
New Feeling

The man that had called to me looked in bad condition he had been shot in the shoulder, the arm, and the side of his chest. His voice slowly voiced out the words, from that I had figured he must have blood in his lungs.

As I got closer to him he looked worse as he was sweating enough that it seemed as if his clothes were drenched.

He said once again,"Come here."

I knew it was better not to ask about how he is doing. He had been shot and he may not have much time left.

"I am right here sir, but because of how bad you look just answer a few questions with yes and no for me."

He nodded,"Yes."

"Were you in any trouble and is that trouble going to be look for me?"


"Is what in the syringes going to kill me?"


"If said trouble finds me, will they kill me for knowing anything you say?"


"With what little time you seem to have left tell me what is going on, but make sure you tell me about the syringes first."

In a exhausted voice he answered,"My name.. is Ralph Owens. I came from a military operation center not far from here.... I had saw your vehicle on the side of the road against a tree."

"Ralph, what did you inject into me?"

"It won't kill you but it will make you stronger, they are.... the first and the only Nanites... able to... duplicate using dead cells as the matter to construct more of themselves.... they are under your complete control.... you will need to learn how to operate them on your own... or read the man.. it will ta-." As he got excited to tell me about it, he fell silent.

It would have taken half a day to dig out a grave and put him in it. But it only took about 30 minutes. I thought it strange that I had not broken a sweat.

I marked his grave so if I needed to find it again I could come back. But I need to make sure he didn't get found by the people who were after him, for my sake.

Now it was time to check on my car. The driver side door was smashed in. It was amazing I had survived the initial collision with the tree. The front and back wheels on the driver side were destroyed. I got in to see if it would start.

I cranked it two times and stopped. As I got out to check the engine I felt a vibration when I grab the door with a low hum. I listened to my gut and tried a third time. The engine started. I thought it was strange.

To get rid of any evidence that I had been in the car, I had to destroy the vehicle as much as possible. I had seen a tree that had fallen downwind moved it over to the car, surprised I had the strength to push it in the first place.

I set the log and the the surrounding area on fire with the gas from the tank as the starter.

As it started to get larger I had to use Ralph's vehicle to leave the area, making sure not to leave evidence of me in the area at all.

I got his vehicle on the road and started off.

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