
The Sea King’s Dilemma

"Finally...." Ronald said after stepping on land, after years of suffering, he finally gained back his human form.... Well, somewhat. He set out to become part of civilization once again where deep underneath it, lies an abomination like no other. Watch as he climbed the social ladders of Windsor Kingdom for fun... And bring terror to his enemies at sea. _________ I'm trying out on writing an OP mc with politics and probably also comedy. Let me know what you think in the comments. Important Reminder: English is not my native language and I remember failing at English class once so be warned! Also post on SH with same name.

EmptyName22 · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Caught off-guard…

For a second Ronald thought he revealed too much but he only gave vague information based on what he had seen, so he shouldn't have revealed anything.

What he said couldn't be wrong though, although he wasn't sure if that thing was a god, beneath the ocean in that area, stands a giant throne. Along with four giant pillars surrounding the throne.

And on the throne…

Sat the corpse of a huge humanoid being.

He wasn't sure if it was alive or not but each time something enters its territory, the giant's corpse opens its mouth, and like a black hole, everything around it gets sucked up no matter the size and never to appeared again.

He almost died escaping from it.

After revealing what he knows, Levina tried to get more information but Ronald didn't reveal more, and soon, he was handed a list of what he wanted and left the room.


The conversation was short but certainly, he got the attention of the vice master.

He stared at the list he was holding and a particular monster immediately caught his eye.

[Sharkfly: a shark-like sea monster capable of controlling water.

Status: rare...


Commonly found:..]

There was a small description of Sharkflyers along with a drawing of its appearance.

Seeing it, he remembered once eating something like it back when he was just a small little sea monster and after eating one he gained the ability to manipulate the ocean even if it's just a bit.

He remembered back then he was quite excited, he thought he could increase the ability by consuming another one but seems the effects don't stack, and only when he evolved when his ability to manipulate the water got a qualitative change.

Then he remembered what Levina said and a bunch of particular people with the same ability.

Sea wavers... So, this is where they get their powers from.

He should ask the old man for more information.

Soon, afternoon came, and the news about an auction of skeletal remains of a dangerous sea monster spread.

The hall of the explorer's guild used for banquets has been decorated and arranged like that of an auction venue.

In front of the rows of seats, on a stage, something huge and long and was covered and displayed, even the large hall meant for hundreds of people looked small when it was displayed.

People entered one another as the time closes. Wealthy merchants and nobles entered the hall to discuss the auction.

Meanwhile, Ronald was watching this from the side while leaning on a pillar. Right now he had changed to a clean blue coat with small golden embroidery and a white shirt underneath, black breeches, and boots.

He looked like someone from the aristocracy however his posture didn't hide his origins. He loaned this from Old man Vance which he happily complied and even said he was free to take all the clothing the real 'Ronald' had.

Of course, Ronald denied it, he planned to pay back the old man after this auction.

"What do you think the beast is it?"

"I heard it's a swallorous beast, the one that said to devour a ship whole.."

"My lovely sister's adulthood ceremony is coming, and this will add a great touch to the banquet"

"I wonder how they managed to find this.."

"This will be a great addition to my collection."

"Hey… Don't you think that young man over there looks familiar?"

"Him?? His deep blue hair is eye-catching indeed but I…."

"Oh my god… could it be… is that Ronald Haileye??"

Ronald narrowed his eyes as he heard some murmurings, it seems his appearance has gotten the attention of some people.

He had looked in the mirror earlier and his likeness to the hier of the Haileye family got more vivid so it wasn't surprising that some people would recognize his appearance and gossip.

He didn't mind it as he planned to use it as a conversation starter when he greets people.

Soon a group of people entered the hall and Ronald's smile got playful seeing as something fun was about to start.

A group of young men and women entered the hall, they had jewelry and clothing embodied in gold, and the common thing about them is their deep blue hair.

Immediately, like fireflies in the night, they noticed Ronald and the familiar young man from before showing an ugly smile before it turned into a frown as he examined Ronald.

"Impostor! How dare you wear his clothes!!"

He exclaimed with anger as he pointed at Ronald. This brought the attention of the people surrounding them.

His companion, a lady, and another man hung their mouth open seeing Ronald's appearance.

Ronald looked around moving his head before responding..."Oh! You're talking to me??"

He said while innocently pointing a finger at his face. Then added...."Look man, I don't know who you are, please don't slander me for nonsense reasons"

"Cenric..... who is this person?? Why does he look like....." Cenrics companion uttered in shock, at the same time seeing Ronald's appearance, his eyes flash a sinister light before disappearing.

Cenric didn't answer as he looked straight at Ronald and scoffed. "If you're not an impostor then why are you wearing his clothes??"

"Oh, this? I loaned them from the Old man, Don't worry though I planned to pay him back"

Ronald was about to say more when the next words Cenric said to him shocked him...

"Impostor! You steal his identity and something from our collection! I thought you didn't have the guts to appear but to stand in front of me!"

'What's he talking about?' Ronald tilted his head, confused, the commotion got even bigger when officials entered the hall.

"It's him! The one who stole an aristocrat's identity and our collection!"

Cenric pointed at Ronald with a sinister light flashing in his eyes.

Seeing this, Ronald slowly got an idea as to what is going on. The officials, with blue sailor-like clothing holding a flintlock rifle, approached him…

"Come with us, We need you for investigation"

Ronald saw them approaching him, He was about to say something when...

"Presumptuous! How dare you arrest someone without a warrant!?"

Old man Vance came in with fiery anger in his eyes. "What's the meaning of this???"

"Judge Vance, we are just conducting an investigation, we also need you to come with us. Impersonating an aristocrat, especially a direct heir of a duke is a grave crime and I believe I don't have to tell you this"

Update will be every Sunday. Leave a comment for any mistakes and most of all, support me here on https://ko-fi.com/casuallydreamin Thank you all~~

EmptyName22creators' thoughts