
The Second Strongest Hero

Starr_Dakota · Anime & Comics
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56 Chs

Feelings Come Out

"It looks like she took our age into account when she gave us clothes." Akuma said as he walked out of his room wearing a red sports shirt with a black unzipped hoodie and blue jeans and he saw that Caulifla had decided on a white blouse with black jeans, "You look good in human clothes."

"I'm not a fan of all the girly stuff she gave me." Caulifla told him with an annoyed look and he couldn't help but chuckle at her as they walked out of their new home before taking off towards Bulma's house. Caulifla closed her eyes as she enjoyed the cool night air that blew past them.

"You always seen to enjoy just flying around." Akuma said when they were side by side and she smiled as she opened her eyes, "Did you fly around Sadala a lot?"

"Sadala is normally pretty hot and it's mostly wasteland so there isn't much to look at." Caulifla explained as she watched the forest fly by, "Earth's atmosphere is nicer and since the gravity isn't as strong it feels better to fly around."

"Doesn't sound like a good place to live." Akuma told her as the city came into view and the lights made it look amazing from above, "I'm kind of glad I was raised on our Earth."

"It's not all bad but Earth is like a paradise in comparison." Caulifla told him as they landed on Bulma's lawn and she kneeled down to feel the grass, "Even the ground feels better to touch compared to the rock hard dirt of Sadala."

"I still want to visit Sadala one day but for now let's just enjoy our time in Universe Seven." Akuma told her as they began to walk towards Bulma when she waved to them and the older woman smiled when Caulifla suddenly held Akuma's hand, causing his eyes to widened in surprise and a his cheeks became a shade of pink as he tried to process what she was doing before he smiled at her.

"Well look at you two!" Bulma said excitedly and catching the attention of the others, who hadn't noticed their arrival yet, "You got your feelings into his thick skull finally huh?"

"You couldn't tell that such a beautiful girl had feelings for you?!" Chichi asked him with a condescending tone and Akuma just looked at her like she was crazy, "You're the one that was too dense to notice so don't you give me that look!"

"Who said I didn't?" Akuma asked her calmly and they gave him confused looks, "I'm not stupid you know but didn't know how to bring the subject up either. Plus we were always with Kale and it's not really something I wanted to talk about in from of others."

"Wait how long have you felt the same way?" Caulifla asked him in surprise and he looked up at the stars before he gave her a soft smile.

"I guess it started about a week into our training with Vados but I hadn't felt emotions like that before so I stayed quiet about it." Akuma admitted and the others knew not to interrupt what was being said, "It felt like you had a grip on me that I couldn't escape and I eventually found myself not wanting to. I didn't realize just how strong my feelings were until you were hurt on I-Island. It was like my entire body was taken over by a level anger I had never felt before and I wanted nothing more than to kill that man."

"That's because Saiyans don't simply fall in love but I'm sure you were already aware of that." Vegeta explained as he walked up to them, "It's a connection that's woven into our core and even the risk of losing one another would be more than enough to send you over the edge."

"Well enough of this emotional stuff. Let's start what we came here for." Caulifla said as she walked towards the tables and Akuma chuckled at how her headstrong side suddenly appeared. Chichi and Bulma followed her and the three began to chat as Goku put his hand on Akuma's shoulder.

"If you two want to train then I know the perfect person to show you a few things." Goku told him and Akuma gave him a questioning look, "His name is King Kai and he's the one that taught me the Spirit Bomb and Kaioken."

"How soon can we go?" Akuma asked with an excited grin as he thought about learning the two powerful moves and Goku snickered at his reaction.

"I can teleport us there whenever you guys want. I haven't seen him in a while anyways." Goku told him as they walked towards the tables and Caulifla gave Akuma a smile when he sat down.