
Chapter 1

C H A P T E R 1: To Sydney

S O N A I A ' S P O V

"Don't Worry, 엄마(Mom)" I hugged my mom as she was crying, I rested my chin on her shoulders assuring her that I'll be fine, caressing her back. I'm their adopted child and only daughter, of course coming back to the country where they first met me is a fear to them, that I might meet my biological parents and leave them.

"Are you really gonna go, baby?" my mom asked while cupping my face, her hands felt warm. I slightly nodded as yes.

"I'll take care of your mom, so don't worry too much, eung?" my dad gently patted my head and showed a big smile, but I could see the worry on his face. "You too 아빠(Dad), don't worry too much" I hugged my dad warmly. I took a step back and opened my arms for my brothers.

"NAIAAAAAAA!" they sobbed

Their voices echoed in the airport, almost everybody heard it. They snuggled me so tight that I was out of breath. " 걱정 마 (Don't worry)" I caressed their fluffy hair. The scent of Jo Malone perfume, I'll miss this; I always like the scent of men's perfumes and I would always sneak to my brothers' room to spray my body with their perfumes. I'll miss them, but I'm going to come back independent.

Growing up, my brothers always spoil me with designer clothes, bags, shoes, and even beauty products. I have a whole walk-in closet full of expensive stuff, but I'm only bringing the clothes I thrifted. They were worried and sad that I didn't pack the clothes they bought for me. I also feel bad about it, but it's a great start for me.

My father is a businessman, he's a very kind person, he never stepped on somebody for success. He isn't greedy for money and success, he just wants to give his kids what he couldn't get as a kid. Dad never had a fun childhood, spending his time studying and helping Grandma and Grandpa selling vegetables. Our paternal grandparents sell vegetables to afford dad's education, dad paid all their sacrifice by spoiling them after getting successful.

While our mother is a Lawyer, she's more mature than dad. My mom grew up in a wealthy family being the only child, but she never received love from her busy parents, she was also lonely as a child.

She met our father when dad was scammed, again my dad is a very kind person, so he trusts strangers easily. My mom liked Dad's clumsy side, she helped him not to get scammed again.

I checked my watch and realized it is almost time to get on the plane. I caressed my brothers' hair and took a step back, gripping on my luggage handle. "I'll go now" waving goodbye to my family, my eyes started to blear as I kept on walking.

It's not like I would leave them forever, I just want to be independent at least. I will come back as a strong, independent woman.


"Ladies and gentlemen, Korean Air welcomes you to Sydney, Australia. The local time is 3 PM. For your safety and the safety of those around you, please remain seated with your seat belt fastened and keep the aisle clear until we are parked at the gate" one of the cabin crew announced.

I have arrived.

A familiar figure leaning in the post of the Arrival Area, "Haven!!!" I shouted as she took off her sunglasses. She was wearing a white turtleneck tucked in her wide-leg pants, black blazer, YSL heels, and messy bun hairstyle. She drew a smirk on her face as she saw me, opening her arms for a hug.

"What's with that smirk?" I doubtingly asked, greeting her with a tight hug. "Finally someone's gonna support my whoreness" she chuckled. I can't believe her, oh my "I just got off the plane, don't piss me off" I rolled my eyes. Pulling myself away from her, and she beckoned, and I started following her.

"You're still the same as ever" she grabbed my luggage from my hand. "Don't act like we didn't talk on the phone last night" She just chuckled and asked how my flight was, "It's ok, I guess-"

"So, where do you want to go? Brisbane? Melbourne?" She raised a question, "Let's take it slow, Haven. I want to explore Sydney first" I mumbled and after a few mini conversations we arrived in her car, she opened her car's trunk and helped me with my stuff.

"You got a pretty car, huh?…from whom?" As I opened the car door and immediately sat and looked around her BMW. "Sugar Daddy" as she sat.

"Which one?" I looked at her as she started the engine. "The dead one" she shortly answered.

My eyes widened, I was speechless. She looked at me for a second and focused on the road again. "What's with that look? It's not like I killed him. He had a heart attack" she said with no emotions at all.

"HOW COULD YOU SAY THAT SO CALMLY, YOU PSYCHOPATH?!" I was shivering from what she said.

"Why not? It's not like I love him or something" she frowned, focusing on the road.

"Still, feel sad at least, gosh" I smacked my forehead.

"How many sugar daddies do you have?" I raised my eyebrows questioning her

"Uhm 7?" my mouth dropped

"Ha-... I don't understand, you're already rich. Why need a sugar daddy, Haven?" I pinched the bridge of my nose.

"You know my father..." She stopped talking to turn right.

"He would cut my ATM, so I need backup." Her eyes pierced on the road.

"Why did you quit being an English Teacher? I thought you're going to work here as an English teacher?" She quickly changed the topic.

"I don't find it interesting anymore, my brothers can talk in English now and the students in the school make my blood boil" I lied, crossing my arms and looking at the window.

"So what are you gonna do now?"

"I haven't told you yet?"

She swings her head right to left, meaning no.

"I'm taking my Masters here Masters in Business Administration...and while doing that I applied for a job in Kassio's Gallery"

"What will you do in the art gallery?"

"I applied for the position of an assistant, so I need to assist customers or guests and answer phone calls" I answered

After a few minutes, we have arrived at Haven's House. It was a 2-story White House perfect for a family to live in.

"Don't tell me this house is from one of your sugar daddies?" I raised a question while getting out of the car.

"Nah, but it was his money..." She closed the car door like it wasn't a BMW and immediately went to the trunk.

After opening the trunk, she went and open the house door and went inside. She came back and help me move my things to her house.

The house interior was minimal, my eyes wandered around the first floor. It had a big kitchen and next to it is the living room. Haven went upstairs to get something, so I checked the drawers below the TV if there is a space for me to use. As I saw what was inside the top left drawer left me in shock.


The whole drawer was full of condoms to the point where it was hard to close. There were different colors, and it was my first time seeing condoms in someone's house because I usually see them at convenience stores. 'Does that mean Haven brings a man here? Or-' I stopped my thoughts when I heard her footsteps from the stairs.

"Here," she tossed me the duplicate key to the house.

"I already cleaned your room, so you'll love it" she winked at me. I went upstairs with excitement and there were two rooms were facing each other. "The left one is yours" I was got more excited, but I was curious about the door behind us. "What's this room?" I asked "That's my closet, you know influencer me" she let out a small laugh.

The room was dark-colored in gray and the curtains were thick and dark, sunlight can't go in. The only source of light is the study lamp on the table. I love it, I like the color gray and I hate it when my room is bright, so I love it. The study table was big, Haven really know I love big tables because I can freely work. "Aww, thank you, Haven" I awed.

"Of course, you're my best friend. You can use anything here this room, this bed, this bathroom, even the food in my fridge, everything it's all yours. "Go check the bathroom" she pointed to the white door. I opened it and the bathroom had a shower, sauna, bathtub, a toilet with bidet, a big mirror, and storage on its sides, and below the sink also had a lot of storage, I can do my makeup here.

"How could I repay you, Haven?" I always cried because I was surprised that she prepared a lot for this.

"You don't need to... Come on here" she wrapped her arms around my neck. Like we were wrestling. We did pillow fights and eventually got tired and ended up lying on the bed.

"Oh right, I don't need to stay here for long, Haven" I explained to her

"Why? Are you going back to Korea?" She asked confused

"No- no it's not like that" I hesitated. She just stared at me, waiting for my answer.

"I'll earn money and rent an apartment, I can't be a burden to you like this" I played with fingers

"But your family's rich?!" She immediately got up

"I don't want to depend on them, Haven" I clarified

"Oh... Ok," she shrank right after I said that. I should've told her later.

"Oh right!, where can I get a ticket to go to Kassio's Art Gallery?" I asked to break the silence

"Uhm probably online... Kassio is popular these days" I got up from bed.

"Yeah... I should get one after I settle here" I opened my luggage and started to unpack. Haven't helped me out.

"But aren't you gonna work there?...why need a ticket?" she raised an eyebrow

"I'm still waiting for the acceptance email, Haven" as I arranged my denim pants on the cabinet.

"Oh my... what's this? It's not very you" She grinned taking out a very sexy black cocktail dress from my luggage.

"I- I- thrifted that. I thought it will look good on you, so I bought it... it's all yours" I lied and escaped from her weird thoughts. I was supposed to give it to her after I try it on, I haven't tried it on yet.

"Oh really?" She raised an eyebrow "You sure know my taste" she smirked

After unpacking, I finally closed my luggage and stored it below my bed. "Ah I'm tired" I groaned and looked at my watch, it was already 8 pm. "wanna go out?" Haven signaling to drink... "Why not?" I winked at her... It's been a long time since I last drank alcohol.

_ _

When I first met Haven, I drank alone, and she was already drunk when she sat beside me and asked the bartender for more martinis. She got wasted, and I couldn't afford to leave her there, since it was dangerous.

So I went home with her and my maids were shocked that I bought home a friend since I'm not that friendly, but I told our maids that she could sleep in our guest room and asked them if they could take care of her and make sure to prepare a hangover meal for her tomorrow.

The next day she kept on bowing for making sure she was safe and also thank the maids for the good meal. I met her again inside our campus and from then on she kept on treating me to go to restaurants to repay me until we got close.

Haven is like my comfort person. I just don't see myself being friends with others, I couldn't see my future without Haven. When I plan to travel abroad, I would always check the room for two because I want Haven to be a part of that trip. After graduating, Haven went back here to Australia. While I stayed in South Korea and became an English teacher, I eventually quit after almost 3 years.

Our friendship is so strong that not even distance can break it

_ _

We have arrived at Haven's favorite bar. I was wearing a long party dress, and Haven wore the dress I thrifted. She was the one who did my makeup, she also did my hair. It took us almost 2 hours to prepare, it's already 10 pm. As soon as we entered the place, she was already grooving to the song and immediately danced with the gentlemen.

I was enjoying the food and drinks in the corner while Haven was busy finding rich men... I was picking on some nuts when she tapped me on my shoulder, she was with a guy.

The man looks like he's in his late twenties, he was like over 6'0 feet tall and had great body proportions. All I know is he's Haven's type. He already wrapped his arms around Haven's waist, while Haven was grabbing at his white polo shirt.

"My good best friend please look after my things" she winked at me and got closer to my face and uttered "I'm sure my sugar daddies will call, I don't want them to ruin my moment"

She pulled a stack of condoms from her bag and put it inside her chest like she was prepared for it. She left the bag with me and walked out of the bar. I know she was not sober, she gets drunk easily, I pinched the bridge of my nose and sighed.

I spent the rest of my time dancing, but I left since I got bored and got in a taxi to go home. "Haven, You rascal...it's my first day here you bad friend" I frowned taking my clothes off and taking a shower.

"Would I be ok here?" I just listened to the sound of the water gushing from the shower head. It's your first day here, Sonaia, and you're already thinking like that. Sonaia you can do it. You definitely can.

After taking a shower, I checked my laptop and checked my schedule. "I don't have a lot of things to do this week, school starts after a week"

"Oh right, the part-time job results" I quickly opened my email

"Dear Sonaia Jung,

Thank you for taking the time to interview for the assistant position. We enjoyed getting to know you. We have completed all of our interviews.

I am pleased to inform you that we would like to offer you the Assistant position. We believe your experience and strong social skills will be an asset to our company. Your starting salary will be 25 dollars per hour, with an anticipated start date of March 25, 2019.

The next step in the process is getting registered in Kassio Gallery on March 20, 2019.

Please respond to this email by March 10, 2019, to let us know if you would like to accept the Assistant position.

I look forward to hearing from you.



Gallery Director


"Oh, thank god" I was jumping in happiness. Never thought that getting accepted in this job would make me this happy. I went downstairs to at least celebrate, I skipped to the kitchen and when I opened the freezer it was full of ice creams. My eyes sparkled upon seeing the different variations of Ice cream. So I picked the 500 grams, of salted caramel flavored ice cream. "Haven's living life as she should".

I was enjoying my ice cream, watching some Netflix, when Haven's phone blew up with phone calls and texts.

I thought it was her sugar daddies, so I ignored it, but the phone won't stop ringing, I got annoyed since I can't focus on the show I'm watching I picked up the phone from her bag and when I was about to turn it off when I accidentally saw a message from her dad.

From Dad :

Why aren't you picking up?

I set you up on a blind date. The guy you're going to meet will help us with our business, so don't try to escape. In Kassio's Gallery at 4 pm today, I already booked a ticket, just say our last name. I'll cut your card if you don't go.

What kind of dad is he?!... Now I get it why Haven needs Sugar Daddies. I'll tell her tomorrow that her Dad texted her.

I already finished my ice cream, and it was already 4 am. I opened a few snacks from Haven's pantry and I enjoyed it. "Who doesn't feel happy when you have a full pantry of snacks for free?" I yawned going up to my bedroom. I did my little skincare, brushed my teeth and finally got to lie down peacefully on my bed. I dozed off.

I opened my eyes and groaned, stretching my whole body and picking myself up. I yawned, scratching my nape and checking Haven's room if she was home already. The room was empty, but it was my first time seeing Haven's room and it's so bright, with a lot of natural light. "She's still a baby" I snickered.

I went downstairs with my phone in my hand. But I couldn't find Haven anywhere, maybe she's still with that man. I was digging through her refrigerator for food to eat. I found some Greek yogurt. "It would be nice if there's granola, let me check the pantry" I babbled to myself. "Oh my, there are different types of granola here, let's go with the strawberry one". I soon blended the Greek yogurt with some fresh strawberries and blueberries I found in the refrigerator. After blending, I put it in a bowl and dumped the granola and went to the living room and put my granola bowl on the coffee table. I came back with a cup of decaf coffee in my hand. I sipped some hot coffee and took a spoonful of my granola bowl, "이거지!!" (This is it) The flavor of strawberry and blueberries burst into my mouth, the crunchy granola, ah everything is perfect. "What a brekkie" I burped.

"Why Haven's not home yet? Is she always like this?" I questioned myself. It's already 1 PM, and she's not home yet.

Right! The blind date her father set for her. Should I just wait? No, what if her father cuts her card. Should I just go in her stead? AHHHHHHHH HAVEN!!!

I instantly went upstairs and took a half bath. I didn't wash my hair since I did it earlier, so I just spray some dry shampoo. I went to her closet to borrow clothes, I found this polo dress and a pair of white long boots. I styled it with gold, as Haven does.

I did my makeup super thick so at least the date wouldn't recognize me. I put up my hair into a messy bun, Haven's favorite hairstyle. And voilà, we're ready. I checked the time, and it was 3:50 PM, I need to go now.

"Go to Kassio's Gallery Building Please"

I arrived. Kassio's Gallery Building was a place I wanted to go to when I was in South Korea.

Ah, Sonaia! It's not the time to be emotional.

I instantly went in.

"May I help you, ma'am?" the receptionist greeted me joyously.

"Haven Turner" I shortly mumbled

"Oh yes you can go in now ma'am" she smiled motioning to the elevator.

On the second floor, Where 15-year-old Kassio's art is exhibited. I stopped in my tracks when a guy tapped me on the shoulder.

"Miss Haven Turner?"