
Prologue: The Prodigy Child

On the 28th of September in 2001 a young child was born in England, his name was Jet Johnson. The day he was born the doctors called him special, filled with magical essence, a child like no other. He had reams of potential just waiting to flourish.

After World War Two and the tragic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, rifts opened up all over the world and out of the rift came horrific monsters. No militaries in the world were prepared for the onslaught that followed the opening. You couldn't go two minutes without hearing the ear piercing screams of families being slaughtered, day in day out. Two years later two brothers in Germany noticed they had an unnatural ability to control an element such as fire or water. They used this ability against the monsters and they were suddenly no longer prey to these beings. Word spread like wildfire across counties then continents. People realised they had the ability of magic at their fingertips. It was only a matter of time before the monsters were massacred and humanity got their vengeance for those that were lost.

Over time these abilities were studied and understood by scholars and monks, they created ways of teaching these magical abilities to people who wanted to learn how to harness their powers in schools. They made 5 schools one for fire, another for water, air, earth and the last one only known as black magic. Black magic was the most dangerous and deadly form of magic out their it was known for tearing the life essence of a person right out of their bodies. It however, was the hardest to teach and to learn and to master.

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