
The Scavenger Fate

Just another isekai trash. same old concept but with a little dark twist. same old plot but with a little darkness. same old struggle but a little elaborate. same old MC but a little different. same old world but with infinite possibilities.

arnav_chandra · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
30 Chs


"Well let's make a camp over here."

Soon I used the hunter knife to cut branches from the nearby trees. I used the branches as a support and a as a frame and then used tree vines as roped to tie them up tightly. Finally I used the leaves as covering to cover up the frame.

"Well it is not bad for my first try right."

Though the camp looked nothing like I imagined as long as there is a roof over my head. I am content.

Soon I took the monster meat out and placed them near the fire I created. In my previous world I heard that in ancient times people used fire as a method to drive away animals, so that they can sleep without any problem.

"Well I hope that these monster will react just like the animals."

After some time I noticed that there were black covering on the monster meat.

"Hm, it is burnt. I hope it is at the very least edible."

Taking the now burnt monster meat I took a bite, only to be greeted by an unpleasant bitter taste.

After thinking for some time I took out the hunter knife and removed the black charred skin. And then took another bite. This time it was not that bitter but at the same time not that good as well.

'I wish I at least had salt with myself. It is very bitter. I hope that I don't end up getting some disease.'

Well there was no point on worrying about something that has already happened.


After having the meat I decided that it was best to sleep. And thus I did the same.


'I really wished that Ren was here with me. I am quite bored.'

Even though I didn't liked him that much, that doesn't mean I hate him either. I really miss the long boring conversation that I used to have with old man Ren.

'Maybe I should have saved him.'

I really was being a paranoid, because of my past fear and trauma I was worried to trust someone. And because of that fear I abandoned him. If I wanted I could have saved him but choose to ignore him. Whatever, it is not like I can change something that has already happened.

Ignoring all the things that came to mind I just decided it was better to sleep.


New day, new struggle and new story.


Trying to think something good I tried to motivate myself. As I decided to move further I came across a wolf beast.

'This body is new and I am still not accustomed to it. I need to train myself in order to get used to this.'

Using the bloodline ability I aimed at the wolf eyes and


The knife stabbed in the right eye of the wolf. As he howled I readied myself a cam dashing at the wolf, before it can understand what is happening I quickly stabbed the sword in my hand in his belly.

As the wolf tried to howl and wail I strengthen my grip and pushed the sword deeper and deeper in his belly. After a minute of struggle the wolf finally stopped breathing, I retracted my sword and went away.

I was only able to defeat him because there was an element of surprise but no one can deny that I still defeated it. And thus started my training. Each day I would use bow and arrow to hunt monster for food. Yep you heard me right. Even during hunting I would prefer not to use bloodline ability.

And just like I hunted the wolf monster I would slowly approach them and use by bloodline ability and element of surprise to hunt them. After hunting them for the next 3 days I started to feel confident and thus today I decided to hunt a monster only using my fist and sword, no bloodline ability.

"Oh god please help me."