
The Mysterious Lady

"What the hell this lady doing here? "

A shocked reaction of General Kaja

A crowd starting to grow in the plaza.

"Who is that lady? "

"She's not Ethereal like us"

"What a gorgeous lady"

"I wonder, where she came from"

Asked by the Ethereals around the plaza.

"People of ETHERNIA, I, Commander Kaja will take in charge with this lady. We still don't know where she came from. Please return to your houses now."

Kaja carried the mysterious girl and went to the palace.

"Commander Kaja, I have a bad feeling about this lady"

"But Queen Rafaela, She looks so innocent. Maybe she was lost or don't have a home to stay in."

"Then let me put a magical barrier in this room. I can't let my gut feel slide. I must check out who really is this Lady."

"My Queen, I guess you're overthinking it"

"Commander Kaja, I'll tell you this. Right after we conducted CODE LUX, this girl just appeared out of nowhere. She must be affected by our ability which simply means she has a negative or dark force residing in her. Those who have good heart won't be affected by CODE LUX."

"But... "

"I know Commander Kaja that she's innocent not until it is proven. She's not also lost and I'm certain to it. "

"How can you say that she is not lost my Queen? "

"Look at her ears, A pointed ears right? She must be an elf. And Elves kingdom is far from our kingdom. It takes three weeks to travel with a carriage or horses. Then what is she doing here ALONE? Sound suspicious right Commander Kaja?

Commander Kaja can't argue with it anymore.

On the Kingdom of TECHNIA...

King Julius: We are ordinary people who basically depends on technology but this makes us strong! I will let my only daughter to go to the Celestial Palace. I know she can lead an army and make me proud of her. Applause to my one and only princess...

Next Chapter: The Princess of TECHNIA Appears.

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