
Chapter 4: Interactions

As our mc land a dropkick upon the big bad bear, snow rose all over while the ground shook due to the impact from the bear's fall.

The snow and wind pressure from said impact even reached the trees where the hunters used as a hiding place.

They had to shield their faces with their hands, especially the eyes from the pressure and snow due to how strong they were.

In fact, the bear wasn't that far away from the trees and the hunters and hit the ground harder than should be due to the momentum from its charge attack.

Yes, in case you're wondering, our mc only came to 'save the day' when the bear decided to charge upon the hunters. So our mc actually dropkick the bear while it is charging into the hunters, thus making it hit the ground harder.

The bear is also closer to the trees and hunters after its charge.

The Impact can basically be simplified like this.

(MC's dropkick momentum + MC's weight) gravity+ Bear's charging momentum+ The ground= That's a lotta damage.

That's the rough idea and suck it up! I failed my additional mathematics okay! I made this all up! Still acceptable in my opinion though.

Anyways, as the dust- I mean, snow slowly settle down, the hunters removed their hands and can vaguely see a big silhouette on the ground and a smaller silhouette standing on top of it.

The snow finally settled completely and they finally saw the true form of the silhouette. The bigger silhouette on the ground is the bear, it looks dead, seems like it broke its neck after falling down.

And then they turned their gaze to the smaller silhouette and saw…

A masked person!?(Our mc is still wearing his makeshift mask, although the mouth part is slightly darker from his saliva,yuck!)


I lift myself up from the 'superhero landing' stance I'm while staring at bear's corpse.

'Damn, it's even larger up close, I wonder if I could go toe-to-toe with it- Wait a minute, is it dead? OH MY GOD!! IT'S DEAD!'

My halted for a moment before I took a sharp hiss of breath.

'Okay, okay, calm down yamato, the bear's dead, that's fine. BUT HOW THE HELL DID IT DIE WITH ONE KICK!?'

"...se me?"

'No, no, no, on second thought. I am a 'DEMON', I should be able to do this much right? I mean even a human like Tanjurou, Tanjirou's father can kill a bear with an axe and he was frail dammnit'

"…cuse me?"

'Even Akaza by theory should be able to beat this thing to death easily with his bare hands right?'

"Excuse me?"

'But the problem is the hunters. How am I going to explain this crap to them? Am I going to say, 'Oh I'm just stronger than your average man and can kill a bear with one kick' and they'll accept that reason and we'll have a good laugh about it? NO CHANCE IN HELL! They'll be super suspicious now that they saw what I did, what should I do, what should I-'


"YES!? WHAT DO YOU WANT!?" I yelled as I snap head towards them, my voice booming due to my nervousness and anxiousness, I blame my overthinking mode.

I saw their faces change from annoyance and confusion to shock, perhaps due to my unexpectedly loud reply?

"Sorry about that, I was feeling a slightly tired is all" I lied to them.

"What is it?" I ask them.

The hunters face changed from shocked to hesitation and..fear? As one of them glance at the injured hunter and while the other two hunters just tighten their grip on their bow. Hooray for superhuman hearing! Or is it demonic hearing?

'Ah, they're afraid..Of course they would. After all a teen just fell out of the skies and one-shot a huge ass bear right in front of their eyes.'

I turn my sight to the hunter who's looking worriedly at his injured 'friend'? The hunter is easily the biggest among them all, he has a gruff beard and has brown hair.

'He looks kinda like Thors from 'Vinland Saga' only slightly older, perhaps about a year or two older?…I didn't get reincarnated in a world where many anime's got mish mashed together right?

That'll be awesome and dangerous at the same time.I then heard a cough and I snapped from my overthinking mode once more.

I turn my gaze to the source of the sound and saw the guy behind the other tree looking apprehensively at me and smiling nervously.

'He looks like he's a bit younger than the gruff man maybe in the late-mid 30's, has short black hair and has small narrow eyes..like a snake's'

I saw him open his mouth and paid attention to what he has to say.

"Um..Thank you for saving us, we would've died without your help. We truly appreciate your help."

I blinked my eyes at his gratitude and slowly calmed myself down.

"You're welcome, it's only natural to help those who are in need of it"

He then continued smiled sheepishly while rubbing the back of his head. I once again turned around to look at the gruff man and the injured hunter.

"Is he going to be alright?" I asked the gruff man.

He twitch for a moment before turning his gaze away from the injured one and looked at me.

"I…I don't know, I hope so. The blood has stopped flowing so that's good I suppose."

I nod in understanding before jumping from the bear's back to the snowy ground. As I land, I heard two bowstrings getting pulled. I looked up the trees and saw the two hunters aiming at me.

'…They look similar. Twins? They look young, maybe about the same age as the injured guy. Both of them has short black hair. The right one has a cross shaped scar on his left cheek while the other has it on his right cheek.'

"KIN! GIN! LOWER YOUR WEAPONS!" I heard snake eyes yelling at them. Maybe he is their father?

I saw them hesitate for a moment before lowering their bows.

"Sorry pa" Both of them said simultaneously.

Snake eyes looked at me with a nervous smile.

"Sorry about their rudeness young..man? They're still nervous after the whole…bear situation"

I chuckle at his apologies, "No worries, I understand that they're *chuckle* 'beary' nervous"

Oh I love puns. They're beary good!

They all had a confused look on their face and snake eyes tilted his head a little bit, as if not getting the bear pun I made.


"*cough*" Damn calm down Yamato. Different culture and different time. Close your eyes, deeep breaths, deep breaths. *inhale**exhale**inhale**exhale*.

I reopened my eyes before smiling at them.

"No worries, it's understandable."

I can see the relief in snake eyes face and the tense posture of the twin hunters visually relax..they didn't release their grip on the bow though.

Snake eyes looked at gruff beard with a worried look in his eyes.

"How is he? Will he make it?"

"I don't know, the blood has stopped flowing and he's still breathing. Let's just hope he will make it"

'Rough, raspy voice. Huh, his voice would make many girls swoon and guys jealous if he's in my old world, he'll make a good singer.'

Gruff beard turn his gaze away from snake eyes and looked straight at me.

"..Thank you for your help, I don't know if we could've taken down that bear or if we could even return safely if you didn't took it down."

"Oh..you're welcome."

He nods before looking back at snake eyes.

"Come Kibo-san, let's return to the village. Perhaps the old healer can do something to help my son"

Snake eyes nodded towards him.

"Very well then Arai-san, let us depart right now."

He whirled his head towards his two sons.

"Kin! Gin! Come down from there, we're going back to the village!"

The twins looked at each other and nodded simultaneously before jumping down from the tree branch they were perching on.

"But father.." Left scar, which I assume as Kin started speaking but let his words hang in the air.

"What about the bear?" Right scar, which I assume as Gin finished Kin's leftover words.

Snake eyes just shot them a stern look before looking at me and smiling nervously. Then shot his twin sons another look before mouthing the words 'forget it' silently.

I dunno if I got the word he's mouthing silently correct or wrong as I only have superficial knowledge about the lip reading and crap.

Hmm? You're wondering how I can speak and understand Japanese after being reincarnated?

Well..'conveniently', It seems the merging of souls and memories with Yamato had gave me extensive knowledge about the Japanese Language. That's why I can understand, speak and write in Japanese. How convenient huh?

I looked at the twin's unsatisfied expression but they kept silent. Now that I looked at them closely, it seems like they have a slight sunken cheeks, a telltale of a hungry person.

I then glance at snake eyes, gruff beard and injured guy and saw that they all had sunken cheeks, albeit slightly, hell gruff beard even hid his underneath his beard, smart.

I looked back at the bear and then it all clicks in my head.

'They're starving and based on their sunken cheeks, they haven't eaten in days..That must be why the twins are unsatisfied as they're practically letting a meal away.'

'Hell, snake eyes must be unsatisfied as well, but with me being an unknown that killed a bear easily, he can't risk their lives by asking for my 'trophy' as it might incite my wrath'

'Gruff eyes seems uncaring and he looks like he wants to leave as soon as possible..he wants to heal his son as fast as possible then.'

I looked back at the bear's corpse.

'Hmmmm, I can't just give this to them like that, that'll make them even warier…hmmm, ahh, I have an idea'

I then whip my head back to them and they all seem startled, save for gruffy and injured over there.

"You know…This bear is too big…and I can't finish it all alone…I wonder if you know someone that would like some of its meat and furs?'

Snake eyes and his sons blink their eyes before their expression brightens considerably.

"Y-Yes! Yes! Of course! We can take some of the meats and furs if..if you permit it of course" Snake eyes started excitedly but gradually got shier.

Even gruff beard seems to have a slight smile upon his face. But it turns to worry once more.

"But..We won't make it back to the village in time to save my son if we dillydally here to cut apart the bear."

With those words, snake eyes's happy face faltered and he seems unsure but after a few moments, he sighs.

"*sighs* I suppose it can't be helped, umm." He looks slightly confused at me.

'Use a fake name, they might recognize your name'

"Ryu" Not the best choice, but it'll do. Now I just need a white gi and trousers, a black belt, a red glove and bandanna and to get buff as possible and the disguise would be perfect.

'Maybe I'll try to learn shapeshifting to copy ryu's appearance..a possible future development.'

"Ah yes, Ryu-san,We appreciate the offer but it seems we won't be able to bring it with us." He looks slightly regretful.

"No worries, I can carry it into your village" I say.

They all had a confused expression but it soon turned into awe as I grunted and lifted the bear, It's damn heavy, probably more than half a tonne.

I grunted and walked slowly towards them as I let the legs drag from behind me as I lifted the bear's body. It seems that as a newly made demon, I don't get that many boost in strength.

Though I suppose I am far stronger than a normal demon due to the amount of blood I got from Muzan. However,It's not enough to warrant as a moon demon and I don't even have a blood demon art…yet…

Not to mention, I am hungry and haven't eaten anything yet and nearly used all of my enrgy on that superhero landing kick upon the bear's back.

'The kick didn't kill it though, it died due to snapping its neck from its own head colliding with the ground, I just notice after trying to lift it and saw the head droop limply. As if something snapped its neck.'

I stopped near them and then told them to lead the way.

Snake eyes muttered 'I suppose that works too' and told me to follow them before turning and walking ahead of me.

The twins stood beside their father while gruff beard is already a bit further ahead as he carries his son on his back.

I slowly trudge behind them as I stayed silent..Well..that went better than expected? I wonder what's gonna happen next?

Kibo=Scale, Arai=rough, Kin=Gold, Gin=Silver

This is actually the first real contact our mc made with other 'humans' where it didn't end on a short note, the 2 old ladies he talked with were only for information and very brief, so it's not considered a real 'contact'. Anyways, our mc is still weak let me remind you, yes he got muzan's blood and its quite and it reaches a moon demon level but let's just say..something is holding it back and you'll learn of it in... the future chapters~

For now, enjoy the chapter..

Hamster Out~!

TediousHamstercreators' thoughts
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