
Taking hold of true freedom

"That was way more effective than I expected."

I approached Maria who collapsed to the ground, protecting her mouth with one hand.

Judging by how strongly she pushed me just now, it was clear that her physical strength was always buffed with magic. Even a trained soldier would lose to her in a contest of pure strength if he didn't receive some kind of magical buff.

Now that I've weakened her with a direct violation of [Purity of the Flesh]'s rule set, she was reduced to a frail sheltered princess who hadn't left her castle for 500 years.

"What are you!? Why do you yet possess this much power after travelling back in time!?"

"Well, you're only half right. I didn't exactly just go back in time."

"Then what!?"

"Very simple: I earned the gods' acknowledgement in the future."

For some reason, Maria looked terrified after hearing that.

But I felt no pity.

All her victims over the past 500 years probably had the same face when she eventually decided to get rid of them. I can imagine the witch just watching from afar while avoiding being touched by the filthy blood splash.

I grabbed Maria's arm.

She struggled but it looked like that caused her great pain.

"No, please. Please, please, please, forgive me. Whatever I did to you in the future, I- I'm sorry. I- I'll make it up to you. Money, power, w- women, I'll give you everything. So please, please let me go!"


[Whatever I did wrong, please forgive me. I'll make up for my mistake. Please.]

These exact words.

One night, I couldn't fall asleep, so I left the camp to get some fresh air. I stumbled across a suspicious looking tent some distance away from the main camp. What I found there was a little show run by Maria Rosemary. The victim was one of her loyal subjects, but it seemed like her worth had run out.

Those same words were spoken by that poor woman, but she was never forgiven.

The witch came up with the idea of having some werewolf slaves ravage the woman while she watch with great excitement in her eyes. The mana in that demonic forest was so dense, she never noticed my presence, but I was able to sneak in and witness everything.

The wretch was grinning while getting horny. She kept wiping the juice leaking out from her pussy until the hankerchief was drenched and soppy. And afterward, the poor woman was eaten alive by the werewolves, having starved for days and just now forced to mate nonstop.

Naturally, she could not touch herself. Her flesh would lose its purity even if it was her own hands that made it feel sexual pleasure.

Right now, Maria is making the exact same face as that woman did.

Following the original "script," I guess I'll have to treat her to the same cuisine she offered that poor woman who had continued to faithfully serve her for a decade.

"Hm, you really mean 'everything?'"

I intentionally loosened my grip on her arm.

Maria's eyes sparkled, having found a way out.

She put on an innocent smile that would soften the heart of any ordinary man.

"Yes. I may just be a frail priestess, but I have earned the favour of King Avans. If I put it a few good words, you can trust that he'll grant you all your wishes!"

"That doesn't sound bad. But how about we start with removing this [Summoner's Crest] on my body? I'd be really happy if you could do that."

I showed her the mark on the back of my left hand.

When we first arrived in this world, we were tricked into believing that this was the source of our power. They claimed that these crests would grow with the bearers and grant us even more power the more it developed.

The truth is: the longer it stays on someone's body, the easier it gets for Maria to snatch control of their body against their will. I saw it happen once. In the midst of a chaotic battle, a demonkin assassin was able to get the jump on Maria, who was focusing on healing our troops. The witch immediately made the holy knights nearby jump in and die for her like disposable puppets. I saw their eyes all went blank before their bodies moved with inhuman movements.

"Eh? T- That's… I- I- I can't… I don't know… hyaahhh!!!"

I gripped her arm as if crushing it.

"Can't say I'm fond of lying wretches."

I put my hand on her trembling thigh and ran my fingers up toward her crotch.

"NOO! Please, Pl- Please! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Please don't… Please don't…"

She caught my hand by the wrist.

Tears began to stream down her red cheeks.

I wanted to laugh. Wasn't it your own fault, always going outside with a gown, that it's now so easy for me to slide my hand into whatever nooks and crannies of your body?

"Sure. We can settle our differences peacefully, but we're not really on equal terms here, are we? This mark means I'm a candidate to become another slave of yours. Remove it."

"…Okay. Okay, I'll remove it. I'll remove it, so please let go of me. I cannot cast the spell like this…"

Flaming lies. This wretch still believes I don't know all of her secrets.

<You have unlocked [Mana Mastery Lv.9]>

<You have unlocked [Pledge of Nature Lv.9]>

"I see. We do need to get more comfortable."

"Ahhh!! Arghh!! It hurts! Please, stop! It hurts!!"

I dragged her on the ground and went to the altar.

She was as light as a feather with [Increase Strength Lv.9], so I easily lifted her up and tossed her on the altar. Having temporarily lost the protection of her countless magical buffs, Maria couldn't even get up from the pain.

I grabbed her legs and let her lower half drop to the ground.

Maria was made to assume the bend over the altar posture, her ass facing the sky.

With [Mana Mastery] and [Pledge of Nature], I conjured up some sturdy roots from underground and shackled both her arms and legs. Now, Maria couldn't stop displaying her butt to the gods even if she wanted to.

I tored her gown and exposed her naked lower half.

"NOOO! What are you trying to do!? I promised! I already promised you!!"

<You have unlocked [Control Libido Lv.2]>

<You have unlocked [Increase Stamina Lv.5]>

<You have unlocked [Sex Mastery Lv.2]>

I need to be careful with these. Set the levels too high and a body as frail and inexperienced as hers could suddenly drop dead in the middle of sex.

"Rule number 1 is: I hate lying wretches. Now, rule number 2: However, I do enjoy violating them."

I dropped my pants and brought out the Gungnir.

<You have unlocked [Improve Genitalia Lv. 2]>

It only grew a little bigger at Level 2, but I was certain it would be more than enough.

I pressed Gungnir between Maria's butt cheeks.

Feeling the hot rod between her plump cheeks, Maria turned her head so vigorously, I thought her neck would snap. There, she saw a raging male organ sitting right on top of her rear hole.


She started struggling and screaming even more intensely than before, but her body was already solidly tied down by the tree roots I conjured. Maria had her first taste of despair after 500 years of serving it to other people.

"Rule number 3: The wretches are more fuckable when they're begging."

"NO NOO! Please! I'll remove the crest! I promised I'd remove the crest! I'll do it right now! Please please please please, just don't!!"

"Okay, I believe you. Do it."

This witch could easily do it with a thought command, yet she was hiding it and trying to save it as a trump card against me. If I didn't know any better and let her go, eventually she'd trap my soul and feed my body to monsters.

"Yes. Yes, I will. Right now. Mmm, there! I did it. I removed it!"

I glanced at my left hand.


Breathing a sigh, I held Gungnir with my hand and rubbed the tip against her vagina.


"What was rule number one again?"

"Guh… Y- You dislike lies…"

"That's not what I said."

I pressed Gungnir a little more into her labia.


"So, what was rule number one?"

"Y- You hate lying w- w- wretches…"

"That's right, specifically the type that tries to play hooky with me. I said Remove the crest, not make it Hidden. Let's try that again."

"...I did it."

Maria bit her lip while sobbing.

Her eyes had turned red and swollen.

<You have unlocked [Analyze Lv.9]>

<You have unlocked [Improve Analysis Lv.9]>

If I didn't have 7 million tokens, that would've cost me 2 years of no-life'ing.

I checked again.

This time, the crest was truly removed.

There it is—freedom.

I'm finally truly free in this new world.

"Can… hgk… Can I finally… hgk… go?"

"Well, no."

I plunged my hips forward and thrust Gungnir into Maria's 500 year virgin pussy.

It was dry and uncomfortably tight, but it was a good pussy nonetheless.

Gungnir swiftly broke through the hymen and collided with her uterus deep inside.


Maria's eyes went wide and her face turned completely blank.

I also post this on my personal blog @ https://aureumsanctum.wordpress.com/

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