1 Chapter - 1

The rich values financial education more than bookish knowledge . Whereas middle class people values bookish knowledge more than financial knowledge. Maximum people are educated but are financially illiterate.

So, remember that you must gain financial knowledge before starting a business or before investing. Later on I will give you some tips on investment so that you can earn like me as I am earning now without any job.

Okay so lets not wait long and start with Rule#1. Let's get started.

First understand what the rich knows and what the normal people cannot understand.

Rule#1 - The rich understands the difference between liabilities and assests well. I will make it really simple for you to understand.

Assets - Puts money in your pocket.

Example - Stocks, Bonds, Real state and all the other investment that puts money in your pocket without any extra work or very less works.

Liabilities - Takes money away from your pocket.

Example - Bank loans, cars, houses, etc thaf you spend and later they take your money away by means like repareing, maintainence, giveing taxes, EMI, GST., all this takes your money away.

The middle class people think liabilities as their assets becuase lack of financial education. And because of this they fall in debts and to pay all the debts they do not think properly that they work for money instead they should make money work for them.

Rich people have very less liabilities and they avoid loans because once you started takeing loans then you will fully depend on your credit card to buy the expensive life you want to live.

The middle class people buys new cars or any other expensive item at the beginning but the rich people buys luxury at the end.

Rule#2 - Never save money, always invest in buying assets.

Rich people never save money rather they invest it in like bonds, stocks, real state.etc, to get high profit and they also no need to work for that investment. The momey will work itself. For example - I will invest 10,000 dollars in buying stocks or bonds or in real states after 10 or 20 years when I see profit I will sell all the shares of stocks or bonds or sell the property of real state nearly 10X double the amount of money I invested and I can able to generate millions of dollars useing this technique but its risky also, that is why not all are millionaires if its that easy you think. You may also need to face loss but its depends upon you that you understand all this seriously and based upon your decision making skills you can also make profit same like the investment king Warren Buffet ( he is a multi millionaire just by investment).

There will be more rules in the next chapters stay tune....
