

She face palm herself upon arriving in front of the old woman's house. The surrounding looks clean and tidy, but the house itself is almost giving up. ' jeezz, the structure is not even, I'm actually looking at a localize leaning tower of pisa.' she looked at the house then to the old woman.

"come on in now young lady, please watch your step, the house is too old and I couldn't afford to fix it" she smiled gently seeing her hesitant to even move forward.

"it's alright I'm going in, do you live alone?" she asked her helping her to walked up the patio.

"my granddaughter lives with me, right now she's working in the restaurant not far from here." she beckoned her to sit in a stool before turning her back to make them some tea. Yuki touch the chair and press it checking if it could support her weight before taking a sit.

" how can you live in a place like this, a strong wind or storm would break this house into pieces."

"we have no where to go, and only Cira would provide our daily necessities." the old woman gently smiled handing her a cup of a cheap tea.

Yuki took the crack cup and had a sip. When they heard of someone knocking at the door.

"Anybody home? This is from the tax collection department." an arrogant voice of a man said.

"oh no! We still don't have enough money to pay". She worriedly said. Clutching the sides of her clothes.

"open the door or we will force our way in" the man said with a warning.

The old woman tried her best to walk fast to open the door. As she opened it three figures appeared before them. Looking with contempt the leader of the three which is a skinny man looked around the house. Landing his eyes on her before saying to the old woman. " this is the third time this week that I came back to collect your unpaid tax. Hurry and hand it to me, I don't want to waste my time in this slum house."

'what a disrespectful son of a wh*re' she eyeingly told herself while looking at the man.

"Sir please, we still don't have enough money yet." the old woman pleadingly said. "give us some more time. My granddaughter is not earning enough." she said quivering.

"that's not my problem. It's your obligation as a citizen to pay" he roared hitting the old woman with a thick paper on his hand.

Seeing how he mistreat the old woman, an idea crossed her, and with a small wave of her point finger the vulgar man suddenly started choking. His face turning blue. The other two who was standing behind him rush in his side.

"hurry let's carry him and take him to the hospital" the fat one said. But before they could get out Yuki left them a word.

"I don't mind seeing you insects come and collect your f*ckin tax, but to bully an old woman is not acceptable. The next time I see you will be your end" she said softly but with grave warning a flash of red sparked in her eyes then she continued sipping her tea. The three men who heard and saw it went out in a hurry.

The old woman slowly close the door saying that she knew the first time she saw her that she's not ordinary human. But her existence as someone who has powers is a threat to the society.

"granny I don't know what you're talking about, I was walking in the streets endlessly this past days as I couldn't remember anything, maybe it was only a coincidence as to what happend to that skinny man. I just acted as if it's my doing" she said innocently giving her an even more innocent smile.

" you have amnesia?" the old woman said

" we can say it like that. As I don't remember anything" she pouted.

" oh my, you can stay here as long as you want until you recovered and remember everything. I'm sorry if I see you as something else." she said giving her a smile.

Yuki didn't say anymore. She just followed the old woman with her eyes and like an x-ray she saw through her body, checking every part of it. After that she gave a sigh. She won't stay long on her condition.

A few more hours had passed and it's almost night fall, during the night it's even more colder and since the house is made of woods the cold air are slipping through the gaps and holes. Yuki who was still sitting watch the old woman make fire. When a voice of a young girl could be heard.

"grandma grandma I'm home" a girl in her fifteens came inside the house holding a small plastic bag. "I brought us some food grandma, it's not much but the restaurant allowed me to take some left overs from the customer" she said running straight to granny without looking around.

"such a sweet child, please say hello to our guest." she motioned her head towards her.

"we have guests?" Cira asked in surprised looking around she saw her sitting in a dim corner. 'why I got chills when I saw her'. Cira told herself.

Yuki stood up and walk to their side giving her a smile. And extending her hand to shake with her. Cira was looking at her for a moment before accepting her hand. " hello young miss, welcome to our home." Cira shyly said.

Granny explained to Cira her situation and how she had met her in the busy street. Looking again at her Cira felt sad for her. "you are always welcome to stay here." she smile.

"thank you. I really have to trouble you then." she bowed her head for a bit.

Shocked Cira covered her mouth and told her that it's not necessary to bow on them as they are only helping those who needed help. As the time goes they shared the food Cira brought. Telling her everything and how they are struggling hoping that she would understand their situation. Yuki smiled and said not to worry. And that everything will be alright in the next days, confuse of what Yuki said Cira just shrugged it off. Thinking that maybe it's her amnesia thats triggering to say such promising but empty words.

It's getting late at night and Cira handed her a clean but shabby clothes. "I'm sorry this is what i can offer best, you cant sleep like that having such..-err medieval clothes" she shyly told her.

"thank you i really appreciate it."

As they all lay down in one room she could sense the two that had been shivering from the cold night and with a wave of her hand the atmosphere became warm. Sensing that they breathe steady and had fallen into deep sleep. Yuki went out of the house. And just like a ninja , she jump from one building to another to a lamp post on the street overviewing the whole place.

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