
Meet the Gods Above, I Will Pave The Road.

"Oy, Newbie...make sure you did not leave behind a trail. The adventurer guild has set some bounties on our head. There are definitely chances that some f*cker took the challenge" A bald man spoke as he walked towards a large black building as three people followed him. The man had a stout nose and a cut face which could be considered ugly.

A black-haired man with stitches on his face, A beautiful green eyed woman with a side of her hair shaved and lastly a red-haired middle-aged man with a large red beard were walking up the stony slope.

"We definitely covered our tracks properly" The youth answered with a grin.

"Of course, since we haven't shown much and we are new- our threat level is still probably considered a mere C. So even if there was an ambush. The people attacking won't be much of a threat" The woman added calmly

"Fiona, you can never be too careful. We brethren are fresh but we have all banded together from other powerful syndicates after leaving them. Until any of the nobles hire us- those magic knights will try to hunt us anyway. The offer has already arrived" The red bearded man said calmly.

"Hmph. So much for justice and peacekeeping. They are all corrupt dogs anyway. Any one with a bit of power and money- they lose their morals and justice. It's all about the image really. We do the jobs that leave would their images sullied and we are still the one antagonized while they can't do their own f*cking jobs and get the public glory." The woman- Fiona said angrily.

"In the end- we have all stealing from and killed innocent people. We shouldn't make excuses. Doing things the people you hate do isn't a thing of glore." The bearded man replied calmly. His gaunt frame containing wisdom

"Heh, Redbeard. I have done everything I have because of the things that have happened to me. The knights meanwhile are just spoiled brats spoonfed by their noble relatives. At least I don't pretend to be a good, peace-loving, kind soul."

"That I can agree with- it's funny. My mother was killed by Noir Patriarch Pen Gui's orders. His nephew, a magic knight did it. Why? Because she- another knight herself, found his illegal activities. Framed as a traitor, she was killed. That nephew of his still lives happily in his mansion praised by the masses. Yet Pen Gui made an offer we are likely to accept." The red bearded man said camly.

"Don't you want to kill that guy? The nephew. " The person that had been called a newbie asked curiously.

"Hmm...I think I have moved on but if I get the chance...I will. It's just that...I don't think I am strong enough" Redbeard answered sighing.

"Heh, I am disappointed Gant. I had a similar experience but I will always strive for payback. You say you'll do it if you have a chance but I will always work to get the chance. You say you are not strong enough. I am weak in comparison too but I will always work to get stronger. Really, dissapointing. I thought I'll have good allies" Fiona sneered.

"Hahahaha, it's good to have high spirits but one must know their limits and move on before it's too late. You'll waste your life like that" Gant replied calmly

"Calm down both of you. Talk later however you want" The bald man suddenly said as the group reached the building.

'Hmm, the gates open? *Sigh, I told them to close it once they enter'

Th bald man thought as he opened the door.

"Eh? Why are the lights off when the door was open...Is there no one here?"

The bald man said out loud.

"I feel like I can smell something terrible" Fiona muttered silently with a frown.

"Be careful everyone!" The bald man shouted as he went towards the light switch.

"Let me light a fire" Gant said as he brought his hands up and a fire ignited in them.


They all saw multiple limp bodies lying on the floor with a pool of blood. The bald man looked around and reached a nearby body lying front down.

He pulled it and saw the pale, limp face.

"Arsenia!" He screamed seeing the dead body. The others followed soon and checked around the place. There was not a single sign of mana other than the gang members' nor was there any sign of it being near by.

"The bodies were dumped here after being killed?" Fiona said looking around. She didn't feel much for them as they hadn't been allies for long but rather thought about who could do such a thing without being detected.

"Let's go above. There could be some clues up there."

The newbie looked around shook as they walked up the stairs.

'There is no mana we can sense around here and if it's someone who can completely hide their aura then they are likely Demigods, we don't stand a chance against someone like that even without an ambush so it's likely that the perpetrator has escaped.' Gant determined

The upper floor was also littered with bodies. The smell wasn't as overwhelming as below but it was still terrible. There was sign of battle here and there which confused the gang folks as they could not detect any residuals.

The bald man walked to one of the many ground facing body and turned it when-


What seemed like multiple explosive enchantments attached on the body suddenly exploded- not just that. Every body in the room exploded.


The upper floor walls surrounding them exploded, the gang members were caught off guard and as sent flying outside the building together with the debris.


The newbie screamed as he saw his hands...lying on the floor... detached. He had been standing farthest away...and yet.

Dust spread around as they coughed when the echoing sound of footsteps reached their ears.

The dust cleared slowly with a dark outline emerging- they saw inside the building.




Sound of footsteps echoed as they saw a figure emerge from the dark. The figure wasn't clear right away but one thing was- the eyes.

Beautiful silver eyes.

The spiral eyes containing a pattern shined in the darkness beautifully but they could feel a terrifying chill in their bodies as the eyes gazed at them.

They could feel miniscule mana but the aura was terrible. It was strange, his presence wasn't there yet it could now be suddenly felt.

The bald man was buried inside the rubble. Dead. Only Fiona and Gant were left but they were injured from the explosion.

The newbie seemed to have lost his mind over his lost limbs.

The figure became clear as the moonlights shone on him.

A tall youth that wore a black turtleneck shirt and pant. His face looked perfect and as though it was sculpted. Their were skars below both his eyes shaped like vertical clawmarks. His eyes shined bright in the light. Normally, everyone's did when they used magic but this was different. This was special.

Their was no expression on the man's face.

He looked towards the nightsky as he suddenly said with a smile-

"Light of the moon, highlights just how pitiful you are"

The gang members clenched their jaws as they readied themselves for battle- at least Fiona and Gant did.

'I can feel him now...How did he hide his presence before?' Fiona contemplated when the newcomer suddenly cried out with snot running down his nose.

"AAAAAAAAH....NoNoNoNoNo....You! die...die DIE!!!" The newcomer closed in towards the white-haired youth with a scream enraged by the loss of his arms

He opened his mouth as a magic circle was conjured in front of him but-


It broke into thousands of pieces like glass as time seemed to slow down for him. Between him and the silver eyed youth were the thousands of shine particles falling down. Time felt slow for the newbie. Death. It was approaching. time felt slow but he couldn't even act as he saw the silver eyed youth smile calmly...and punch him without mercy.


Blood spurted from the newcomer's mouth as looked up in horror.

The silver eyes looked at him calmly- a grin on his face.

"Ooo..Look at little patchface. Gonna cry?" The youth said before he plunged a knife in the boys head.

"Crying and begging now when it comes to your own life huh" The youth muttered looking at the now limp body.

Then he suddenly brought up a mask that left his upper face open and put it on his face.

"Ghhh....You...Moon-Eye? The bounty hunter!"


Before Fiona could ready herself. The white-haired boy closed in- a hatchet in hands.


She exhaled as her mana roled forward.

Simultaneously Gant took a deep breath as his hair lit up in fire. No- they became fire.

'Is that his ability?' The white-haired youth thought eying the beastly man.

Fiona's light up green as she took a breath in and exhaled. A large gust of wind suddenly emerged towards the white-haired boy who jumped out of the way.


As the boy landed on his feats- A towering shadow emerged from behind, Gant who seemed like he was covered in an armor of fire. The giant brought his hands up and smashed down-

The white haired boy looked wide eyed at the closing fist. Focus suddenly returned as he side stepped and used his hands to deflect the attack- not parrying it but only slightly touching



A crater was left on the ground as Gantz narrowed his eye.

'His reflexes are astonishing even though I'm using my technique. More importantly- I just used my mana to light a fire where he touched but somehow my mana was destroyed on contact! He also cancelled a spell earlier. I thought it was just the inexperienced brat losing focus but it could all be this boy's ability.

This is bad- I need to get away quick otherwise my injuries may end up being fatal. But...it is also important to finish this man right here...otherwise all the intel of our work will reach the royal knights.. I will be hunted down by more and more people if it isn't enough already'

Gant analysed his situation and jumped back as his flaming hair reverted. The youth who had deflected him couldn't attack in the meantime as he was stabilizing himself from the attack's shockwave.

"We should join hands and finish this quickly. Our injuries will catch up otherwise"

"Agreed" Fiona having thought of the same thing replied.

"But I feel that there is something wrong. Our enemy is clearly someone who doesn't care about the methods but only about finishing the job. He set up a trap we fell in so what if there are more?" Fiona said narrowing her eyes. Her intuition warning her of something

"Now that you say that- *Cough *Cough...Why- don't tell me- He spread some poison around?"

"Cover your face! dammit" Fiona shouted as she ripped her dress' sleeves and tied it to her mouth.

'I was distracted due to the explosion, I should have noticed the mask he suddenly put on'

"Heh. Too late, you have already inhaled it. I spread it before you even came. It's smell could be distinguished but the smell of blood spilled there acted as a mask for it. It was mildly expensive for me so at least you can say that you were worth a few pennies" Tha masked man said with a smile.

"Hmm, If it was there from the start- why didn't you cover your face from the get go. You should be poisoned yourself" Gant grumbled

"To give you an illusion of safety you moron. Besides- that type of poison won't work on me" The man muttered calmly right as Gant interrupted.

"Don't waste time!" Gant brought his hands up as a large ball of fire emerged

Fiona slashed with her hands as a gust of wind pushed the fire with higher ferocity.

The silver eyed man brought his hands up as a silver hue covered his fist and smashed down.


This caused the ground where he smacked to sink causing the debris to tilt up and shield him- the clash between the fire and stone caused smoke to rise.

Fiona closed her eyes as a green light emerged from her body taking shape into a creature right then-

"His presence vanished?"


Gant looked up as a shadow closed in rapidly- the moon behind the figure as a knife was plunged right towards his forehead.

The poison had caught up with him causing him to fail to defend.

"This only lasts for 10 seconds at most but this should be enough" The boy muttered right as Gant's hair suddenly lit up in fire- a light ditch attempt to counter as he fell back dead. The attempt caused fire to light on the youth's black shirt causing him to groan in pain.


Fiona screamed as what seemed like a transparent glowing lion right besides her opened it's mouth with a roar.

The white haired boy had ripped his burning shirt right as a shockwave closed in-


He brought his hands up to defend as he was thrown away like a ragdoll.

Fiona spurted blood as the Lion began to deform and finally vanished.

She looked as the enemy suddenly stood up again and walked towards her stumbling. Indifferent. Her face which was covered in blood and dust showed dispair as blood continued to leak.

"*Tch. Look at you all. You ruined my clothes and now I'll have to buy more- I am really short on money. Though I suppose you guys have donated a lot to me now" The white haired man pulled down his mask. He then pulled a revolver from his trouser and put it on her forehead.

"W-Why are you doing this? *Cough...I-If we have wronged you..o-or anyone you know before than I can explain and...c-compensate!"

"Discuss that with the gods above. My role...is to send you there"


Blood splattered over his clothes.

"Still some left..."

He cranked his shoulders before walking away as he looked up at the purple moon. The white haired youth then looked back. A sadness emerged in his eyes that he threw away. Memories of those days came to him again.

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