
The second son of the fallen Royal is reincarnated

In a world where one's value is determined by their status, Raven was born in the deepest parts of the lawless city. Raised in an orphanage along with other kids, he trained to be a knight of a low rank Nobel family and rose upon the ranks and made it to captain at the age of 27, ten years later a war broke out and house Silver was destroyed. As his mind was slowly fading away, he couldn't help but think what would life been like for him if he was born as a nobleman himself, "would I be corrupted by greed? Or would I uphold the values of my home like the prideful master of house Silver?"

Victor_Progress · Fantasy
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13 Chs

New Hope

After the ceremony ended, Raven and his parents head out to return to their land. Word had already spread that the north was back in the hands of Joshua after 20yrs, the locals who were around during his reign cheered as this ment the lord whom they knew from the olden days is coming back to gorven them, those younger thought that a worthless lord who had his core destroyed was bound to lead them to ruin.

After reaching home.


Raven, when you said I'd be holding the title until your old enough, what did you mean by that?


It was an act, I aim to revive your aura by then. And if all fails, brother Kyle would be the next to the title.


What about you?


I'm okay as a sword of our homeland, however if it does require that I become head of our house, I will. But my goal would always be to make our house great. 


Wow, I know I said it before but you really do sound too matured for you age. But it's a good thing, you already have your goals in sight and as your father it's my job to make sure you don't lose sight of it.

After talking with his father, Raven heads out to the town without any gaurds wearing a black hooded rob to cover him up, as he enters the area he finds a group of boys beating up on another child.


Hey, what do you think you're doing?

Boy 1:

What's this? Who do you think you are talking yo us like that? 

The group of boys surrounded him and went in charging with there fists, Raven easily manages to avoid getting hit, he uses his "God's eyes" allowing him to predict where his opponent would hit. Raven uses a stick he found on the ground as a weapon beating the group of boys senselessly. He walks to the boy who was being assaulted.


Are you okay? Can you stand?


You need to get out of here one of the kids you just beat up is the son of the guild leader here.


You mean the corrupt guild, the white Feng? How interesting, I was actually on my way to the guild. Which one is it?

The boy points his finger at the leader of the group. Raven grabs him by the leg and starts dragging him, he tells the boy to lead him to the guild. After arriving at the guild doorway, he tells the boy to step back. He picks the guild leaders son up and throws him in the guild with brute force.


No way, just who is this kid? That's some crazy strength he got there. Wait could he be half dwarf?

Raven calmy walks in the guild as it's full of confusion.

Guild member1:

What was that, An enemy attack?

Guild member2:

No, you idiot. Look over there, somebody beat up the young master and threw him in here.

Guild member3:

They must be outsiders, everyone knows who this village belongs to.

Raven enters


That would be the local lord, Baron Joshua Nightingale and his house. I'm only gonna ask this once, where is you leader?

Guild member1:

What's this, a kid? Hey kid did you beat up Jack over there?


I did, now talk.

Guild member2:

Now, now kid. You know what happens when you beat the bosses kid? You lose a finger. Now come here.

As his hand was about to touches Ravens shoulder, Raven quickly draws his sword and cuts his head off.

Guild member1:

What the hack, How's that possible?


Now, shall we try again? where's your leader?

Guild member1:

Who do you think you're talking to? Don't push your luck kid, attack.


It's been a while since I was this out numbers, oh well.

Raven charges in what seems to be a disadvantage for him as he faces 30 mercenaries but without missing even a step he manages to kill them off in an instant leaving only one.


Now, do you feel like telling me where you boss is?

Guild member1:

He's out of town, but should be back any minute now. He said he had to go and collect a new slave he bought on the market. Something about a girl with elven blood.


Thank you. That wasn't hard, now was it? You just bought your life,don't waist it.

As Raven turns around, the man charges at him with a knife aiming at his spine, Raven jumps in the air and cuts of his head.


Every single time.

Raven walks out and notices the people of the village all gathered around to see what was happening, some looked in shock at Raven and some disbelief, it was then he realised that the hood had fallen off and his face was visible.

Villager 1:

It's him, does this mean the rumors about him are true?

Villager 2:

Can't you see for yourself? That kid is a monster. No one should be able to defeat a orange Ranker like that at his age.

Villager 3:

I heard he's a green Rank.

Villager 4:

At that age? It's impossible, he should at least be orange, yellow if he's a genius.

Raven looks at the Villagers.


People of ivy village, hear me. My name is Raven Nightingale,second son of Joshua Nightingale and Erica Nightingale. I came here to get rid of all the poison infecting this land, starting with this mercenary group. I heard that you've been living a hell of a life because of that kid, this is your chance for revenge. This is the only time I'll allow you to kill him, so it's up to you if you stone him to death, stab him or feed him to your dogs, I do not care. But all I ask in return is that when his father arrives you point him at my direction and say I did it.

The villagers all attack the boy and stomp him until he bleeds out and eventually dies. After 3 hours, the head of the white fang guild returns with a women chained up, it was a woman with half human and half elf blood, he finds the heads of his son and fellow guild members all lined up infront of what used to be his guild.


Who the hell did this? WHO KILLED MY FAMILY!!!

He looks to his sides and finds a man, he grabs him at asks who did this. The man answers by saying the person responsible is sitting infront of the bar waiting for him. He tosses the man to the side and heads there.


Are you the one who killed my boys?


Took you long enough,at this rate I thought you wouldn't be coming back today.


Oi, I don't know who you are kid, but I can tell your strong, but I'm a yellow Rank, you know what means right?

Ryback takes out his sword and attempts to slash Raven but his sword is intercepted by Raven who just stops it with his hand.


It means you're not worth my time.

Raven crushes his sword and quickly draws his to cut off his head. Time of battle 20 seconds.


You must be the slave I've heard about. Here are the keys to your chains, your free to go. But don't you dare do anything stupid when your in the north, you seen what will happen if you do.

Villager 1:

Is it over? Is Ryback's rain really over?

Villagers start chearing, Raven heads back home as he reaches his estate he goes to take a shower he heads to his father's office.


So, Raven. I heard you killed 32 people today.




Should I be worried that my son kills people for joy?


Not at all, if you look at the documents on your desk you'd notice that the white Feng has been involved in numerous illegal activities such as human trafficking, slavery, illegal selling and buying of weapons.


I know, but what type of image are you giving of to the people of our territory?


That justice is our number one priority. Father, I know it might seem ruthless in your eyes, but think about the lives that have been ruined by those guys and the lives that would've been if I hadn't stepped in when I did.


You're right. But next time run it by me first instead of acting on your own.




Any plans for the upcoming two years?


Yes, I think it would be best if I had my own troops.


How so?


It's no doubt that I'll be busy this two years traveling our lands trying to take out the corruption in it. Although I have faith in my strength, I must acknowledge that I can't change everything on my own. 


Strong but smart enough to know where your lacking. You truly are matured for your age.


That's a good idea, but you currently lack influence to recruit someone into your troops and we only have a number of 80 gaurds in the estate. 


It's fine, I only need 10 for now, please let Leo go announce it in the village I visited today.


Consider it done, but why not take 10 of our lower ranked here?


It's more fun to start at the bottom. And regarding the 2million gold coins we got, I'd like to invest a quarter of it in the investment for recruiting. If that is all, I'll take my leave.

Raven leaves his father's office, his father walks towards the window and says to his wife


Sometimes I feel like Raven is the one calling the shots here and I'm just a figurehead for him.


I notice that too, although he's only 13 he has the mind of a strong ruler, one who has seen the battlefield and isnt affraid of anything anymore. You know, he gets it from you.


What, me?