
Unexpected Meeting

One year has passed and now I am 24 years old. I still haven't given up on my delusions as other people calls them. But are they? I forgot which novel or movie this was said from "Just because you don't see it doesn't mean that it doesn't exist". But then again maybe I should actually go to China and try to find some genuine masters who can use ki. Sleeping here and only searching the internet is not getting me anywhere. But going to China is impossible as I dont want to think about the dollars I will have to spend and if my parents found out the reason for my trip they will never let me go. I could lie to them about the reason for my trip but I am not quite sure about my lying abilities especially when it's with my parents. Sometimes I feel like they can see through me, my father in particular is very perceptive. I don't want to start an argument with them, actually I would rather fight an army than my parents.

I got up from my bed. Today is also a no work day and tomorrow it's back to the same old office. I went to the park nearby my apartment. It was one of the places where there is peace and tranquility for me. My apartment is very small and there is not much furniture as well. Even though there are people here in the park, it is not that many. The wind that caress my face, the silence that makes me calm down, it's the best.

I sat down and took out my phone. I went to my favourite website "mysteries of the universe". It was actually a science related website which contains some interesting information about science stuff. I am not that into science and only have the general understanding of the subjects. Science may not be able to explain magic or ki but what it has already found interests me. Like how any object which we take for granted is actually energy itself. It's interesting how everything around me are actually potential bombs that can rival and surpass nukes. I then switch to reading a new novel called "The Sorceress". It was about the story of a girl who learns to become a magician by going to the Magic Academy where she will face many trials and hardships to become the strongest sorceress. She has learnt to sense, control and generate mana. Now she is trying change it into a burning flame by applying mana transformation on the gathered mana on her hand. She fails to do so then her teacher tells her "Empty your mind and picture the mana exciting the space around it". She does so and on top of her hand is a bright red flame. I remember the time I meditated thinking to myself 'Empty your mind. Yeah right'. I suppressed my urge to throw my phone away. Then I heard a voice behind me

"Oh you are also reading the Sorceress. What a coincidence, me too".

I was surprised and turned around to find my female coworker from my office. She is quite a mature looking woman with raven black long hair tied into a ponytail, blues eyes and a type of air that surrounds her which seems to say 'not weak'.

"Lia, you surprised me".

"Sorry about that, I always see you coming here and looking at something so I was curious and came over to see what you were doing. Before you always never notice me coming here".

"Oh sorry for not noticing you. It's just that I forget about my surroundings when I do something I like".

Lia sat down on the opposite chair and we started talking about novels.

"Oh so you like that type of novels as well. Whenever I notice you at work I always thought Lyle was the type of person who never does anything other than work. After all you never talk much and even if you do it will only be for a few seconds".

"Well maybe I am type of person who likes to be around less number of people".

"I used to think so too. But I now know that it's not the entire truth".

"What do you mean?".

"Earlier you were talking about fantasy novels for half an hour. I think that people who shared your similar interests were not that much around for you to talk to".

"I think you would become a good detective one day and yes, you are right. I did not have any interests other than about the supernatural".

"In my case I had many interests, so I could get along with everyone. But you know it feels refreshing to talk about these subjects with you. When we get the time lets talk about it some more".

"I think I would like that. Anyway I am going to leave so see you later".

"Yeah, I also have to go. So bye".

I saw her leaving the park until I couldn't see her anymore. Today was a good day, it was nice to talk with someone about my interests. Then I too went out of the park. I went to a restaurant nearby to get something to eat. While I was waiting for my food, I was thinking about my meeting with Lia at the park. What would she think if she found out that I was obsessed by supernatural subjects to such a level that I actually want to have those type of abilities. Would she talk to me again? Would she think I am delusional or I am childish or....

"Hey, young people like you shouldn't space out like that".

I was surprised to see that my food had already arrived and the waiter was waiting for my response. From the look on his face I can tell that he was waiting for quite sometime.

"Oh I am sorry about that I was just thinking about some troubles I am facing recently".

"Is that so. Well then I hope you won't cause troubles for me just like now."

I was embarrassed. But he continued.

"I also hope that you can solve whatever is the troubles that you are facing. It would be a shame to lose to frequent customer like you".

Hearing this I was quite happy and we both smiled at each other. We don't know each other's names but I was a frequent customer of this restaurant. Most of the people here knows my character because of that. I then realised why should I care about what others say when I never hurt them. I will continue doing I have always done even if others found out and tell me there is no meaning in it. Because these thoughts I have are something that I never want to stop thinking about. I feel happy when I think about magic and I don't wish to be bound by others. These thoughts are what makes me myself. Giving upon them is essentially no different than denying myself which I can never do. I will never think 'what if they don't exist'. They do exist and it is impossible for it not to exist.

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