bit of frustration. The cold wind from the air-conditioner wasn't enough to satisfy their hunger for each other, so they continued on invading each other's personal space. Ten minutes went by. Then twenty. Then thirty. They did all the things their bodies allowed them, and by the time they were done, Murasaki's red lipstick was all over Soue's stoic face.

"Here. Use this to get something new." She handed him a credit card while she fixed her wavy hair into a ponytail. "There's a pair of glasses in one of the table's drawers. Go look for it yourself, and don't forget to wash your face!"

"Wait. You're leaving me behind? I'll get caught. Please, don't leave me. Also, what this in my hand?"

The secretary's helpless, hazel yellow gaze made her sigh. She thought about the siblings he told her, and figured that he's already doing enough work by himself. She went up and searched for her spare while putting her own pair on. Piles of unfinished documents filled her messy desk, but it didn't bother her. She was already used to it, and besides, her secretary had been always there to help her organize.

"So how long until your dad comes back?" Soue smiled after she gave him the glasses.

"Two days." She replied bluntly as she helped him. "Go wash your face, idiot. We're dead if someone sees you like this."

"You said you'd fire them for me."

"We can't be too careful. I can't fire some of father's lapdogs, so if one of them sees us... Well, we're fucked. You know hi--"

A knock on the door interrupted them. Although they wanted to share one more round, they both knew that time was not on their side. Murasaki's second-in-command and childhood friend, Takagi Jun, busted inside the room with the energy of a thousand warriors. Just in time after Soue got into the restroom, she thought. Unlike any of the people in here who worked solely because they needed food on their plate, she joined the company because she wanted to be with Murasaki. However, because of her sharp intellect and overall charm, she got promoted into the chief operating officer, much to her surprise.

"MURASAKIII~! HERE ARE THE SALES REPORTS FOR TODAY~!" Jun ran, put the papers on her desk, and sat on the sofa. She looked like a snail as soon as she did this.

"I'm guessing I'll drive you home again?" Murasaki took a sip of her coffee while looking at her golden watch.

"You sure know me, don't you? Ahhhh~ This sofa feels good!~"

"You only do that high-pitched screaming of yours when you need something. Of course I'll know."

"By the way," Jun sheepishly smiled. "Do you wanna get dinner after this?"

"I'm sorry, Jun. You know I'd love to, but I can't. Father is coming back in two days. I have to do my best so he doesn't criticize me." Murasaki smirked and shrugged her shoulders.

"Yikes. What a pressure cooker. I'll see you at the parking lot, m'kay?~"

Jun smiled and waved at her before going out, looking like work didn't drain a single sweat from her. From where did she get all that energy, Murasaki wondered. Soue came out, wiping his face with a handkerchief. He looked cool, as usual, but this wasn't the reason she got attracted to him. What made the unassuming man Aijima Soue of interest to her is his mystery and unpredictability. She couldn't tell what's on his mind all the time, unlike most of the people she'd met.

"I'm going now. Good job! Also. Try your best to stay away from caffeine." Soue grabbed his belongings. "You know it's bad for your health."

"... I know, idiot. Umm... Can I ask about your part-time job?" She took another sip of her coffee and got closer, trying to seduce him with vixen eyes.

"It's the usual. I teach."

"What ex--"

The ringing from Soue's phone intruded their conversation, much to her dismay. The handsome secretary winked at her before going out, leaving her to think to herself. Was he always like this? Was he always this distant? Or was it because maybe he's not interested anymore? Murasaki laughed at the thought. No one could resist her, and she knew it. Except for him and a few people, of course. She had no access to their thoughts. With a weary smile and a lot of unfinished documents, she also headed out for the door.


Aijima Soue fidgeted on his outdated phone as he waited for his students to arrive. He had already used Murasaki's credit card and bought the same pair of the glasses from before. It was cheap, he thought, and he was spending money that wasn't his. It was already dark, and the streets are starting to be filled with potential game. This was his first time meeting them, and he was not happy with their first impression. He typed into the keyboard of his phone, hoping to get a response in the group chat. He hated going out into the night, but he had no choice. He needed money to pay for the medical expenses of his younger brother.

"Oval glasses, a suit with a rose on the chest pocket, and... Wow, you look a lot better up close and personal. Are you Aijima Soue?"

A young-looking girl tapped him on the shoulder. He had never seen her before, so it piqued his interest, knowing that this girl knew his name. Her pair of sweaters were too baggy for her size, and she wore a stupid anime cap to top it all off. There was something alluring about her, though. He just couldn't point it out. It had something to do with the way she carried herself.

"Are you Aijima Soue? Hello?" The girl waved her hands in an over-dramatic way. She reminded him of someone from the past.

"Ah. Yeah. I am. How did you know my name?" He nodded before taking a step back and looking at her from head to toe.

"I am one of your students today. The name's Kaizen Mitsuru. Nice to meet you!" She took a cigarette from her pocket and bit it. "Do you want some? It's chocolate."

"... Thanks. So are we still waiting for someone?"

She shook her head, saying that she knew the two other people who was about to come with her. Soue sighed and gestured with his hand, signaling her to follow him. He took her to a crowded bar on one of Shinjuku's many alleys, because this was the only place he knew who contained them. Beautiful women. The place had a calming atmosphere to it. The dim, yellow lights. The jukebox that contained a playlist of mellow songs. The occasional laughing of people who came to drink and talk. The pub was the perfect go-to spot, especially if one had a rough day and is looking for somewhere to unwind.

"Are you lesbian, Kaizen?" Soue asked while snapping the cigarette candy in half. He actually liked it. "Also. Give me another piece of this."

"Mmm. I swing both ways, but I prefer women. To be honest, I just want someone to hold at night. I don't care who it is." She chuckled and gave him another candy. "Mmm. So what shall we learn today?"

Mitsuru basically looked like a tomboy. With her curious demeanor and mannerisms, she acted like one, too. But her voice. Her voice sounded sexier than most of the women he'd met. If one were to hear her talking in another room, she would easily be mistaken as a woman of class. Soue scoffed at the thought, and she noticed this. Her impulsive nature leaped at the opportunity.

"Mmm. What are you thinking about?" She asked while taking another pack of cigarette candy.

"Nothing. For now, let's see what you can do. Do you see those women drinking in the corner? They will be your target for today." Soue pointed at the sweets. "You can use that as an opener. I'll be watching from earshot distance. Good luck out there."

The yellow-eyed fox patted her shoulder and positioned himself a few tables away from them. Not being used to such an environment, nervousness started consuming the once cheerful Mitsuru. With cold feet, she approached the girls, frequently glancing at Soue as she did so. Maybe she would stutter. Maybe a fly would go in her mouth. She had a lot of worries, but bailing out was not one of them. She looked at her teacher again, and there he was, nodding like everything's going according to plan. She sighed and went to the table, thinking of what she'll do next.

"H-Hello, ladies. Err... I am new... To this place." Mitsuru smiled and wiped her face. The group just smiled at her, and she rushed to his table, looking like she's about to cry. "Women are scary."

"Don't worry." Soue smiled, obviously trying his best to hold his laugh back. "That's like... Half of the battle. With practice, you'll get used to it."

"Mmhmm. Are you as good as they say, though? I feel like proclaiming yourself as 'The Incubus of Shinjuku' is a bit too much."

Mitsuru's attempt to make him feel bad only got a laugh as a response. Just like his lover, Murasaki, Soue was aware to the fact that he was irresistible. People complimented him a lot on his looks, and he's had his fair share of confessions from girls and guys alike. That amazing sense of awareness, paired with a sharp wit and a sense of humor, made him perfect for these kinds of things. Seduction.

"I rarely brag, but the name's well-earned." He chuckled and bit his candy. "I count them, you know. The women I've been with."

"Mmhmm~ Of course, you do. Care to tell me how many?" Mitsuru took a pill and poured herself a cup of water.

"Ninety-six. I'm very speci--"

She spitted her drink, attracting a few eyes from the pub. One of the bartenders laughed out loud, while some took a glance and continued on their business. A waiter went to their tables to order, but her mentor didn't have any money on him, so she treated him a burger. He was getting hungry, so he thanked her in his mind. Did she somehow read his mind? He wondered.

"Excuse me. Ninety-six?!" Mitsuru whispered and coughed. "What are you, a rabbit?!"

"Quiet. You're embarrassing me." Soue blushed and bit on the free burger. "Just so you know, I don't do this as much now. I only teach people when I'm short of money. I have a girlfriend, so I don't want to betray her trust..."

"Well, you have to give me some room to work on. How do you get someone into bed in less than twenty-four hours? At least show me the basics."

Kaizen Mitsuru, clearly amused of the man sitting before him, smugly grinned and took out another pack of chocolate. Soue sighed, stood up, took the candies, and looked at her with the laziest expression ever. It was like he'd been coaxed into doing this kind of thing by all the people he knew, and he's starting to get bored of it. He took a piece of cigarette candy from the pack and snapped it.

"Alright. Watch and learn. I will explain everything to you after I'm done." He handed half of the mint chocolate to her. "Time to show my other face, I guess."