

In the kingdom of Talkun, just outside its capital city of Garmis under a large cliff wall sat a stone building a hundred meters in all directions this square structure had a large stone door with multiple rotary dials inside deep down a large set of stairs and threw a long corridor there was a room off to the side, The room was filled with several machines and workstations each filled with various beakers, vials, flasks and various other types of Glassware all set up in different configurations, some were boiling liquids distilling them into other glass container's while other stations were simply waiting to be used by a particular scientist in the middle of the room who wore a large yellow coat that stretched all the way down to his knees with a leather apron covering most of it, underneath the coat he wore a pair of olive-coloured pants mostly obstructed by his leather boots that came almost up to his knees, his hands were also unseen thanks to a pair of leather gloves which came halfway up his arms, his skin little of which could actually be seen on his face was almost as pale as a ghost from spending too much time underground, the rest of it was covered by his short brown messy hair and a pair of iron and leather goggles that blocked his dark brown eyes, all of this equipment was to protect him from the dangerous chemicals that inhabited his laboratory the very same chemicals he was currently messing around with mixing them in a certain way into a single flask each one creating a tornado of bubbles as it entered, the first to do so was a bright green chemical that he poured a small amount into the flask which was already slightly filled with a water coloured liquid, he then placed a large amount of a blue chemical into the flask which changed the liquid to a dark blue colour, he then grabbed one more chemical and started to pour it into the flask this one was a red chemical and he poured more than the green but less than the blue which gave the liquid in the flask a bright purple colour, just as he finished pouring in the last chemical a loud Bang could be heard behind the scientist which caused him jump in his skin slightly and drop the red chemical vial onto the floor which Smashed loudly he looked down towards the vial before looking at where the Bang originated but before he could a voice beat him to the answer. 

"Theodore I'm back" a scrawny man dressed in raggedy old olive-coloured clothes yelled as he held the door open panting for air. 

"Deacon don't scare me like that did you at least bring what I asked for?" Theodore said sighing with relief. 

"Yeah, I got it right here, why do you even need the crystal of a Treant" Deacon passed a large green crystal with what looked like a crack down the middle over to Theodore who put it up to the bright light that illuminated the room with one hand as if to inspect it. 

"To change the world as we know it Deacon" 

"Well...I wish you the best but I'm... going to go before... well... you know... before he gets here... you know how he doesn't like me" Deacon said in a panicked and anxious tone attempting to leave the room in haste. 

"I think your overthinking this Deacon just because he's the king doesn't mean he doesn't like you" Theodore stopped inspecting the crystal and placed it into a machine on the counter it had two large metal rollers with several spiked areas which started to crush the crystal as soon as Theodore pressed a button on the machine, a powder like substance could be seen falling into a small glass container at the bottom of the machine. 

"Well either way I'm leaving" Deacon said to which Theodore seemed to be too busy to even notice what Deacon had said" 

"With this, I should be able to get a better more stable growth rate, thank you Deacon" Theodore said as he looked back towards the door to notice that Deacon had already left "Well I suppose I should just continue alone then" he said as he placed the powdered crystal substance into the purple chemical mixture which started to bubble violently, creating a plume of smoke into the air "Why is it doing that, my calculations never mentioned this possibility" Theodore said looking surprised at the flask which kept getting more and more violent until the flask shattered from the heat being produced by the mixture "Ehhhh... That's not good" Theodore said unsteadily as the mixture from the flask seeped onto the floor expanding in volume every second, engulfing Theodore until it eventually exploded from the heat and instability, the room filling with a bright light and a loud Bang but under It all a small scream could be heard "A-a-a-a-a-a-a-a..." 


Inside the corridor at the bottom of the stairs that leads to the laboratory a noble-looking man with tanned honey-covered skin wearing a long red mantle with a white fur top that almost touched the floor, strong steel and gold-coloured partial plate armour that covered the man's torso, shoulders, lower arms and legs, underneath he wore a pair of pants made of tough white cloth and a shirt that was way too tight for his massively muscular body, beside him attached to his hip was a fancy looking sword with red leather cloth and gold inlay, His eyes were as blue as the sea and on top of his head he wore a gold ring, with several spiked areas that had a large engraving pattern and a single red shining stone in the centre of the entire thing and with all this it was clear to anyone who looked at this man that he was in fact a King. Behind the King followed two knights dressed in full plate armour which even blocked their faces from being seen thanks to their helmets as the king walked down the corridor, he walked past a man whom he knew but didn't like giving him a violent distrustful stare this man was Deacon, who looked away from the king feeling like he was guilty of something as he slithered his way past him and the two knights before running up the stairs that led back to the surface. Shortly after passing Deacon and continuing down the dimly lit corridor, a door came into view however just as the king saw the door it exploded right off its hinges in a Firey green boom which sent the door slamming into the wall of the corridor the explosion shaking the entire ground as it impacted everything around it, almost without hesitation the king shouted orders to his knights. 

"Quickly men, the laboratory!" 

The knights sprinted towards the laboratory with the king slowly behind them his speed was impacted by a small limp in his right leg only noticeable now that he was running, his knights stopped outside of the doorway one of them looked over towards the king placing his hand on his chest and bowing while shaking his head which made the king stopped running and instead slowly start to walk over to the door in disbelief of what just occurred before his eyes when he arrived at the door and started to look inside the room was a total mess, the workstations full of vials and equipment had been thrown against every wall the glass from many of them encased the floor in a shiny soot covered glow, both the walls and ceilings were covered with scorch marks that encompassed the entire room if anyone was in here when the explosion occurred the king could not see a single trace of them the only strange thing that could be seen was in the centre of the room which had now become a large collection of plant roots each as thick as the king's arms which had burrowed their way into the ceiling causing it to collapse onto the broken workstations below the brick and dirt creating a pile, the roots wrapped around counters, stuck to the walls and entrenched themselves into the floor lifting the stones up over top of the roots, the king looked mortified by the state of the room and looked over towards one of his knights. 

"Your majesty there's no physical body but there are traces of blood everywhere" the knight said with as calm a voice as he could muster with the situation before him. 

"I knew... I knew eventually this would kill him, but I didn't think I would get to see it happen" The king stumbled over his words as he tried to stop himself from crying the pain visible on his face, he held it back with all he had and ordered his knights in an authoritative voice "Clear and search the room then remove any and all artefacts relating to magi-science from the inner sanctum" the king turned around walking back towards the stairs as his knights drew their swords and begun cutting through the roots of this plant, the king holding back the pain as much as he could but a few tears snuck their way out of his eyes. 


Wonder what happens Next

Taminaioncreators' thoughts
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