
Chapter 1

It was quiet on Main Street, just like any other night, with no soul in sight. The silence of the night was interrupted by the sound of a girl running out of the darkness. The girl ran through Main Street in desperate need of some help. The more she realized that she was genuinely alone but to no avail. She suddenly dropped to her knees and started to sob.

"When will this end?" She struggles to get out between sobs. Suddenly her cries were cut short by the sound of glass breaking off in the distance. Then, paralyzed with fear, she slowly looked over her shoulder, and the color drained from her face.

"No, it can't be. I have to run." So she repeated to herself in a trance. She watched the once lit-up street start to grow darker. Then, as another light broke, she was forced out of her trance, forced herself to her feet, and started running from the darkness consuming the street. The faster she ran, the more she felt like she couldn't escape the darkness destroying the road no matter how much she pushed herself. The more she ran, the more she started to think if she could survive the darkness growing gradually closer. She saw an opening up ahead, thinking that she could escape. She turned the corner without hesitation, thinking she could escape but was met with a wall blocking her path. She turned around and stared at the very darkness she was trying to escape. Then, paralyzed with fear, tripped backward, staring at the growing darkness. Then, as the darkness crept slowly towards her and instinctively, she crawled backward, but the more the darkness crept closer, she felt the coldness of the wall press against her back. She watched it get closer with no way out, and the only thing she could do was scream. She screamed her cries for help, thinking that maybe someone would hear her and save her, but to no avail; she was met with the deathly silence surrounding her. The tears started to stream down her face as the darkness was by her feet. Suddenly she began to feel drawn toward it. The more she was being engulfed by the darkness, realizing that she was not being drawn, she was being dragged. She rolled to her stomach and started to freak out and claw at everything, but nothing was within reach. She tried to resist by kicking what had a hold on her, but she felt paralyzed from the waist down. The grip pulled her deeper until she was finally pulled into the darkness. The darkness engulfed the street disappeared, illuminating the streets and resuming the once quiet night.

Hello everyone! I hoped you liked the first chapter. Don't forget to share this story and leave a comment. Byee!

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