
The Search for the Reincarnated Queen

A story about the Vampire King’s search for his reincarnated queen. After 500 years, Taylan René Eilam Haima, the Vampire King, awakened to search for his queen who died before he fell into his long slumber. The Queen, after meeting Taylan in her present life, slowly regains her memory through her past-self's soul. She uncovers the mystery of her murder and aims to take revenge on the culprit for the death of her child. Will Taylan find his Queen again? Will the Queen be same as she was before? Will she reveal herself? Will they be together again? Will she choose to fall in love with Taylan again even if it means that she might once again die?

ImMK · Fantasy
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32 Chs

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Willow arrived after sensing that the King fell unconcious, then he immediately rushed to bring human blood he got from one of the females he stumbles in the street.

"You killed her?" Trace asked Willow as he prepares the blood.

"No, I only cut her neck -" Willow glances at Trace whose face was full of grimace "-I didn't cut through her neck, alright? It was just a small cut. I healed her right after."

Macky sighs, if Willow ends up killing a human, their king will definitely won't forgive him.

"He needs to drink this, " Willow took the glass filled with human blood and gave it to Macky to make Taylan drink.

But the kid shook his head, "Without his permission, we cannot make him drink human blood."

It's true. If they did something without Taylan's permission, they can get punished, or worst, be killed even if they're his servants. His words at definite and he said he won't drink blood unless it's the Queen's.

"But he's dying! We can't find the Queen, he doesn't drink blood - We'll all die! He has to!" Willow yelled, making the blood on the cup sway lightly.

Rein arrived with Ben, but his face is darkened and surprised that he's standing frozen before them, while Ben steps in, without any care about what is happening.

"What are you doing here?" Willow asked as he hides behind the cup of blood behind his back, "Rein! Take him out!"

But Rein shook his head and took a deep breath before speaking, "No, he has..." Rein looked at the king, "something to say about the Queen."

Taylan slowly opened his eyes and heard Rein's voice, and forced himself to sit, making Macky stop him.

"Just lay down, My lord."

Taylan shook his head and stared at Ben, "What is it?"

Ben glances over E and Tram, who's staring at Taylan with mixed expressions.

Longing, happiness, sadness, anger, and shock.

Tram stares at Taylan with excitement and wonder, they do look like each other.

"I know who she is."

Ben grew nervous, the moment he said those words, Taylan's expression grew sharp.

"How?" Trace walks towards him, "I don't know how you found out about this, but Ben, if you're playing with us, I'm sorry, but we won't consider you as a friend and you'll get something that you'll regret."

Ben nodded, "I know. But please listen to me."

He started telling them all he remembered. Everyone was on the edge, listening to his every word, judging if he is lying. Taylan clenches his fist when he found out that the friend the Queen had was nothing but an imposter. He trusted him to take care of her.

"Then, when he changed his appearance and turned into someone else, I was thrown into the darkness and finally met my end. I am sorry, but I don't know what happened after or who that monster is. All I knew was he killed her."

Ben frowned, "It's my fault. If only I was able to fight back that day, she wouldn't have died. I'm sorry, Taylan." Ben stared at Willow and whispered, "I'm sorry."

He knew how much Willow might've been through. Aside from Taylan, Willow already lost her twice.

E walks towards Taylan and caressed his bitter face, "My king..." She whispered and kissed his cheek, "I'll find out what happened. I know you wouldn't hurt me."

Ben took a deep breath, ready to tell them who the Queen is, but Velo suddenly barged in, beaten and bloody, "Eli! She was taken!"

Ben and E looked at each other, this is why she and Tram are disappearing. Someone did something to Eli.

"We have to save her!" Ben shouted, "She's the Queen!"

Velo nodded, but everyone else just stared at Ben, confused, they all try to find out in their minds how Eli became the Queen. She's been with them for a long time, but she never showed any signs that she is the one they've been looking for.

Taylan immediately stands up, all his weakness vanished, and is replaced with anger against those who took Eli. Now it makes sense for him, why he's always drawn to her, why she.... always sends him off-guard and crazy; why he didn't want her to leave; why she always makes him feel at ease and happy.

Because she is his Queen.

And even though he can't remember her, he knows, once he drinks her blood, everything will be clear.

"Tell everyone to look for her, " Taylan ordered Trace, "Velo, tell us who took her."

Now, he is determined to finally have her in his arms.


Taylan remembered her voice calling him Tay.

He can't let anything happen to her again.

No one will continue living if they touch her.

Taylan's golden eyes turned red, as his fangs grew longer.

E smiled and held Tram, "I'm glad we will meet again, but..." She looked at Ben, "She hates him and everyone else. She thinks he killed me."

Ben turned around and whispered, "She'll listen to me, don't worry. We just have to save her."

Everyone was sent to find where they brought her in and who took her, but none of them thought that is too late, for she remembered everything, that even E had forgotten.

Eli was tied in a chair with her tears falling from her golden eyes, her hair started to grow into silvery silk.

The earring Vanford as wearing's empty the red liquid in the vials was forced into Eli's throat, and now, the effects are taking in.

She's become the Queen with her own blood that Vanford took after she died in the castle.

Eli's eyes were full of hatred against vampires. The memory of Willow came like a wave. After making her fall for him, he agreed to erase her memories. He played her like a useless doll. He threw her feelings away. He betrayed her! He left her!

She tries to free herself from the chair, with a goal to kill Willow. But another memory came, Franc Benedict, he acted according to Willow's plan. He never told her about Willow or what happened to her. He betrayed her too.

And her family... they all treated her like a puppet.

But they all agreed when she was married to Taylan.


Eli's heart grew cold and heavy while remembering his mesmerizing smile. She let out a loud grieving scream.

Taylan... she loved him with all her heart. But she has to endure all the pain alone.

When other people gossip about her, she acted strong and played her life like nothing was wrong.

People used to tell her that she's nothing but a blood bank for the King and that he really didn't love her, and it was true.

He only stayed by her side before they got married, and once he was crowned as king and rings were on their fingers, he neglected her and got busy with his work. And he even killed her.

"Taylan..." Eli whispered in a rough broken voice, "I'll kill you."

She now remembered her last words: avenge.

Vanford watches with a dark grin on his face. This is what he wanted. Of course, he asked some shaman to put a spell on her blood. They filed it with anger. She will only focus on taking her revenge, nothing more.

Even though most of her memories were filled with happiness with Taylan and her friends, she will only weigh the darkness.

"My Queen, " Vandord kneeled, "Do you want to kill those beasts who killed your parents?"

And of course, this is a part of his plan.

"Yes, " Eli stands up, making Vanford be surprised, she undo the rope with her power. This majestic force that Taylan hid behind the Queen, her real power, which is equal to Taylan, is showing before him.

"Bring them!" Vanford ordered, and the other beasts brought two beasts, with their heads covered with a sack, and made them kneel before Eli.

"King Taylan ordered them to kill you, My Queen, but when they saw your parents, they went against the orders and killed them instead," Vanford said, as the two beasts try to shake their heads against what he said.

The plan was to kill Eli and her whole family, which was ordered by Vanford, none of the beasts knew they were going to be treated as an escape goat for him.

" Kill them, my Queen! Kill them!"

Vanford maniacally laughs, as he watches Eli raise her hand and swayed it left, which sent the beast's head flying.

He watches as Eli stands uncontented, his plan is going smoothly. Now, he can get back at his little brother, Taylan.

If only he wasn't treated badly by their father, if only he chose him over Taylan, the weak pathetic one. If only he wasn't ordered to be killed because of his curse.

"My Queen, " Vanford called, "Let's get you dressed. This world's clothing doesn't suit your elegance, " he said and held Eli's cold hands.

A black Victorian gown with red and silver ribbons was given to Eli to wear. She stared at her reflection in the mirror with an emotionless face.

Her silver hair and gold eyes are enough to sway anyone off their feet.

"My darling, " Eli said as she places her hand over her stomach.

Hey ya! Again, thank you for the votes! Mwah! Vanford the asshole's backstory will be in the next chapter. Now we'll find out why he's a disgusting prick. But I don't blame him though.

Thank you again!!

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